Old Kurmian

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Old Kurmian is inspired by Middle Chinese and Irish.

Sound changes

  • short e > short i, short i > ə
  • short a o u > short ä ö ü
  • /au ai/ > /aː/, /oy/ > /we/
  • back vowels should break as in OC > MC
  • final fricatives > breathy tone > low tone
  • Prefixes correspond to lexical mutations in RW
  • grammatical mutation
  • standardize Irish-style orthography?
  • slenderization and labialization yielding MC-style medials
  • vowel length lost
  • assuming vocalized r at the same conditions as bühnendeutsch:
    • fám, dàuigh, neág, đâbh, séil, stúm, rút, leá, speáb, cia



Old Kurmian initials
Labial Coronal Lateral Coarticulated Velar Glottal
Nasal voiceless /m̊/ /n̊/ /n̊ˡ/ /ŋ̊!/ /ŋ̊/
voiced /m/ /n/ /nˡ/ /ŋ!/ /ŋ/
Stop tenuis /p/ /t/ /tɬ/ /!/ /k/ /ʔ/
aspirated /pʰ/ /tʰ/ /tɬʰ/ /!ʰ/ /kʰ/
voiced /b/ /d/ /dɮ/ /g!/ /g/
breathy voiced /bʱ/ /dʱ/ /dɮʱ/ /g!ʱ/ /gʱ/
Fricative voiceless /f/ /s/ /ɬ/ /ɧ/ /x/ /h/
voiced /z/ /ɮ/ /ɧ̬/ /ɣ/
Trill /r/
Approximant /w/, /ɥ/ /l/ /j/


There are many permissible rimes. There are four possible "medials": zero, /-j-/, /-w-/, and /-jw-/.

  Front Central Back
Close /i/ /ɨ/ /u/
Close-mid /e/ /ə/ /o/
Open-mid /ɛ/
Open /a/


Permissible finals: /-p -t -k -m -n -l/




  • p > /f/ /b/ /pʰ/ (from AW pf)

8b > /v/ /m/ /bʰ/

  • f > /0/ /v/ /f/ (from AW f and w)
  • t > /þ/ /d/ /tʰ/
  • d > /ð/ /n/ /dʰ/
  • s > /h/ /z/ /s/
  • z > /0/ /z/ /z/
  • ŧ > /ɧ /g!/ /!ʰ/
  • đ > /ɧ̬/ /ŋ!/ /g!ʰ/
  • sc > /h/ /ɧ̬/ /ɧ/
  • c > /x/ /g/ /kʰ/
  • g > /ɣ/ /ŋ/ /gʰ/


  • Present: is V S O, negation má V is S O
  • Past: do-L V S O, negation mádh-L V S O