
< Tigol
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Tigol/Proto-Tigol-English lexicon
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Created byIlL
Extinct220 v.T.
  • Talmic
    • Thensaric
      • Tigol/Proto-Tigol
Language codes
ISO 639-3qth
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Tigol/Proto-Tigol is the the ancestor of most living Talmic languages, including Tígeł and Nurian. It is inspired aesthetically by Proto-Celtic, Latin and Arabic, and grammatically by Semitic, Ancient Greek and Native American languages.


Explain those clusters from PQ clusters

  • ȝastran = 'laugh'

Notes on notation


  • ~: cognate to


See also: Tigol/Proto-Tigol/Sound changes from Proto-Quihum.



Tigol/Proto-Tigol used 18 consonants.

Labial Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Radical Glottal
Nasal m /m/ n /n/ n [ŋ]
Plosive voiceless (p /p/) t /t/ c /k/
voiced b /b/ d /d/ g /g/
Fricative voiceless f /φ/ θ /θ/ s /s/ ħ /ħ/ h /h~ɦ/
voiced δ /ð/ (z /z/) ȝ /ʕ/
Trill r /r/
Approximant v /w~ʋ/ l /l/ j /j/

  • Voiceless plosives /p t k/ are lightly aspirated in syllable onsets but unaspirated after /s/.
  • /r/ is an alveolar trill [r] or tap [ɾ].
  • /l/ is dental [l̪].
  • /p, z/ are not native phonemes, only occurring in Netagin or Clofabic borrowings; [z] does occur as an allophone of /s/ in /sb, sd, sg/.
  • /ʕ/ is either a pharyngeal plosive [ʡ] or an epiglottal approximant [ʕ]. The first realization is more common word-initially.


Tigol/Proto-Tigol had a six-vowel system with a quantity distinction.

Front Central Back
short long short long short long
Close i /i/ ī /iː/ y /ÿ/ ȳ /ÿː/ u /u/ ū /uː/
Mid e /ɛ/ ē /eː/ o /ɔ/ ō /oː/
Open a /a/ ā /aː/

Diphthongs: ae ao ui

  • /ÿ ÿː/ is close central compressed [ɨᵝ ɨːᵝ].



Allowed clusters

  • R = resonant X = obstruent
  • Clusters allowed word-initially are in bold.
  • mm nn ll rr tt cc ss θθ
  • mn mr nl nv lm ln lv rl rm rn rv vl vr
  • nf nt nθ ns nc nħ
  • mb nd nδ ng nȝ
  • lf lb lt ld ls lc lg lȝ lħ
  • rf rb rt rd rs rθ rδ rc rg rȝ rħ
  • fn tn θn cn gn ȝn ħn
  • sm sn sl sr sv
  • fl bl tl dl cl gl ȝl ħl
  • fr br tr dr θr δr cr gr ȝr ħr
  • sf st sc sȝ sb sd sg
  • cs ct ħs ħt
  • sfr str scl scr sȝl sȝr

Phonological diachronics

Consonant correspondences

  • b < PQ pʼ, b
  • f < PQ p
  • t < PQ t, ƛ
  • d < PQ tʼ, d
  • θ < PQ ł
  • δ < PQ ƛʼ
  • s < PQ s, c, cʼ?
  • c < PQ k, kʷ
  • g < PQ kʼ, g
  • ȝ < PQ q, qʷ, ɢ, ɢʷ
  • ħ < PQ qʼ, qʷʼ
  • h < PQ h
  • m < PQ m, mʼ
  • n < PQ n
  • l < PQ l, λ
  • r < PQ z, nʼ, lʼ, yʼ, cʼ
  • v < PQ w, wʼ
  • j < PQ y

