Sixth Linguifex Relay/Dodellian retranslated

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Relay Text

CAtte a teLEmo RANde PAISI DIPAREI PANta SIllo TIto.
SAca SAca na eto YOcha SIllo da.
TUzzo na LOcho a DROtto Echa TIto CHErra CAtte
a BElo REMpe CHIme te TUzzo DOchi a NUmo QUINta.

Interlinear Gloss

catte a telemo rande P. panta sillo tito
rejoice COMP yesterday many P. come world this
saca saca eto yocha sillo da
thank thank then save world
tuzzo na locho a drotto echa tito cherra catte
speak LOC way NOMZ cut place this remember rejoice
a belo rempe chime te tuzzo dochi a numo quinta
COMP person rise live and say story NOMZ fall rain


We are glad that many days ago Paisi Diparei came to this world;
Thankfully, he then saved the world.
In addition it is carved here in remembrance
That a man rose to life and told of falling rain.