

Haoli Pronunciation PoS Gender Meaning Notes
veti vɛt.i n. n. flower entire flowering plant
atuveti at.œv.ɛt.i n. n. mature/open flower
letuveti lɛt.œv.ɛt.i n. n. closed flower, flower bud, knosp
vetiael vɛt.i.a.ɛl n. f. flower-neck, stem
vetipeah vɛt.ip.ɛ.ah n. m. flower-head includes sepals and petals
vetijuksed vɛt.ij.œk.sɛd n. f. flower-hair, flower petal
felik fɛl.ik n. n. big, growth
fa fa n. m. tree ablaut plural
dosad dɔs.ad n. m. fertile dirt, fertile
dosadexeg dɔs.ad.ɛx.ɛg v. to fertilize
dosadro dɔs.ad.rɔ adj. infertile, infertile dirt
vatas vat.as n. m. generic body of water
eldu ɛl.dœ n. m. fire
tul tœl n. m. wind, windy
astikiva as.tik.iv.a n. m. obsidian, blackrock
kiva kiv.a n. m. stone, rock, rocky, solid, steadfast
vemkiva vɛm.ak.iv.a n. m. marble, whiterock
sad sad n. m. raindrop, rain, time of raining
ho n. n. snowflake, snow, time of snow ablaut plural
feni fɛn.i n. n. plant, vegetable, food
ghim ɣim n. n. meat, flesh, animal, food
mos mɔs n. n. mineral, rock, vitamin, supplement
bar bar n. m. horse general
alamtab a.lam.tab n. m. race-horse lit. that which runs
eltab ɛl.tab n. m. pack-horse lit. that which moves/transports
del dɛl n. f. cow, ox
gel gɛl n. f. fish generally refers to a finned and scaled aquatic animal
heþ hɛθ n. f. wild dog generally analogous to order canidae
jase ja.sɛ n. f. wild cat generally analogous to suborder feliforma
kis kis n. n. domestic cat
kom kɔm n. n. domestic dog
lin lin n. n. beak
með mɛð n. f. snake any legless reptile
nuastab nœ.as.tab n. m. bird lit. that which flies
nuasrotab nœ.as.rɔ.tab n. m. flightless bird lit. that which is lame [to fly]
salik sa.lik n. n. lizard, dragon any reptile that has legs
neþ nɛθ n. f. horn
hīn hiːn n. n. milk
hīnmio hiːn.mi.ɔ n. n. dairy animal lit. milkable
pitneþ pit.nɛθ n. f. long-horned
laseneþ la.sɛ.nɛθ n. f. twist-horned
negneþ nɛg.nɛθ n. f. four-horned
vitemrin vi.tɛm.rin n. n. antelope, ibex, goat-like creatures lit. nimble grazer
amso am.sɔ n. n. fluff, fleece
amsorin am.sɔ.rin n. n. sheep, bison lit. fluffy grazer
ovad ɔ.vad n. m. antler, rack, pronged-horn
ovadrin ɔ.vad.rin n. m. deer, elk, moose lit. prong-horned grazer
ikla ik.la adj. wild, ferral
rin rin n. n. grazer
seru sɛ.rœ adj. domestic, tame, civil

Geographical and Geological Terms

Haoli Pronunciation PoS Gender Meaning Notes
tak tak n. m. behind, ward, west ablaut plural
xevvoghig xɛv.vɔɣ.ig n. n. en route, bound
dosad dɔs.ad n. m. fertile dirt, fertile
tos tɔs n. n. front, forward, east
hao ha.ɔ n. n. land, place where þe Haonai live
vatas vat.as n. m. generic body of water
sar sar n. m. island, refuge, boat
fas fas n. m. left, north ablaut plural
astikiva as.tik.iv.a n. m. obsidian, blackrock
ok ɔk n. n. right, south
liv liv n. n. sand, sandy, roughly
kiva kiv.a n. m. stone, rock, rocky, solid, steadfast
fafen faf.ɛn n. f. forrest mass plural
biro bir.ɔ n. n. uncivilization, uncivilized, unsettled land, wild, wilderness

Religious Terms

Haoli Pronunciation PoS Gender Meaning Notes
Elmunro ɛl.mœn.rɔ n. n. that which has not appeared from nothing, God, the creator
ghoþ ɣɔθ n. n. writings, scripts, scriptures, written ablaut plural
kasak kas.ak n. m. command, will, irrevocable wish
isat is.at n. m. self, selfish, selfishly
isatro is.at.rɔ n. n. selflessness, selfless
binen bin.ɛn n. f. nirvana, ultimate afterlife
nagfuge nag.fœg.ɛ v. being able to see [truth], knowledge of good and the lack thereof, to know
pah pah n. m. bad, evil, injustice ablaut plural
tista tis.ta adj. pure, purely
tistaro tis.tar.ɔ adj. unpure
tistavogh tis.tav.ɔɣ n. n. the sate of being pure, purity
vajin vaj.in n. n. just, good, correct, correctly, justice
vajinig vaj.in.ig v. to be just, to be good, to be correct
vajinro vaj.in.rɔ n. n. unjust, injustice, incorrect
laþ laθ n. m. presence, the being with, the supporting of
laþro laθ.rɔ n. n. non-presence, non-support, being away from
idef id.ɛf n. f. message
idefþen id.ɛf.θɛn n. f. messenger (supernatural); angel
ðuleþen ðœl.ɛθ.ɛn n. f. submitter, surrenderer, accepter, one of peace
sar sar n. m. island, refuge, boat ablaut plural
sarude sar.œd.ɛ n. f. islander, refugee
elmun ɛl.mœn n. m. initial creation, that which appeared from nothing, that which was truly created
elmunge ɛl.mœn.gɛ v. to truly create
felef fɛl.ɛf n. f. revelation [of truth], to learn, to be made to see [truth]
