The intention to create is to have a language that is very related to every language in the world.
La intention por creati es por havi lingua ke es veri relato a cada lingua en la mundo.
It suggests that you should use only k instead of c at the final of the word for /k/ sound while you must use c at the beginning and/or middle of the word... and you should use only k if the following vowel is e and i at the beginning and/or middle of the word...
All are phoenetic, no silent letters... no diacritics, except for stressing...
Pronunciation of consonants - Pronunciation de consonantes
B - /b/
C - /k/ before a, o, and u and /s/ before e and i and with h pronunced as /ch/
D - /d/
F - /f/
G - /g/ before a, o, and u and /j/ before e and i, and if you want to pronounce a /g/ sound before e and i you should put letter h after g as this gh
H - /h/
J - /j/
K - /k/
L - /l/
M - /m/
N - /n/ and with g pronounced as /ng/, and if you want to pronounce a /g/ sound, use should double the letter g as this ngg
P - /p/
Q - with u pronounced as /kw/
R - /r/
S - /s/ and with h pronounced as /sh/
T - /t/
V - /v/
W - /w/
X - /x/
Y - /y/
Z - /z/
Pronunciation of vowels - Pronunciation de vocales
A - /ah/
E - /eh/
I - /ee/
O - /oh/
U - /oo/