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Fyxámian classical music

Fyxám developed a unique classical music tradition from the fusion of its Talman, Bjeheondian and Txapoallian roots.

Common instruments include various traditional Talman and Bjeheondian instruments.

Vaguely Wilsonian tunings + Bjeheondian rhythms + Naquian theaterism


In modern times, Neoclassicism emerged as a dissident movement in both Fyxám and Talma (in Fyxám, as a reaction to Populism; in Talma, as a reaction to hyper-academic music).


  • Someone who studied in Talma during the Classical period (a student of Scutzis?). He continues the tradition of Classical-style JI music in Fyxám.
  • Capr Dooac (Stage name A Þlaih Dawl) was a Populist composer who formed Tricin's first "rock band".
  • Smrehtaið Awvliam was a music theorist who founded the Prycþéŋ lly Fryþu Jytylisríx (Society for Experimental Music). He is responsible for the concept of harmonic entropy.
  • Segin Þwhgad: "Tolkien of music" (inventing musical cultures for conworlds); composer of film music, video game music, musical dramas and fictional music.

Modern music

In the modern period, Fyxámian art music took a sharp populist turn. Conventional wisdom holds that Capr Dooac is responsible for this "Populist" movement. As a result of the Populist movement, modern Fyxám has much less of a divide between popular music and art music than modern Western culture.

Some genres of modern music include:

  • Lighter fare: JI scales built from the harmonic series - pick a number with lots of factors, use that as the denominator for your JI intervals. [Mike Sheiman]
  • Minimalism:
  • "Prog rock/metal": Many popular musicians borrow heavily from classical idioms such as: long, quasi-operatic song forms; use of classical JI tunings and harmony; complex rhythms, time signatures and tunings inspired by non-Talman music.
  • "Nerd music": often with sci-fi-themed lyrics; more "exotic" musically.
  • "Baroque chiptune": a style inspired by old video games
  • Film and video game music: Overlaps somewhat with Fyxámian classical music.

Tunings: JI-ish, but often using "simple" scales like pentatonic and diatonic scales, 5-EDO or 7-EDO


  • [Some band that sings "prog rock"]
  • [Some band that sings transhumanist songs]



Fyxámian music uses the Talman Helmholtz-Ellis notation.

Prycþéŋ lly Fryþu Jytylisríx

The Trician Xenharmonic Alliance