felefþen fɛl.ɛf.θɛn n. f. prophet, revealer [of truth]
firin fir.in n. n. truth, what is true, what is real, what is
kujsik kœj.sik n. n. that which can be formed/reformed, that which can be manipulated
kujge kœj.gɛ v. to create, to form
ado ad.ɔ n. n. divine being, God
furadovaste fœr.ad.ɔv.as.tɛ n. f. polytheism lit. relating to many deities
Aðhi að.hi n. n. the sacred title of God
Von Elmunro vɔn ɛl.mœn.rɔ n. n. The One who was not created, That One who did not appear from nothing
Von Kujsikro vɔn kœj.sik.rɔ n. n. The One who cannot be formed or reformed
Ven Pitrhet vɛn pit.rʰɛt n. f. The Longestlasting, The Everlasting
Von Mūtasikro vɔn mœːt.as.ik.rɔ n. n. The One who cannot be changed or be alternating
Ven Kok vɛn kɔk n. n. The Always, the One who has always been and will always be
Ven Kokkuk vɛn kɔk.kœk n. m. The Everywhere, The Everyplace, the One who is everywhere
Von Resro vɔn rɛs.rɔ n. n. The Undivided, the One who cannot be divided
Ven Sarlejþen vɛn sar.lɛj.θɛn n. f. The Giver of Refuge
Von Firin vɔn fir.in n. n. The Truth, The One who is
Ven Nagþen vɛn nag.θɛn n. f. The Seer, The one who sees/knows all

Astronomical Terms

Haoli Pronunciation PoS Gender Meaning Notes
aradarin ar.ad.ar.in n. n. tall sun, noon
aradtung ar.ad.tœŋ n. m. tall moon, midnight
arin ar.in n. n. sun, solar, solarly, shine, shiny
arinexeg ar.in.ɛx.ɛg v. to make shiny, to shine
arinhoa ar.in.hɔ.a n. m. light, good, hope
arinhoaro ar.in.hɔ.ar.ɔ n. n. dark, not light, bad, despair
arinkafta ar.in.kaf.ta n. m. sunfall, sunset
arintap ar.in.tap n. m. star, lit. sun-fleck
arintaptanul ar.in.tap.tan.œl n. m. astronomy, astrology lit. sun-fleck study
arintapsar ar.in.tap.sar n. m. starship, spaceship lit. sun-fleck ship/refuge
fel fɛl n. f. crescent ablaut plural
gob gɔb n. n. sphere, planet ablaut plural
hiring hir.iŋ n. n. day/night cycle
impa im.pa n. m. circle, orbit
joo jɔː n. n. night
kil kil n. n. hidden, covering, inconspicuously, eclipse ablaut plural
kivagob kiv.ag.ɔb n. n. solid planet
malgob mal.gɔb n. n. small planet, dwarf planet, moon objects in space small enough to not have an atmosphere
mitat mit.at n. m. void, space, vacuum, nothing, not, empty, null
pekgob pɛk.gɔb n. n. bio-planet, habitable planet
arinpil ar.in.pil n. n. nebula, sun-cloud
tavasgob tav.as.gɔb n. n. atmospheric planet planet with an atmosphere
tung tœŋ n. m. moon
tungkafta tœŋ.kaf.ta n. m. moonfall, sunrise


Haoli Pronunciation PoS Gender Meaning Notes
asti as.ti n. n. black, dark, bold
eno ɛn.ɔ n. n. grey, mild, soft
vema vɛm.a n. m. white, light, bright
kek kɛk n. f. blue
ro n. n. purple, violet
ina in.a n. m. red, blood red
hija hi.ja n. m. orange
vov vɔv n. n. yellow
apo ap.ɔ n. n. green, leaf green
enina ɛn.in.a n. m. soft red, grey red, magenta
vemina vɛm.in.a n. m. light red, bright red, orange red
astina as.tin.a n. m. dark red, black red, pink
astivov as.ti.vɔv n. n. brown, dark yellow
vemhija vɛm.hi.ja n. m. light orange, bright orange same as enovov
enovov ɛn.ɔv.ɔv n. n. soft yellow, grey yellow same as vemhija
vemapo vɛm.ap.ɔ n. n. light green, bright green
astapo as.tap.ɔ n. n. dark green, black green same as vemkek
vemkek vɛm.kɛk n. f. light blue, bright blue same as astapo
enokek ɛn.ɔk.ɛk n. f. soft blue, grey blue same as vemro
vemro vɛm.rɔ n. n. light purple, bright purple same as enokek
fur fœr n. m. color, colorful, colorfully ablaut plural

Complete Lexicon

Haoli Pronunciation PoS Gender Meaning Notes
asti as.ti n. n. black
asti as.ti adj. dark, bold
jexu jɛ.xœ adj. next
jexūde jɛ.xœː.dɛ n. f. successor
dable dab.lɛ adj. previous
dableude dab.lɛ.œ.dɛ n. f. predecessor
eno ɛ.nɔ n. n. grey
eno ɛ.nɔ adj. mild, soft
vema vɛm.a n. m. white, light, bright
vema vɛm.a adj. light-colored, bright
kek kɛk n. f. blue
ro n. n. purple, violet
ina i.na n. m. red, blood red
hija hi.ja n. m. orange
vov vɔv n. n. yellow
apo a.pɔ n. n. green, leaf green
enina ɛn.ina n. m. soft red, grey red, magenta
vemina vɛm.in.a n. m. light red, bright red, orange red
astīna as.tiː.na n. m. dark red, black red, pink
astivov as.ti.vɔv n. n. brown, dark yellow
vemhija vɛm.hi.ja n. m. light orange, bright orange
enovov ɛ.nɔ.vɔv n. n. soft yellow, grey yellow
vemapo vɛm.ap.ɔ n. n. light green, bright green
astapo as.tap.ɔ n. n. dark green, black green
