
Sound changes from Proto-Indo-European

Late IE

  1. colouring of vowels
    *e → *a / _[*k *h2], [*h2]_
    *e → *o / _[*h3], [*h3]_
  2. lengthening and deletion of laryngeals
    VHC → V:C
  3. merger of laryngeals into one except for H3 in some environments??
    *h1 *h2 *h3H
    *h3 → *gʷ / C_C
    *h3 → *ɦ?? / _V
  4. loss of intervocalic jod
    *j → Ø / V_V
  5. vocalisation of syllabic resonants
    *R → *ɨR
  6. tt > ss
    *tt → *ss / V_V
  7. dative, instrumental plural replace -bʰ- with -m- (shared NE isogloss)
  8. *-bʰí > *-mí, -bʰos > -mos

early amessian

  1. fortition of onset j
    *j → ʒ / #_V
  2. partial satemization with plain velars fronting causing chain shift of palatovelars to (af)fricates
    *k *g *gʰ → *k̟ *g̟ *g̟ʰ
    *ḱ *ǵ *ǵʰ → *t͡ʃ *d͡ʒ *ʑ
  3. assibilation of t before i
    *t > *t͡s / _i
  4. regressive velarization of sonorants
    *m *n *l *r → *mˠ *nˠ *lˠ *rˠ / _{u w}
    e.g. *glˠubʰós (< *glewbʰ- + -ós), occurs in zero-grades commonly but also *nu → *nˠu
  5. laryngeals resolve to chroneme or glottal elements
    CeH → Ce:
    HeC → eˀC-
    ɦeC → e̤C
  6. shared crazy with balto-slavic: initial e vacillates between e~a
    *e → *a / #_ (sporadic)
  7. thinning of clusters
    VC → Vː / #_{affricate}
  8. develarization of *gʷ
    *gʷ → *b / _e
  9. accented, stodded o breaks
    *óˀ → *uɘ̯i̯
    e.g. *óˀskɨr → *uɘ̯i̯skɨr (< *Hóh₃s-k-r̥ 'ash tree (material)')
  10. second palatalisation: fronted velars before front vowels
    *k̟ *g̟ *g̟ʰ → *c *ɟ *ʝ / _[+front]
  11. delabialization of labiovelars
    *kʷ *gʷ *gʷʰ' → *k *g *gʰ / _{+round +sonorant} nb. next syllable counts
  12. merger of *ʝ and *ɟ
    *ɟ → *ʝ
  13. rounding of front after labiovelar
    *i → *u / [+velar +labial]_

some time later

  1. delabialization of u after velars or velarized consonants
    *u → *ɨ / [+velarized]_
    e.g. *nˠu → *nˠɨ
  2. labiovelars merge with w
    *gʷ → w / _w

even later

  1. t͡ʃ → t͡s

Morphosyntactic changes

Loss of nominal inflections

Derivational innovations