Cluster resolution

  • tp, tb, tk, tg > rp, rb, rc, rg

Vowel reflexes


  • *a > o
  • *ax̌, əx̌, ax̌ʷ > ā
  • *aʔ, əx̌ʷ > ō
  • *ə > e
  • *i > i
  • *u > u
  • *ay > ȳ
  • *əy > ae
  • *uy > ui
  • *iy, iʔ, ix > ī
  • *aw > ao
  • *əw >
  • *iw >
  • *uʔ, ux, uw > ū
  • *Cx̌, Cx̌ʷ > Ca
  • *Cxʷ > Co
  • *Cx > Cy
  • *əʔ, əx, ix̌ > ē
    • or *ix̌ > iā/ia/ea?
  • *ux̌, x̌u > ō
  • *axʷ, ax̌ʷ > ao
  • *ix̌ʷ >
  • *ux̌ʷ > ō
  • *iyx̌, iyx̌ʷ >
  • *əyx̌, əyx̌ʷ >
  • *iy(ə)x >


The standardized Tigol/Proto-Tigol alphabet, whose variants are also used to write other Talmic languages, is a native alphabetic script consisting of consonant and vowel letters in addition to diacritics for vowel length.

The alphabetical order is as follows:

  1. R:
  2. D:
  3. Z:
  4. I:
  5. A:
  6. Ħ:
  7. F:
  8. M:
  9. L:
  10. G:
  11. C:
  12. H:
  13. B:
  14. S:
  15. V:
  16. O:
  17. J:
  18. Ȝ:
  19. Δ:
  20. Y:
  21. T:
  22. N:
  23. Θ:
  24. P:
  25. E:
  26. U:


Nouns and adjectives

Masculine nouns

δȳrom 'bird'
Singulative Collective Plurative
Indefinite δȳrom δyδȳrom δȳrīs
Definite δȳrae δyδȳrae δȳrinny

Possessed forms of δȳrom - 'word'
Singulative Plurative
Construct δȳrot δȳror
1sg possessor δȳrōn δȳroryn
2sg.m possessor δȳrossi δȳroressi
2sg.f possessor δȳrossy δȳroressy
3sg.m possessor δȳrō δȳrory
3sg.f possessor δȳrī δȳrorī
3sg.n possessor δȳra δȳrora
1exc possessor δȳrommo δȳrorammo
1inc possessor δȳront δȳrorynt
2pl possessor δȳrocca δȳrorecca
3pl possessor δȳrōr δȳrorōr

Feminine nouns

gondā 'body'
Singulative Collective Plurative
Indefinite gondā gogondā gondār
Definite gondām gogondām gondāsa

Possessed forms of gondā - 'body'
Singulative Plurative
Construct gondāt gondanna
1sg possessor gondaen gondannan
2sg.m possessor gondaessi gondannassi
2sg.f possessor gondaessy gondannassy
3sg.m possessor gondae gondanny
3sg.f possessor gondaeī gondannī
3sg.n possessor gondaea gondanna
1exc possessor gondaemmo gondannammo
1inc possessor gondaent gondannynt
2pl possessor gondaecca gondannecca
3pl possessor gondaeōr gondannōr

Neuter nouns

tecty 'child'
Singulative Collective Plurative
Indefinite tecty tetecty tectȳn
Definite tectys tetectys tectȳr

Possessed forms of tecty - 'child'
Singulative Plurative
Construct tectyt tectȳsi
1sg possessor tectyn tectȳsin
2sg.m possessor tectyssi tectȳssi
2sg.f possessor tectyssy tectȳssy
3sg.m possessor tectymy tectȳsiō
3sg.f possessor tectymī tectȳsī
3sg.n possessor tectyma tectȳsia
1exc possessor tectȳmmo tectȳsimmo
1inc possessor tectȳnt tectȳsint
2pl possessor tectȳcca tectȳsicca
3pl possessor tectymōr tectȳsiōr

Mass nouns

jenā 'water' (n.)
Singulative Collective
Indefinite jenā jenenā
Definite jenaȝes jenenaȝes


The predicative form of an adjective is the indefinite singular form.