vemkek vɛm.kɛk n. f. light blue, bright blue
enokek ɛ.nɔ.kɛk n. f. soft blue, grey blue
vemro vɛm.rɔ n. n. light purple, bright purple
aga a.ga n. m. eye
ael a.ɛl n. f. neck
atu a.tœ adj. open
letu lɛ.tœ adj. closed
agage a.ga.gɛ v. to watch
ajat a.jat n. m. thought, idea, intelligence
ajat a.jat adj. intelligent, thoughtful
ajatude a.ja.tœ.dɛ n. n. thinker lit. person of thought
furajatude fœ.ra.ja.tœ.dɛ n. n. genius person
furajat fœ.ra.jat n. m. genius lit. much intelligence
furajat fœ.ra.jat adj. genius lit. much intelligence
ajatge a.jat.gɛ v. to think, to ponder, to think on, to analyze
aldus al.dœs n. m. confidence, surity
aldus al.dœs n. m. trustworthy, sure, confident
aldusexeg al.dœs.xɛg v. to gain trust, to make trustworthy
aldusge al.dœs.gɛ v. to trust, to have confidence in
alom a.lɔm n. f. dream
alamig a.la.mig v. to run
alomig a.lɔ.mig v. to dream, to have good dreams
anat a.nat n. m. gift, blessing
anat a.nat adj. blessed, gifted
desa dɛs.a n. m. curse, affliction
desa dɛs.a adj. cursed, afflicted
anatge a.nat.gɛ v. to gift, to give
aro a.rɔ n. n. shyness, bashfulness, modesty
aroig a.rɔ.ig v. to be shy, to be bashful, to be modest
arad a.rad n. m. tallness, tall
aradarin a.rad.ar.in n. n. tall sun, noon
aradtung a.rad.tœŋ n. m. tall moon, midnight
aram a.ram n. f. love, care
aram a.ram adj. loving, caring
arin a.rin n. n. sun, something shiny
arin a.rin n. n. solar, shiny
arinig a.ri.nig v. to shine
arinexeg a.ri.nɛ.xɛg v. to make shiny, to cause something to shine
arinhoa a.rin.hɔ.a n. m. light, good, hope
arinhoaro a.rin.hɔ.a.rɔ n. n. dark, not light, bad, despair
arinkafta a.rin.kaf.ta n. m. sunfall, sunset
arintap a.rin.tap n. p. star, lit. sun-fleck
arintaptanul a.rin.tap.ta.nœl n. m. astronomy, astrology lit. sun-fleck study
arintapsar a.rin.tap.sar n. m. starship, spaceship lit. sun-fleck ship/refuge
astiaga as.ti.a.ga n. m. pupil
astikiva as.ti.ki.va n. m. obsidian, blackrock
dal dal n. m. male cat
dallion dal.li.ɔn n. n. adolescent cat, young cat, kitten
ðeg ðɛg n. f. book, literacy ablaut plural
ðeg ðɛg adj. literate
ðule ðœl.ɛ n. f. surrender, submission, acceptance, peace
ðulero ðœl.ɛr.ɔ n. n. non-surrender, non-submission, rejection, battle
dosad dɔs.ad n. m. fertile dirt, fertility
dosad dɔs.ad adj. fertile
dosadeg dɔs.ad v. to be fertile
dosadexeg dɔs.ad.ɛx.ɛg v. to fertilize
dosadro dɔs.ad.rɔ adj. infertile, infertile dirt
duinig dœ.in.ig v. to take specifically: what is presumed to be offered, but is not
eiþ ɛ.iθ v. to be irregular
el ɛl n. f. movement, moveable, wavering, shake
el ɛl v. to move irregular
eldu ɛl.dœ n. m. fire
eb ɛb n. f. rest, sleep, slumber, time of sleep ablaut plural
Elmunro ɛl.mœn.rɔ n. n. that which has not appeared from nothing, God, the creator
elro ɛl.rɔ adj. immovable, unshakeable, unwaverinɡ
elvon ɛl.vœn n. n. abstractness, abstractly, abstract
enþe ɛn.θɛ n. f. still, stillness, motionless
enþeforheg ɛn.θɛf.ɔrʰ.ɛg v. to stand, to be still-legged
eski ɛs.ki n. n. cube
fa fa n. m. tree ablaut plural
far far n. m. fear ablaut plural
farge far.gɛ v. to tremble, to quake, to shake
faron far.œn n. n. chest, breast
fas fas n. m. left, north ablaut plural
fal fal n. m.
feni fɛn.i n. n. plant, vegetable, food
femna fɛm.na
fel fɛl n. f. crescent ablaut plural
felik fɛl.ik n. f. largeness, growth
felik fɛl.ik adj. big
felikað otasa fɛl.ik.að ɔt.as.a n. m. eyebrow
felikixig fɛl.ik.ix.ig v. to grow, to make growth
feliktirunge fɛl.ik.tir.œn.gɛ v. to snort
forh fɔrʰ n. f. leg ablaut plural
fujak fœj.ak n. f. animal neutral connotation
fur fœr n. m. color, colorful, colorfully ablaut plural
fur fœr n. m. much, many, excess, more ablaut plural
furaga fœr.ag.a n. m. iris
furagage fœr.ag.ag.ɛ v. to see too much
furajatge fœr.aj.at.gɛ v. to overthink colloquial: to overthink every little thing and constantly cry
furlejeg fœr.lɛj.ɛg v. to give color
furro fœr.rɔ adj. monochromeness, uncolorfulness
furro fœr.rɔ adj. need, want, few
furvaste fœr.vas.tɛ adj. chromatic
ghapeg ɣap.ɛg v. to direct away
ghapvoghig ɣap.vɔɣ.ig v. n. bound away from
ghoþ ɣɔθ n. n. writings, scripts, scriptures, written ablaut plural
ghoþig ɣɔθ.ig v. to write
kasak kas.ak n. f. command, will, irrevocable wish
kasakeg kas.ak.ɛg v. to command,to will
ghoþþen ɣɔθ.θɛn n. f. writer, scribe
ghul ɣœl n. m. pyramid (triangle base)
ghus ɣœs n. m.
