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Chaabuhrwakee — Jabberwocky

Brilig eram, daebuh tofo slaithee ga
Aikeed eegimbelawyaa waeb
Mimzee khogra eram barogofo ga
Daebuh momraalth autgraeb.

It was the Time of Choosing, and the slithery
Horn-Badgers, Spun and bored into the wet hill.
All of the Average Folk were wishy-washy,
As were the bloviations of The Man.

A’khlat aachaabuhrwak, oolshawkhesing
Naashkas ai’meeth, slaashkas ai’greeth,
A’khlat aadar feloogee, a’maubrooding
Peroonoo draugekae ga, ai’thleeth!

Beware the BigBad Boss, O Son of the Founder,
Jaws that bite, claws that grab,
Beware the raucous mob, and cast out
Those bitterly-angry wheezing minions

Fo egreeth iskeethee staizakhee fol
Raitlest’oodraet fo eegraukhing raigraw
Fo aidoogren’eedauthlishi awchee ilnateelee
Daeb’uhfloothlaakhtung aw tlau baw.

They grasped their vorpal swords
For a long time they sought the wicked enemy
They jokes with the crowd of giggling idiots
And disguised themselves in good thoughts.

Tootlend’uhfloothlaakhtung f’aw etsheloog uhfee
Chaabuhrwak ga chee loo ai aekhlaat
Eesed uhwifling aataw aasawnith taageezee
Uhbuhrbuhl otlai onathal bashen aat’

While hid as oafish travelers
The Enemy with eyes that burn
Came whiffling through the urban forest
Subjugating all as it came through.

Wen raich! Wen raich! Aataw, aataw!
Zekat staizakhee ga izaung!
Fo aazak aebashen, shenga chee floothlaakh basheln
Fo aamauplet otlai uhlzebir aitaung.

One two! One two! Through, through!
The deadly blades whooshed!
They killed it, and then with its head
They returned to camp, triumphant.

Hlai aazak sloo aachaabuhrwak ga?
Sloo’shleskazaetae faanseelh, otnadelthing zaneepdae!
O, haudrith plinthlae, kaaloo, kalae!
Fosh oohawtkeg otlai plinthlae.

Have ye slain your Arch-Enemy?
You artful weapons, you clever caravan!
Oh, joyful time, ye chivalrous and personable heroes!
He chortled joyfully.

Brilig eram, daebuh tofo slaithee ga
Aikeed eegimbelawyaa waeb
Mimzee khogra eram barogofo ga
Daebuh momraalth autgraeb.

It was the Time of Choosing, and the slithery
Horn-Badgers, Spun and bored into the wet hill.
All of the Average Folk were wishy-washy,
As were the bloviations of The Man.