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Lortho (IPA:[ˈloɾ·tʰo]) is an a priori constructed language created by Brian Bourque in the beginning of 2003. It originally started as a prop for a strategy board game where only the script was created for aesthetics. Fast forward about 13 years and it has now evolved into a fusional-agglutinating language. The verbs are conjugated with suffixes and nouns are modified to denote case.


A friend was creating a board game similar to Risk; however, instead of taking place on Earth, this new game was to take place on an inter-planetary scale. The game creator wanted to develop an alien theme and requested a fictional script. The name of the race on this game is "Lortho" and thus the seed was planted. The author was unable to work on this piece for quite sometime until he joined the CONLANG mailing list and observed both seasoned and novice conlangers discussing all aspects of linguistics. Since then he decided to move forward and bring Lortho into fruition.

Another inspirational source is Brian's daughter. Through her development of learning how to make speech sounds leading to coherent speech, Brian found certain "words" to use in Lortho which he used to develop its phonology.


Under Development

The people who speak Lortho live on a planetary system which orbits a binary star.



Writing System

The Lortho alphabet is an abugida. The writing system behaves in a similar manner to Devanagari; however, there are no conjunct consonants. Ligatures are only formed by the combination of consonants and vowels. This writing system was inspired by Devanagari, Tibetan, and Tengwar.

Lortho Alphabet
Lortho Alphabet


The vowels are written similarly to the vowels seen in Devanagari.

Lortho Vowels
Lortho Vowels

Sample Text

Below is a sample text with the conscript described above.

Sample Text
[konpʰɑɾin loɾtʰomɛ] I speak Lortho

Consonant Inventory

There are 21 consonants in Lortho and all are strictly pronounced the same regardless of placement.

Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Postalveolar Velar Glottal
Plosive   p   pʰ   b   t   tʰ     d   dʰ     k   kʰ           ʔ
Nasal   m   mː   n   nː
Tap or Flap ɾ
Fricative f s ʃ h   
Lateral Approximant l lʰ

Vowels and Diphthongs

Vowel Inventory

There are five vowels in Lortho and are strictly pronounced regardless of placement:

Front Central Back
Close i u
Close-mid o
Open-mid ɛ
Mid ɑ


The following diphthongs exist in Lortho:

  • [aɪ], [aʊ], [eɪ], [ɔɪ]

Syllable Structure

The syllable structure is (C)V(V)(C).



There are a few rules that govern stress (with exceptions):

  1. Stress is always on the second to the last syllable of the root or infinitive except:
    • -n verbs will always receive stress on the last syllable of the infinitive or root.
  2. If the word is only two syllables long, then the stress is on the first syllable.
  3. Stress is never given to prefixes or suffixes.


Lortho is still in development and has not enough information to explain the rules of intonation.


Consonant Clusters

Consonant cluster onsets and codas are not allowed; however, clusters are allowed in certain adjacent syllables (e.g. CVC.CVC).


Under Development

Romanized Text

Since Lortho has its own script and is not a common font to find on any computer system, a Romanized version has been set up to make it easy to read.

The Alphabet

IPA d k l t p ʃ s n m h b f i ɾ
Romanization dh d kh k lh l th t ph p sh s n nn m mm h b f i r

The Vowels

IPA ɑ ɛ u o
Romanization a e u o

The Diphthongs

IPA ɔɪ
Romanization ai au oi ei




Nouns in Lortho have three distinct features:

  1. They are one of three genders: masculine, feminine, or neuter
  2. All nouns are declined to denote case
  3. All nouns end in a vowel
Masculine Feminine Neuter
-i -u

Grammatical Case

Lortho has ten cases. The vowels in parentheses are added if the word ends in a consonant.

Case Affix Example Translation
Nominative - kansaptha woods, forest
Accusative -(i)me kansapthame forest (direct obj.)
Dative -(i)mela kansapthamela forest (indirect obj.)
Genitive -(i)nalo kansapthanalo of the forest
Sublative -ina/-ena kansaptaina in/into the forest
Ablative -(e)nat kansapthanat out of/from the forest
Allative -(e)dan kansapthadan to/towards the forest
Prolative -(e)danar kansapthadanar through/via/by way of the forest
Instructive -(i)len kansapthalen using the forest
Vocative fa- Under Development

Personal Possessive Prefix

The personal possessive is formed using a prefix which is gender and number specific.