The verbal system is one of the most complex aspects of Tigol/Proto-Tigol grammar. A verb can take many affixes which are arranged in the following template:

  1. switch-reference marker
  2. applicative or derivational prefixes
  3. object prefix
  4. (prefix or reduplication for some TAMs)
  5. STEM
  6. voice suffix
  7. TAM + subject
  8. emphatic suffix -is

Verbs often take an emphatic suffix or clitic -is, which is more often used with affirmative statements than negative statements.

Object markers

  • 1sg: ni-
  • 2sg: ri-
  • 3sg: bi-
  • 1pl.ex: mē-
  • 1pl.ex: dē-
  • 2pl: sē-
  • 3pl: nē-

TAM + subject markers

Thensarian verbs are conjugated in present, imperfect, preterite, future, perfect, and pluperfect tenses; indicative, subjunctive, optative and imperative moods; and active and passive voices.

  • Consonant stems: (-y-)
  • Vowel stems: -a-, -e-, -i-, -o/u-?

The emphatic marker is usually added to declarative verbs when there is no preverbal particle:

  • cacsynis = I eat
  • nīs cacsyn = I do not eat

Independent forms:

Person tussanis "I pray"
torenis "I bloom, flourish"
cacsynis "I eat"
(ablaut stem)
1SG tussanis torenis cacsynis
2SG tussaris toreris cacsyris
3SG.M tussamis toremis cacsymis
3SG.F tussasis toresis cacsysis
3SG.N tussas tores cacsys
1EX tussamēs toremēs cacsymēs
1IN tussantis torentis cacsyntis
2PL tussasces toresces cacsysces
3PL tussatis toretis cacsytis

Dependent forms (shown with nīs 'not'):

Person tussanis "I pray"
torenis "I bloom, flourish"
torenis "I eat"
(ablaut stem)
1SG nīs tussan nīs toren nīs cacsyn
2SG nīs tussar nīs torer nīs cacsyr
3SG.M nīs tussam nīs torem nīs cacsym
3SG.F nīs tussasi nīs toresi nīs cacsysi
3SG.N nīs tussa nīs tore nīs cacsy
1EX nīs tussa nīs tore nīs cacsy
1IN nīs tussant nīs torent nīs cacsynt
2PL nīs tussasce nīs toresce nīs cacsysce
3PL nīs tussat nīs toret nīs cacsyt

Uses reduplication:

  • Stems beginning in a vowel uses the first vowel (shortened) + the first following consonant as the reduplicant
  • Stems beginning in ħ- or ȝ- lengthen the first vowel

Independent forms:

Person tussanis "I beg, pray"
torenis "I bloom, flourish"
1SG tetussanis tetorenis
2SG tetussaris tetoreris
3SG.M tetussamis tetoremis
3SG.F tetussasis tetoresis
3SG.N tetussas tetores
1EX tetussamēs tetoremēs
1IN tetussantis tetorentis
2PL tetussasces tetoresces
3PL tetussatis tetoretis

Dependent forms:

Person tussanis "I pray"
torenis "I bloom, flourish"
1SG nīs tetussan nīs tetoren
2SG nīs tetussar nīs tetorer
3SG.M nīs tetussam nīs tetorem
3SG.F nīs tetussasi nīs tetoresi
3SG.N nīs tetussa nīs tetore
1EX nīs tetussa nīs tetore
1IN nīs tetussant nīs tetorent
2PL nīs tetussasce nīs tetoresce
3PL nīs tetussat nīs tetoret

Independent forms:

Person tussanis "I beg, pray"
torenis "I bloom, flourish"
1SG tussannemis torennemis
2SG tussarȳs torerȳs
3SG.M tussasmis toresmis
3SG.F tussastis torestis
3SG.N tussasos toresos
1EX tussameris toremeris
1IN tussanteris torenteris
2PL tussasceris toresceris
3PL tussateris toreteris

Dependent forms:

Person tussanis "I pray"
torenis "I bloom, flourish"
1SG nīs tussannem nīs torennem
2SG nīs tussa nīs tore
3SG.M nīs tussasmi nīs toresmi
3SG.F nīs tussasti nīs toresti
3SG.N nīs tussaso nīs toreso
1EX nīs tussamer nīs toremer
1IN nīs tussanter nīs torenter
2PL nīs tussascer nīs torescer
3PL nīs tussater nīs toreter

Independent forms:

Person tussanis "I pray"
torenis "I bloom, flourish"
1SG tussatēnis toretēnis
2SG tussatēris toretēris
3SG.M tussatēmis toretēmis
3SG.F tussatēsis toretēsis
3SG.N tussatēs toretēs
1EX tussatēmēs toretēmēs
1IN tussatēntis toretēntis
2PL tussatēsces toretēsces
3PL tussatētis toretētis

Dependent forms:

Person tussanis "I pray"
torenis "I bloom, flourish"
1SG nīs tussatēn nīs toretēn
2SG nīs tussatēr nīs toretēr
3SG.M nīs tussatēm nīs toretēm
3SG.F nīs tussatēsi nīs toretēsi
3SG.N nīs tussa nīs tore
1EX nīs tussatēmē nīs toretēmē
1IN nīs tussatēnt nīs toretēnt
2PL nīs tussatēsce nīs toretēsce
3PL nīs tussatēt nīs toretēt

torenae(s), torerae(s), toremior(is), toresior(is), torior(is), toremae(s), torentae(s), torescae(s), toretior(is)

  • 1sg: -nae(s)
  • 2sg: -rae(s)
  • 3sg.m: -mior(is)
  • 3sg.f: -sior(is)
  • 3sg.n: -ior(is)
  • 1ex: -mae(s)
  • 1in: -ntae(s)
  • 2pl: -scae(s)
  • 3pl: -tior(is)

Independent forms:

Person tussanis "I pray"
torenis "I bloom, flourish"
1SG tussanaes torenaes
2SG tussaraes toreraes
3SG.M tussamioris toremioris
3SG.F tussasioris toresioris
3SG.N tussoris torioris
1EX tussamaes toremaes
1IN tussantaes torentaes
2PL tussascaes torescaes
3PL tussatioris toretioris

Dependent forms:

Person tussanis "I pray"
torenis "I bloom, flourish"
1SG δā tussanae δā torenae
2SG δā tussarae δā torerae
3SG.M δā tussamior δā toremior
3SG.F δā tussasior δā toresior
3SG.N δā tussor δā torior
1EX δā tussamae δā toretēmē
1IN δā tussantae δā toretēnt
2PL δā tussascae δā toretēsce
3PL δā tussatior δā toretēt
  • 1sg -dun(is)?
  • 2sg -dur(is)
  • 3sg.m -dum(is)
  • 3sg.f -dusi(s)
  • 3sg.n -du(s)
  • 1ex -dumā(s)
  • 1in -dunt(is)
  • 2pl -dusce(s)
  • 3pl -dut(is)

Independent forms:

Person tussanis "I beg, pray"
torenis "I bloom, flourish"
2SG tussās! torēs!
1IN tussantēs! torentēs!
2PL tussascēs! torescēs!

Dependent forms:

Person tussanis "I pray"
torenis "I bloom, flourish"
2SG δā tussā! δā torē!
1IN δā tussantē! δā torentē!
2PL δā tussascē! δā torescē!

Derivational morphology

  • ar-, afor- = telic
  • fer- = nominalizer
  • ēs- = co-, together
  • -ro- = passive marker
  • -t- = a causative marker


  • 1: cēmym
  • 2: tiθōr
  • 3: narge
  • 4: δaobe
  • 5: salithe
  • 6: stāmym
  • 7: rōde
  • 8: lorede
  • 9: barve
  • 10: ħiōr
  • 11: jācēmym
  • 12: naesā


Like many of its descendants, Thensarian is almost completely head-initial (except for compounds).

Constituent order

Noun phrase

Verb phrase

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses

Example texts