ghen ɣɛn n. f.
ghal ɣal n. m.
ghare ɣar.ɛ n. m. parent, mother default gender is female but can be used as a general term for parent
ghim ɣim n. f. meat, flesh, animal, food
gheid ɣɛ.id n. n.
ghop ɣɔp n. f.
gob gɔb n. f. sphere ablaut plural
gulam gœl.am adj. cold
halos hal.ɔs n. n. pyramid (square base)
halci hal.ʃi n. n. throat, neck
halciig hal.ʃiːg v. to swallow
hab hab n. f. tooth ablaut plural
habeg hab.ɛg v. to bite
hao ha.ɔ n. n. land, place where þe Haonai live
haoli ha.ɔl.i n. n. language of þe Haonai
haonai ha.ɔn.a.i n. n. people who live in hao
har har n. m. possession, possessive, possessively ablaut plural
hara har.a n. m. upper arm, shoulder
harge har.gɛ v. to have, to possess
harro har.rɔ n. n. nonpossession
hat hat n. m. tomb, entombment, closed in, preserved ablaut plural
haul ha.œl n. m. equality, symmetry
haul ha.œl adj. equal, symmetric
haulexeg ha.œl.ɛx.ɛg v. to make symmetrical, to make equal, equalize
haulro ha.œl.rɔ n. n. inequality, asymmetrical
haulro ha.œl.rɔ n. n. unequal, asymmetry
hescad hɛs.ʃad n. m. bad person, ruffian, brute, villain
hid hid n. n. sloth ablaut plural
hid hid adj. slow
hidexeg hid.ɛx.ɛg v. to slow, to make slow
hiring hir.iŋ n. m. day/night cycle
ho n. n. snowflake, snow, time of snow ablaut plural
horo hɔr.ɔ n. n. grooviness
horoig hɔr.ɔ.ig v. to be groovy
impa im.pa n. m. circle, orbit
isat is.at n. m. self
isat is.at adj. selfish
isatro is.at.rɔ n. n. other than self, not self
isatro is.at.rɔ adj. unselfish
jaf jaf n. m. gut, stomach ablaut plural
jaffu jaf.fœ adj. able to be choked on
jaffuro jaf.fœr.ɔ adj. not able to be choked on
jafge jaf.gɛ v. to choke, to cough
jafvaste jaf.vas.tɛ adj. gutteral
jalga jal.ga n. m. foot
jam jam n. f. ease, simplicity ablaut plural
jam jam n. f. easy, simple ablaut plural
jamro jam.rɔ n. n. complexity
jamro jam.rɔ adj. complex
jataf jat.af n. m. positivity, affirmativeness
jataf jat.af adj. positive, affirmative
jatafge jat.af.gɛ v. to confirm
jiho jih.ɔ n. n. skin
jihoig jih.ɔ.ig v. to touch
jon jɔn n. n. existence
jonig jɔn.ig v. to exist
jonro jɔn.rɔ n. n. nonexistence
jɔː n. n. night
juksed jœk.sɛd n. f. hair
juksedeg jœk.sɛd.ɛg v. to hide
juvang jœv.aŋ n. m. language, speech
juvang jœv.aŋ adj. linguistic
juvangge jœv.aŋ.gɛ v. to speak, to say, to talk, to tell general term, most commonly used when quoting
solaig sɔ.la.ig v. to tell, to speak to, to address used when addressing a listener
foleneg fɔ.lɛ.nɛg v. to speak, to address used when addressing a large congregation of people
numage nœ.ma.gɛ v. to speak softly, whisper used when one is expected to be speaking softly
micaig mi.ʃa.ig v. to speak softly, whisper used when one is trying to not be heard for privacy reasons
juvangro jœv.aŋ.rɔ n. n. gibberish, non-language
kafatge kaf.at.gɛ n. f. yearning
kafatge kaf.at.gɛ v. to yearn, to want
kafatroig kaf.at.rɔ.ig n. n. indifference, unwanting
kafatroig kaf.at.rɔ.ig adj. indifferent
kafatroig kaf.at.rɔ.ig v. to be indifferent
kafta kaf.ta n. m. falling, fallen, dead, death
kaftaðari kaf.ta.ða.ri n. n. death-trek a common practice for the old and seriously ill to go out alone on a long journey by foot where one would bring minimal food and spend time praying and fasting seeking to get as close to Aðhi as possible before dying on the journey. If the sick heal while on their journey, they would return home. If one is taking the trek because of old age, they become a hermit in the wilderness until death.