Person Singular Plural
1st person ni- nu- - nimɑ- numɑ- -
2nd person lin- lun- - nɑni- nɑnu- -
3rd person li- lu- lɑ- limi- limu- limɑ-


Each noun is pluralized by gender and in some cases, the plural ending is changed for ease of pronunciation.

  1. Feminine nouns (-u): simply add the plural ending -.
    • Example: [kɑnsɑpʰu] (n. fem) tree; pl [kɑnsɑpʰu]
  2. Masculine nouns (-i): subtract the -i and add the plural ending -ɛni except :
    • Masculine noun roots that end in -n, the plural ending will be changed to -ɛmi.
    • Examples:
    1. [olɑkʰi] (n. masc) boat; pl [olɑkʰɛni]
    2. [pʰoɾɛnːi] (n. masc) peak, summit; pl [pʰoɾɛnːɛmi]
  3. Neuter nouns (-ɑ): simply add the plural ending - (many neuter nouns are collective nouns such as [hɑmːunɑ] weather)
    • Example: [hɑdikʰɑ] (n. neut) land, country; pl [hɑdikʰɑ]



Verbs are conjugated in gender and in number which are governed by the subject (written or implied). For the most part the conjugations are simple and are formed through agglutination; however, there are slight fusional changes that occur when denoting aspect.


Regular Verbs

There are three main verbs in Lortho: -o verbs, -t verbs, and -n verbs. The conjugation tables below show a preview of how the regular verbs conjugate in each category. Conjugation in other tenses includes more fusional aspects.

-o verbs
Present Tense
konpharo [kon.'pʰɑ.ɾo] to speak
verbal root: konphar-
Singular Plural
masc fem neut masc fem neut
1st pers konpharin un - -inan -unan -
2nd pers konpharanni -annu - -amin -amun -
3rd pers konphari -u -a -imi -imu -ima
-t verbs
Present Tense
phramit ['pʰɾɑ.mit] to push
verbal root: phramid-
Singular Plural
masc fem neut masc fem neut
1st pers pramidin -un - -inan -unan -
2nd pers phramidanni -annu - -amin -amun -
3rd pers phramidi -u -a -imi -imu -ima
-n verbs
Present Tense
shailan [ʃaɪ.'lɑn] to sit
verbal root: shailan-
Singular Plural
masc fem neut masc fem neut
1st pers shailanin -un - -inan -unan -
2nd pers shailananni -annu - -amin -amun -
3rd pers shailani -u -a -imi -imu -ima
Irregular Verbs

Although labelled irregular, the verbs still have a regular feel in that they still use the same personal endings; however, the root is derived slightly differently. One example is the verb harlan.

Present Tense
harlan [hɑɾ.'lɑn] to be
verbal root: harl-
Singular Plural
masc fem neut masc fem neut
1st pers harlin un - -inan -unan -
2nd pers harlanni -annu - -amin -amun -
3rd pers harli -u -a -imi -imu -ima


Adjectives behave a little differently from other words in that they:

  1. must be placed in front of the noun which they modify
  2. must agree in gender, but not in number or grammatical case


Morphosyntactic Alignment

The morphosyntactic alignment of Lortho is Nominative - Accusative.

Word Order

Verb-Subject-Object (VSO). Lortho contains a lot of information in the verb and the noun or noun phrase. The verb is conjugated by person and gender and thus pronouns are largely unnecessary except for emphasis or clarification. The nouns are altered to denote case, removing almost entirely the need for prepositions.

Example texts

Lortho Sample
The people are known as people of the lanterns and they lived in that forest.
Longer Sample
I ran out of the forest and climbed the mountain. I was speaking to the dragon and said,
"I want to walk through here." The dragon replied, "You will not walk through here."
Source: Brian's Instagram post

Other resources

Word Agreement

The three following rules govern agreement between words:

  1. Verbs must agree in gender and number with the subject
  2. Nouns are not pluralized when counted
  3. Adjectives must agree with the noun in gender, but not in grammatical case or number