Literature:Behru cesik/History

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The creation of the universe

      Countless ages ago, before there was even a sun to count the days by, the universe was created by Cera. It lit the stars, carved the worlds, and composed the galaxy. It created the rules that control all things. But Cera was dissatisfied. It had created the most intricate and beautiful thing It could design, but that was not enough. For Cera knew the past and future of Its work, and the destiny of every mote of dust and drop of water in existance, for It had woven the threads of their fates Itself. After much pondering and reflection, Cera realized what was missing. It saw that it needed helpers to add their own designs to Its beautiful creation. So It designed life, and scattered its founding beasts across the universe. The life multiplied according to its own kind, and soon the countless barren worlds of Its creation green and lush with forests filled with founding-beasts of all kinds. And Cera was content.


       But once life had filled all the worlds of the universe, and had found every nook and cranny it could grow in, Cera grew dissatisied once more. For It realized that life could not create beautiful desings like It could. For the trees only grow into trees, and the mazo only give birth into more mazo. And the múugye only hunt, they cannot build cities or create art. The universe was like what it was before Cera had created life. The life only followed the plan It had woven into it. Cera still knew the fates of everything. And It pondered Its mistake yet longer, until It finally discovered what was missing.

The creation of people

         Cera had not given life Thought like It had. Life was not capable of creating unique things without Thought. So It grabbed a foundinf-beast and wove thought into its plan, and shaped it to better use its Thought. Cera called Its creation a "Person". It then tore the Person in two, to create man and woman, so the People could multiply in the manner of the founding-beasts. And in the woman It put the birthing-plant in the manner of a muk, so two people wouldn't have to sacrifice themselves to have children. The People soon multiplied, and made their cities, built their machines, and created their art, and Cera was more pleased than It had ever been.

          Soon, People began to turn from Cera's original plan, as Cera had designed them too. They learned to control the founding beasts, and use the plants to their own benefit. The People created machines that could carry them to other worlds, and soon they spread across the universe. They even discovered the threads of life that Cera had woven into all life to give them their plans, and the People learned how to weave the threads for themselves, and created new life. The People then began to weave the threads that were in their very own bodies, and improved themselves. Cera grew jealous of Its creations that the People had now taken for their own, but did not try to stop them, remembering that this was exactly what It had wanted.

              The People continued in pursuit of control. They soon had mastery over all things in the universe, and unwove the very fabric of creation, and found Cera behind. It was very happy that Its creations had gotten so far, but the People feared it. They declared war on It, and relentlessly attacked It and ripped Its hands from the universe, so It could no longer control them. Cera was reluctant to stop them, as It had spent so much time creating them, but soon they threatened to seperate It from Its creation forever, and It was forced to act. So with much regret, Cera created Desire, and corrupted the People with it.

         The People suddenly found that they Desired power, pleasure, respect, wealth, and they each wanted it for themselves. The People, who had once worked together as one entity nearly as powerul as Cera, now split, and begam to fight amongst themselves. War raged throughout all of the universe, and worlds were shattered, stars put out, galaxies torn and scattered. The People soon forgot about Cera, and lost much of their knowledge. They fled by the decillions to all the safe corners of the universe.

The birth of Theso

       From the many People who had fled the war of Desire, one, the Lokhor, would find Shunozlo.

      The Lokhor were very tall people, with straight hair and muddy skin. The Desire that corrupted them had driven them to weave Servants out of the threads of the People. Servants were very large and strong creatures, but they did not have heads. In their place were machines woven into them that could be used tocontrol them. The servants could not disobey any command, they would even kill themselves without hesitation. The Lokhor used the Servants to do all of their work, and lived lives of ease, devoting all of their energy to the pursuit of pleasure.

       After much time spent flying across the universe, the Lokhor found our world, safe and far away from the war of Desire, its surface rich with life and the weather pleasant. They settled in the branches of the Mazo Gyañce, and they had their Servants build glorious cities adorning the branches of Gyañce, and when the cities were done, the Lokhor settled and multiplied, and left their Servants to care for the cities.

       Among them a girl named Theso was born. She was always a very curious child even at a young age, for he was born without Desire.

The founding of Ae and Tayape

The destruction of Ae

The flight to Behruso