kaftaexeg kaf.ta.ɛx.ɛg v. to kill, to make dead
kaftage kaf.tag.ɛ v. to have fallen, to be dead
karid kar.id n. n. desire, lust
karid kar.id n. n. desiring, lustful
karidig kar.id.ig v. to lust, to desire
kel kɛl n. f. back of tongue, uvula ablaut plural
kel kɛl adj. savory, tasty
keleg kɛl.ɛg v. to taste, to savor
kil kil n. n. covering, eclipse ablaut plural
kil kil adj. hidden, covered, inconspicuous
kilexeg ki.lɛ.xɛg v. to make cover
kina ki.na n. m. forearm
kes kɛs n. f. female cat, cat (general) ablaut plural
kiva ki.va n. m. stone, rock, rocky, solid, steadfast
kivaude ki.va.œ.dɛ n. f. partner, spouse lit. person of steadfastness
kivagob ki.va.gɔb n. f. solid planet
kok kɔk n. f. all, every, always, everything, constant ablaut plural
kokeg kɔ.kɛg v. to continue, to be constant
kokro kɔk.rɔ adj. inconsistent
kom kɔm n. f. female dog, dog (general), canine, doggedly ablaut plural
komi kɔm.i n. n. triangle
kor kɔr n. n. ear ablaut plural
korig kɔr.ig v. to listen
kuj kœj n. m. shape, form, profile
kujlejeg kœj.lɛj.ɛg v. to give form, to give shape
kuk kœk n. f. place, where ablaut plural
kub kœb n. f. heat
kub kœb adj. hot
kun kœn n. m. honor, respect
kun kœn adj. honorable, respectful
kunge kœn.gɛ v. to be honorable
kunlejeg kœn.lɛj.ɛg v. to honor, to give respect
kunro kœn.rɔ n. n. dishonor, disrespect
kunro kœn.rɔ adj. dishonorable, disrespectful
nuasag nœ.as.ag v. to fly, to flap wings
latna lat.na n. m. hearing
latna lat.na adj. audible
latnage lat.nag.ɛ v. to hear
latnaro lat.nar.ɔ adj. inaudible
latnaujnēg lat.na.œj.nɛːg v. to have hearing
lau la.œ n. m. hand
lauge la.œg.ɛ v. to hold
lauhab la.œh.ab n. f. fingernail
leka lɛk.a n. m. jaw, chin
lekage lɛk.ag.ɛ v. to chew
xas xas n. m. food, sustinence, nourishment
xeveg xɛv.ɛg v. to direct towards
xevvoghig xɛv.vɔɣ.ig n. n. en route, bound
lik lik n. n. dirt, ground
lik lik adj. stable, dirty
likeg lik.ɛg v. to be stable, to be grounded
likexeg lik.ɛx.ɛg v. bury, to plant, to ground
liknoage lik.nɔ.ag.ɛ v. to be dirty, to be like dirt
likro lik.rɔ n. n. instability
likro lik.rɔ adj. unstabile
lip lip n. f. untrust due to fear
lipro lip.rɔ n. n. trust due to fear
lipig lip.ig v. to be afraid, to not trust for fear
liv liv n. n. sand, roughness
liv liv adj. sandy, rough
liveg liv.ɛg v. to be rough
livexeg liv.ɛx.ɛg v. to make rough
livro liv.rɔ n. n. smoothness
livro liv.rɔ n. n. non-sandy, non-rough, smooth
loik lɔ.ik n. f. a cut
loiktab lɔ.ik.tab n. f. blade lit. that which cuts
loikig lɔ.ik.ig v. to cut
luk lœk n. f. animal, critter positive connotation, ablaut plural, commonly used by parents towards children as term of endearment
lumi lœm.i n. n. lower eyelid
luca lœ.ʃa n. m. father
lumīg lœm.iːg v. to wink
mag mag n. m. stomach, torso, waist ablaut plural
mal mal adj. small, shrunken
malgob mal.gɔb n. f. small planet, dwarf planet, moon objects in space small enough to not have an atmosphere
malað otasa mal.að ɔt.as.a n. m. eyelash
malexeg mal.ɛx.ɛg v. to make small, to shrink
malge mal.gɛ v. to be small
mar mar n. m. number, count ablaut plural
mar mar adj. numbered, countable, numerical
marlejeg mar.lɛj.ɛg v. to count, to give number
megeg mɛg.ɛg v. to go [away]
bi bi n. n. city, civilization ablaut plural
bi bi adj. civilized
gharebi ɣa.rɛ.bi n. n. mother city, mother of civilization is used to mean the place where a civilization started, often used to mean capital city; can also refer as a proper noun to the capital city of Fasað Hao.
biexeg bi.ɛx.ɛg v. to civilize
bīg biːg v. to be civilized
binen bin.ɛn n. f. nirvana, ultimate afterlife
biro bir.ɔ n. n. unsettled land, wild, wilderness
biro bir.ɔ adj. uncivilized, unsettled, wild
mig mig n. n. haste
mig mig adj. fast, quick
migexeg mig.ɛx.ɛg v. to make fast, to make quick
migig mig.ig v. to be fast
min min n. n. past ablaut plural
min min adj. before, in the past, not current, old
minexeg min.ɛx.ɛg v. to make old, to age
minig min.ig v. to be old
minro min.rɔ n. n. youth
minro min.rɔ adj. non-old, young, new
mita- mit.a afx. - void, nothing, not, empty, null
mitat- mit.at afx. - void, nothing, not, empty, null
mitat mit.at n. m. void, space, vacuum, nothing
mitaldus mit.al.dœs n. m. betrayal
mitaldus mit.al.dœs adj. unloyal
mitaldusge mit.al.dœs.gɛ v. to betray
mitaldusþen mit.al.dœs.θɛn n. f. traitor
mitatge mit.at.gɛ v. to void, to empty, to null
mos mɔs n. n. mineral, rock, vitamin, supplement
mosol mɔs.ɔl n. n. smile
mūta mœːt.a n. m. change, alternative
mūtage mœːt.ag.ɛ v. to change, to flip, to alternate
mūtaro mœːt.ar.ɔ n. n. non-change, non-alternative, unchanging
nag nag n. m. vision, vigilant, vigilantly
nagfuge nag.fœg.ɛ v. being able to see [truth], knowledge of good and the lack thereof, to know
nagge nag.gɛ v. to see
nagro nag.rɔ n. n. blindness, non-sight, non-vigilant
nagroude nag.rɔ.œd.ɛ n. n. blind person
nagujnēg nag.œj.nɛːg v. to have sight
nalak nal.ak n. f. hunger, hungry, hungrily
nalakeg nal.ak.ɛg v. to hunger, to be hungry
nalakro nal.ak.rɔ n. n. non-hunger
nen nɛn n. f. woman, human general term, ablaut plural
