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Bilabial Dental Alveolar Post Alveolar Velar
Plosive voicless p /p/ t /t/ k /k/
voiced b /b/ d /d/ g /g/
Nasal m /m/ n /n/
Fricative voiceless f /f/ s /s/ c /ʃ/ x /x/
voiced v /v/ z /z/ j /ʒ/ ĝ /ɣ/
Trill r /r/
Lateral Approximant l /l/
Affricate voiceless ps /ps/
pc /pʃ/
pf /pf/
ts /ts/
tc /tʃ/
ks /ks/
kc /kʃ/
voiced bz /bz/
bj /bʒ/
bv /bv/
dz /dz/
dj /dʒ/
gz /gz/
gj /gʒ/


Front Back Diphthongs
Close i /i/ u /u/ ui /ui/
Near-Close ī /ɪ/
Close-Mid e /e/ o /o/ ei /ei/
Open a /a/ ai /ai/


Romanized Alphabet

Dzetcavu Alphabetical Order
p b t d k g m n r f v s z c j x ğ l i u ī e o a
п б т д к г м н р ф в с з ш ж х я л и у й е о а


Word Order

  • Modifier second


Morphosyntactic Alignment

  • Ergative-Absolutive



Tenses in Dzetcavu are indicated by tense particles proceeding the verb except for the present tense, indicated by the lack of tense particles . There are five tense particles: past, near past, future, near future, and the infinite.


Near Past


Near Future


The Infinite Particle

The infinite "tense" particle is not so much a tense marker as a lack-of-tense marker. The infinite tense is used most often when stating facts or making promises and oaths. Any other situation where tense is not a factor, the infinite tense is used. It can also be used to make emphasize a declaration of some sort such as a declaration of faith, love, or guilt.

Imperative Mood

-ij Verbs

Simple Progressive Perfect
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
1st Person -i -iac -ri -ric -ni -nic
2nd Person -iz -ita -riz -rita -niz -niza
3rd Person -ize -izev -rize -riv -nize -niv

-uj Verbs

Simple Progressive Perfect
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
1st Person -u -uīc -ru -ruc -nu -nuc
2nd Person -uz -utī -ruz -rut -nuz -nut
3rd Person -uzī -uzīv -ruzī -ruv -nuzī -nuv

-īj Verbs

Simple Progressive Perfect
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
1st Person -īc -rī -rīc -nī -nīc
2nd Person -īz -īt -rīz -rīt -nīz -nīt
3rd Person -īze -īv -rīze -rīv -nīze -nīv

-ej Verbs

Simple Progressive Perfect
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
1st Person -e -ec -re -rec -ne -nec
2nd Person -ez -eta -rez -ret -nez -net
3rd Person -eze -ezev -reze -rev -neze -nev


Pronominal Open Class Words

Dzetcavu doesn't have any official pronouns. Instead, titles or a person's name are used to refer to who is being spoken to or about. The person that each title is under doesn't have to be used strictly in that person.

Title Formality Notes
First Person
xes general "speaker" used when one doesn't know the person or is speaking hypothetically
Second Person
bai general "audience" used when one doesn't know the person or is speaking hypothetically
ines informal "acquaintance"
bvīrtoc private "female-mate" used to refer to a female companion that the speaker would or has reproduced with
adjutoc private "male-mate" used to refer to a male companion that the speaker would or has reproduced with
Third Person
tuct general "person" used when one doesn't know the person or is speaking hypothetically
gois general "thing" best approximation of "it" and is used to anything without a consciousness including objects, and ideas
īska general "thing" used to refer to anything with a consciousness such as people and animals
epsī general "object" used to refer to some physical object

Sample Texts


Tezu pcak. tr. “I see [the] sky.”
Vakri datcī bai,. tr. “I love you.” (declaration)
Tezu xes. tr. “I see myself.”
Vakri nosītc xesdev bai,. tr. “I love you with my heart.”
Vakri xesov. tr. “I love us.”
Tezu lubzīr xesdev. tr. “I see my nose.”
Modkrī tezuj bai. tr. “I am wishing to see you”.
Adric tceks. tr. “We are drinking water.”