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Palkhan (ḷdāvasagoḷa) is a conlang by Praimhín inspired by Marathi.


Vowels get backed before retroflexes


Numbers: ada, khēcha, tubaḷa, macha, pazīma, aḷuṇa, ṭhāvata, zarita, yāta, zāḷūta

adēḷzāḷūta, khēchēḷzāḷūta,...

mhaNāt - to wait

āṇ- - dear

āṇna - gem

aṇvēḷa - beauty

aṇtuḷāt - to love

carha - heart

īḍāt - to trust

īḍatīl - loyalty

hāḍimbara - radiance

hāḍimbarāt - to radiate

hānī - up, above

hānīṇima - God ("the one up above") /haːnɯːɳima/

haṇīra - musical scale

laṭ - man

tāyāt - to say

piṇdākāśa - peanut butter

zauḷa - wheel; from *yafr-, metathesis of *yarif-

zauḷdāt - to turn

zāra - lotus (from Windermere yar "flower")

kōLa - house

  • Kājīgaḷgaḷēra zauḷdāyatīl vā taṇaka - Sutra/Thread on the Turning of the Wheel of Euseby (Dharma)