ngar ŋar n. m. thirst, thirsty, thirstily
ngarge ŋar.gɛ v. to be thirsty, to thirst
ngarro ŋar.rɔ n. n. non-thirst
nianjeg ni.aɲ.ɛg v. to intimidate
nit nit n. n. now, present, presently, current
njar ɲar n. m. title, name, address, identification
njarge ɲar.gɛ v. to call, address, name, refer to, identify
ok ɔk n. f. right, south
osuv ɔs.œv n. m. happiness, happy, joyous, joy, merriment, merry
osuvge ɔs.œv.gɛ v. to be happy, to be joyous, to be merry
otasa ɔt.as.a n. m. eyelash, eyebrow
pah pah n. m. bad, evil, injustice ablaut plural
pakalan pak.al.an n. m. still, motionless, lazy, lazily, stillness
pakalange pak.al.an.gɛ v. to be still, to be lazy, to not work
pakalanro pak.al.an.rɔ n. n. unstill, in motion, non-lazy, non-lazily, active, activeness
pav pav n. m. day ablaut plural
peah pɛ.ah n. m. head
pek pɛk n. f. life, organism, biological, biologically ablaut plural
pekgob pɛk.gɔb n. f. bio-planet, habitable planet
pekeg pɛk.ɛg v. to live, to be alive
pik pik adj. oblong, stretched, lengthened, wide
pikimpa pik.im.pa n. m. oval, oblong circle
piktor pik.tɔr n. n. rectangle, oblong square
pil pil n. n. cloud ablaut plural
arinpil ar.in.pil n. n. nebula, sun-cloud
ping piŋ n. m. mediocore, mediocraty, medicraticly, bland, blandly, boringly ablaut plural
pingge piŋ.gɛ v. to be boring, to be bland
pingro piŋ.rɔ n. n. interesting, interestingly
pit pit n. n. elegant, elegantly, elegantness, elegant thing/habit ablaut plural
pit pit n. n. long, longly, longness, longlasting
pitexeg pit.ɛx.ɛg v. to make proper, to make elegant
pitig pit.ig v. to last
puf pœf n. m. song, music ablaut plural
pufexeg pœf.x.ɛg v. to make song, to make music
puol pœ.ɔl n. n. side, edge
ras ras n. m. common, commonly, commonality, common thing/habit ablaut plural
rasexeg ras.ɛx.ɛg v. to make common, to normalize
rasro ras.rɔ n. n. uncommon, rare, rarely
res rɛs n. f. fraction, part, partial, fractional, partially, divisional, division ablaut plural
reseg rɛs.ɛg v. to be divided, to be fractured
reselheg rɛs.ɛɬ.ɛg v. to make fractured, to divide, to break
resro rɛs.rɔ n. n. undividedness, undivided, unfractured
rhiadiakalumaliþaloasiðia rʰi.ad.i.ak.al.um.al.iθ.al.o.as.ið.i.a n. m. supercalafragalisticexpialidocious
rov rɔv n. n. shortness, short, shortly
ruagage rœ.ag.ag.ɛ v. to watch oneself
ruajatge rœ.aj.at.gɛ v. to analyze oneself
rualdusge rœ.al.dœs.gɛ v. to have confidence in oneself
rughapeg rœ.ɣap.ɛg v. to direct away from oneself
ruhaulexeg rœh.a.œl.ɛx.ɛg v. to make oneself equal
rujafge rœj.af.gɛ v. to choke oneself
rujatafge rœj.at.af.gɛ v. to confirm oneself, to justify oneself
rujihoig rœj.ih.ɔ.ig v. to touch oneself
rujuksedeg rœj.œk.sɛd.ɛg v. to hide oneself
rujuvangge rœj.œv.aŋ.gɛ v. to talk to oneself, to reflect to oneself
rukaftaexeg rœk.af.ta.ɛx.ɛg v. to commit suicide
rukokeg rœk.ɔk.ɛg v. to be true to oneself
rukorig rœk.ɔr.ig v. to listen to oneself
rukujlejeg rœk.œj.lɛj.ɛg v. to form oneself, to make one’s identity
rukunujnēg rœk.œn.œj.nɛːg v. to have self respect
rulheveg rœɬ.ɛv.ɛg v. to direct towards oneself
ruliveg rœl.iv.ɛg v. to be rough to oneself
rubeg rœb.ɛg v. to take, to steal specifically: what is not offered without being known, negative connotation
run rœn n. m. art, passion, artistic, passionate, passionately ablaut plural
runge rœn.gɛ v. to be passionate, to be artistic
runro rœn.rɔ n. n. unpassionate, nonartistic, non-passion
sad sad n. m. raindrop, rain, time of raining
corat ʃɔ.rat n. m. position, location, orientation
arincorat a.rin.ʃɔ.rat n. m. sun position, star position, time general term for time, can mean time of day or era
caka ʃak.a n. m. beard, beard hair, mustache
sarið sar.ið n. n. war, fighting, violence, argument, fight, arguing
sariðig sar.ið.ig v. to fight, to war, to argue
sacal saʃ.al n. m. beast, animal negative connotation
sasal sas.al n. m. clear, unhindered, open, openly, clearly, openness, clearness, transparency
sasalexeg sas.al.ɛx.ɛg v. to make transparent, to clear, to open
sasalge sas.al.gɛ v. to be clear, to be open
cem ʃɛm n. f. upper eyelid ablaut plural
cemeg ʃɛm.ɛg v. to blink
serov sɛr.ɔv n. n. bottom lip
sīd siːd n. n. silk, fine cloth
coa ʃɔ.a n. m. cylinder
corak ʃɔr.ak n. f. cheek, face
corakeg ʃɔr.ak.ɛg v. to face
su n. m. mouth ablaut plural
suge sœg.ɛ v. to kiss
cuk ʃœk n. f. to be closed, hindered, hinderance, closed, closedness ablaut plural
taf taf n. m. tongue, tip of tongue ablaut plural
tafge taf.gɛ v. to lick, to taste lightly
tak tak n. f. behind, ward, west ablaut plural
takpuol tak.pœ.ɔl n. n. back side, back, back of body
taboj ta.bɔj n. n. cone
tanac tan.aʃ n. n. council, to council, counceling
tanul tan.œl n. m. study, research
tanulge tan.œl.gɛ v. to study, to research
tap tap n. f. fleck, speck
tares tar.ɛs n. f. romantic companion
tatur tat.œr n. m. form, style, styled, formed, to make, stylish, formly
tavas tav.as n. m. sky, atmosphere
tavasgob tav.as.gɔb n. f. atmospheric planet planet with an atmosphere
terves tɛr.vɛs n. f. health
