User:Chrysophylax/Reconstructing Proto-Tenarian

Proto-Tenarian is the reconstructed language from which the Elasian, Valian and Lillian languages derive. It is named after the Tenarian mountain range where the Urheimat of the family is posited to have been located.


Similar to other reconstructed languages, Proto-Tenarian is not written using the IPA but uses the following system (TPA) which only marginally differs from the IPA. The primary differences are noted here.

Tenarian Phonetic Alphabet IPA
a a ~ ɑ
e e ~ ɛ
i i
o o~ɔ
ü y
ä æ
ö ø
ś kʲ ~ tʲ ~ t͡s ~ t͡ʃ

Furthermore, stress is marked by the acute accent.


The Proto-Tenarian vowel system is reconstructed as having been very similar to the system encountered in Valian, but lacking length distinctions and ë.

Front Back
Unrounded Rounded Unrounded Rounded
Close i ü u
Mid e ö o
Open ä a1 a
1 As the phonetic value of a has yet to be determined with certainty it is here included in both front and back vowels.

Proto-Tenarian Valian Elasian Lillian
*a a a, o o, oi1
*aʔ aa ah, oh2
*e e, ea3 e i
*eʔ ee eh e
  • 1: Before velar and uvular consonants in Lillian, e.g pidoig
  • 2: Occurs in certain Elasian words such as szólim < *śalima, could be influenced by Lillian (cf. expected *szalim with Lillian kjoolin)
  • 3: In trisyllabic words, Valian e breaks into ea when next syllable contains a, e.g. pead < *pétaqi


Consonants in Proto-Tenarian have proven to be slightly more complicated to reconstruct. A possible chart of correspondences is given here based on Parras' Sën Välyaha, Lilaha sast Eelasyat talletin: turgasiin ää Prooto-Tenaha talle (2011).

Proto-Tenarian Valian Elasian Lillian
*p p, v p, b p
*t t, s t, d, s t, d
*k k, h k, g k, g
*q k k q, g
lengthens preceding vowel h causes gemination of nearby consonants
s, t (before velar stop) t͡ʃ, d͡z ɕ
*s s s s, z, r
*r r r ʐ
*l l l ɫ, ʎ
*j j, i j, i h, ʃ
*m m m b