terveseg tɛr.vɛs.ɛg v. to be healthy
þurke θœr.kɛ n. f. dry, dryness, desert
tirun tir.œn n. m. nose
tirunge tir.œn.gɛ v. to sniff
tista tis.ta adj. pure, purely
tistaro tis.ta.rɔ adj. unpure
tistavogh tis.ta.vɔɣ n. n. the sate of being pure, purity
tor tɔr n. n. square
tos tɔs n. n. front, forward, east
tul tœl n. m. wind, windiness, air
tulhagru tœl.hag.rœ n. m. smoke lit. air-ash
tulge tœl.gɛ v. to come
tulik tœl.ik n. f. future, after, futuristic
tunen tœn.ɛn n. f. emotion, emotional, emotionally
tunenro tœn.ɛn.rɔ n. n. non-emotion, emotionless, unemotional, unemotionally
tung tœŋ n. m. moon
tungkafta tœŋ.kaf.ta n. m. moonfall, sunrise
tununge tœn.œn.gɛ v. to be emotional
tununlejeg tœn.œn.lɛj.ɛg v. to give emotion, to show emotion
ugras œg.ras n. m. a large gap
ugrasge œg.ras.gɛ v. to jump, to leap
uko œk.ɔ n. n. thunder, lightning, lightning bolt, thunderstorm
usi œs.i n. n. repeat, repetition, repeatedly, repetitive, meter
usiusi œs.i.œs.i n. n. echo
uson œs.ɔn n. n. build, order, structure, building, structured, ordered, orderly
usonexeg œs.ɔn.ɛx.ɛg v. to build, to make order, to build structure
veti vɛt.i n. n. flower entire flowering plant
atuveti at.œv.ɛt.i n. n. mature/open flower
letuveti lɛt.œv.ɛt.i n. n. closed flower, flower bud, knosp
vetiael vɛt.i.a.ɛl n. f. flower-neck, stem
vetipeah vɛt.ip.ɛ.ah n. m. flower-head includes sepals and petals
vetijuksed vɛt.ij.œk.sɛd n. f. flower-hair, flower petal
vajin vaj.in n. n. just, good, correct, correctly, justice
vajinig vaj.in.ig v. to be just, to be good, to be correct
vajinro vaj.in.rɔ n. n. unjust, injustice, incorrect
vareteg var.ɛt.ɛg v. to take, to steal specifically: what is not offered, negative connotation
varvas var.vas n. m. appendage, phalange
varvasaðjalga var.vas.að.jal.ga n. m. toe
varvasaðlau var.vas.að.la.œ n. m. finger
vatas vat.as n. m. generic body of water
vehka vɛh.ka n. m. good person, saint, hero
vel vɛl n. f. sister ablaut plural
vemāga vɛm.aːg.a n. m. cornea
vemajuksedude vɛm.aj.uk.sɛd.œd.ɛ n. f. white-haired person
vemaude vɛm.a.œd.ɛ n. f. albino
vemkiva vɛm.ak.iv.a n. m. marble, whiterock
vecig vɛʃ.ig v. to take specifically: what is offered, positive connotation
vinu vin.œ n. m. companion, friend
vor vɔr n. n. top lip ablaut plural
vul vœl n. m. brother ablaut plural
vuloikig vœl.ɔ.ik.ig v. to cut oneself
laþ laθ n. n. presence, the being with, the supporting of
laþro laθ.rɔ n. n. non-presence, non-support, being away from
idef id.ɛf n. f. message
idefþen id.ɛf.θɛn n. f. messenger (supernatural); angel
ðuleþen ðœl.ɛθ.ɛn n. f. submitter, surrenderer, accepter, one of peace
sar sar n. m. island, refuge, boat ablaut plural
sarude sar.œd.ɛ n. n. islander, refugee
elmun ɛl.mœn n. m. initial creation, that which appeared from nothing, that which was truly created
elmunge ɛl.mœn.gɛ v. to truly create
felef fɛl.ɛf n. f. revelation [of truth], to learn, to be made to see [truth]
felefþen fɛl.ɛf.θɛn n. f. prophet, revealer [of truth]
firin fir.in n. n. truth, what is true, what is real, what is
kujsik kœj.sik n. f. that which can be formed/reformed, that which can be manipulated
kujge kœj.gɛ v. to create, to form
ado ad.ɔ n. n. divine being, God
furadovaste fœr.ad.ɔv.as.tɛ n. n. polytheism lit. relating to many deities
Aðhi að.hi n. n. the sacred title of God
Von Elmunro vɔn ɛl.mœn.rɔ n. n. The One who was not created, That One who did not appear from nothing
Von Kujsikro vɔn kœj.sik.rɔ n. n. The One who cannot be formed or reformed
Ven Pitrhet vɛn pit.rʰɛt n. n. The Longestlasting, The Everlasting
Von Mūtasikro vɔn mœːt.as.ik.rɔ n. n. The One who cannot be changed or be alternating
Ven Kok vɛn kɔk n. f. The Always, the One who has always been and will always be
Ven Kokkuk vɛn kɔk.kœk n. f. The Everywhere, The Everyplace, the One who is everywhere
Von Resro vɔn rɛs.rɔ n. n. The Undivided, the One who cannot be divided
Ven Sarlejþen vɛn sar.lɛj.θɛn n. f. The Giver of Refuge
Von Firin vɔn fir.in n. n. The Truth, The One who is
Ven Nagþen vɛn nag.θɛn n. f. The Seer, The one who sees/knows all
viðe vi.ðɛ n. f. river, stream, brook
mela mɛ.la n. m. wise, wisdom
raoþ ra.ɔθ n. n. power, strength, control
nasim na.sim n. n. beauty, beautiful
ðu ðœ
ði ði
ða ða
ðo ðɔ
ðoa ðɔ.a n. m. nearness, closeness
ðari ða.ri n. n. trek, journey, walk, trip generally a very long trip by foot, but can sometimes be used to mean something like a contemplative stroll
ðerage ðɛ.ra.gɛ v. to eat, to consume, to ingest
ðekin ðɛ.kin
ðodua ðɔ.dœ.a
ðinjaf ði.ɲaf
ðeb ðɛb
mi mi
ma ma
moa mɔ.a n. m. salt
mari ma.ri adj. narrow
mera mɛ.ra n. m. tool, utensil
mekin mɛ.kin adj. sharp, bladed
modua mɔ.dœ.a
minjaf mi.ɲaf
meb mɛb
kiri ki.ri n. n. master-tool, master-utensil the best tool for a particular job, like a quill for writing, or a sharpened knife for cutting
kope kɔ.pɛ
ker kɛr
kit kit
kud kœd
firi fi.ri
fope fɔ.pɛ
fer fɛr
fit fit
fud fœd
giri gi.ri
gope gɔ.pɛ n. f. virgin mother; mother of an idefþen (prophet) the mark of a Haonai prophet is tht they were miraculously born to a virgin mother and have no father.
ger gɛr
git git n. n. ice
gud gœd
þiri θi.ri
þope θɔ.pɛ
þer θɛr
þit θit n. n. farness, distance, separation
þud θœd
þoned θɔ.nɛd
þonud θɔ.œn
þoip θɔ.ip
þipas θi.pas
þekþo θɛk.θɔ
þaþoi θa.θɔ.i
þersu θɛr.sœ n. m. attention
þersuro θɛr.sœ.ro n. n. neglect
þesti θɛs.ti
þeset θɛ.sɛt
þastu θas.tœ
þistot θis.tɔt
þarto θar.tɔ
þisua θi.sœ.a
þekta θɛk.ta
þentia θɛn.ti.a
þucti θœʃ.ti
þocki θɔʃ.ti
desti dɛs.ti
deset dɛ.sɛt
dastu das.tœ
distot dis.tɔt
darto dar.tɔ n. n. boringness, mediocrity, insipidness
disua di.sœ.a
dekta dɛk.ta
dentia dɛn.ti.a
ducti dœʃ.ti
docki dɔʃ.ti
testi tɛs.ti
teset tɛ.sɛt
tastu tas.tœ
tistot tis.tɔt
tarto tar.tɔ
tisua ti.sœ.a
tekta tɛk.ta
tentia tɛn.ti.a
tucti tœʃ.ti
tocki tɔʃ.ti
sesti sɛs.ti
seset sɛ.sɛt
sastu sas.tœ
sistot sis.tɔt
sarto sar.tɔ
sisua si.sœ.a
sekta sɛk.ta
sentia sɛn.ti.a
sucti sœʃ.ti
socki sɔʃ.ti
eva ɛ.va n. m. bluntness, dullness
elga ɛl.ga
esa ɛ.sa
estuk ɛs.tœk
egru ɛg.rœ
egla ɛg.la
elhit ɛ.ɬit
efilh ɛ.fiɬ
efika ɛ.fi.ka
efril ɛf.ril n. n. interestingness, newsworthiness, topicality something worth mentioning
exina ɛ.xi.na
ava a.va
alga al.ga
asa a.sa n. m. weight, heft
asaro a.sa.rɔ n. n. lightness, lack of weight
astuk as.tœk
agru ag.rœ
agla ag.la
alhit a.ɬit
afilh a.fiɬ
hagru hag.rœ n. m. ash
hagla hag.la
halhit ha.ɬit
hafix ha.fix
hafika ha.fi.ka
afril af.ril
axina a.xi.na
hivon hi.vɔn
iva i.va n. m. water, wetness
ilga il.ga
is is v. to do, to work irregular
isa' i.sa
istuk is.tœk
igru ig.rœ
igla ig.la
ilhit i.ɬit
ifilh i.fiɬ
ifika i.fi.ka
ifril if.ril n. n. need, requirement
ifrilujneg if.ri.lœj.nœg v. to have need, to need
ixina i.xi.na
bar bar n. m. horse general
alamtab a.lam.tab n. m. race-horse lit. that which runs
eltab cl.tab n. m. pack-horse lit. that which moves/transports
del dɛl n. f. cow, ox
gel gɛl n. f. fish generally refers to a finned and scaled aquatic animal
heþ hɛθ n. f. wild dog generally analogous to order canidae
jase ja.sɛ n. f. wild cat generally analogous to suborder feliforma
kis kis n. n. domestic cat
kom kɔm n. n. domestic dog
lin lin n. n. beak
með mɛð n. f. snake any legless reptile
nuastab nœ.as.tab n. m. bird lit. that which flies
nuasrotab nœ.as.rɔ.tab n. m. flightless bird lit. that which is lame [to fly]
salik sa.lik n. n. lizard, dragon any reptile that has legs
neþ nɛθ n. f. horn
hīn hiːn n. n. milk
lase la.sɛ adj. twisted, spiraled
vitem vi.tɛm adj. nimble, acrobatic
hīnmio hiːn.mi.ɔ n. n. dairy animal lit. milkable
pitneþ pit.nɛθ n. f. long-horned
laseneþ la.sɛ.nɛθ n. f. twist-horned
negneþ nɛg.nɛθ n. f. four-horned
vitemrin vi.tɛm.rin n. n. antelope, ibex, goat-like creatures lit. nimble grazer
amso am.sɔ n. n. fluff, fleece
amsorin am.sɔ.rin n. n. sheep, bison lit. fluffy grazer
ovad ɔ.vad n. m. antler, rack, pronged-horn
ovadrin ɔ.vad.rin n. m. deer, elk, moose lit. prong-horned grazer
ikla ik.la adj. wild, ferral
rin rin n. n. grazer
seru sɛ.rœ adj. domestic, tame, civil
lēna lɛː.na n. m. sugar, sweet substances