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Here's a bunch of Knrawi translations and original texts from here and there collected, compiled, and (eventually) glossed.

(Some of these are outdated so I'll fix later)

Assorted translations

Single sentences

Qvvsǵ nauvphgù r̀ pjmaìak sg isjiwmaág.

The ball was kicked by the foreign men long ago.

Pùskj cnizti yattiûj san.

I could possibly have tried to be stealing your yams.

Pwisŕ tjgcjníha sg̀ vuìng yuysa sjer picketsign nĝ ikéj sg gukríig rn̂

But you know I'd stand on the corner, embarrassed with a picket sign if it meant I would see you when I die

Aúug rn̂ rtiu su wuj?

Where’s my dog?

Wig guàa yâu mavú

The child interrupted the birds call

Zhergrì fuu imâvu!

The clouds are blocking the sun!

Yymyúsjri rn̂ muqagúq supjǵ, hn aigyúsjri rn̂ suháui.

My good tools are on the table and my bad tools are under my table.

Isàkis àz ji zísm myù

I went to the market to buy some food

Thgug uwga wat tjeriqcgah

The person threw the rock at the animal

Nias, ykí rn̂ mugù hù

Girl, take my penis

Please do not the cat Knrawi.png

Wui mau hàj

Please do not the cat

Higfjmmqéjgguzjna nĝ hu sucij myu gufjmmqéjg hàr

I really cant advise your polyamorous aliens on their relationship dynamic

Qejǵj, shir isjizhaai shir sg hufcuphg y yimávu

I wish of you, stop this terror bird into this snake burrow





Uág maupm̀yn

Penis fish

Mugarai riqsu tjaq

Mugarai was here

Sjitikg tjg svwgáyupri iyúgar su

He put new bowls on the long mat

Fmqh hàr, pwi su hàr

I don't think, therefore I don't am


I heard that you found it

Qar̀naj hn qàrn

I hate you and him

Wì hàr

No children

Mushàiag ayĝj

Türme aus rotem Gold

Towers of red gold

Sigi ríqshir

This is tree

Jumqhia wui!

Happy Birthday!


Among us

Zaaziyámux sg shir wgaág!

Trans rights now!

Multiple sentences

Shir Bingus su Tì tì sjitsu Qûat shir su Qûat ___ (Bîngus) su

This is a Bingus Now there is another one There are two of them There are two ___

Kidney Knrawi.png

yamusat - raùmaug wi r̀ shuuiàram

heroism - kidneys donated

Longer translations

A Wistful Moon Gazed Down

Ahg̀ mauqéjg theshńkja tjer qehaìk sg riq Augustatgzhǵ. Hygcmìg zjeyu tmqj, cjizhergg̀ guýqjg gjtjesmĝ maúpha cgah sg cmḿg jnâ maùpha isj qjevu nĝ íyiwvg íyifjmm sg pufj csjmufhǵ jîi. Nkhetnythg̀ cuysasǵ khúysuq, mhǵ zvm zjeyujŕ thesỳqjg maùjgriy hygnthĝ sjerc mauqehápmyn sg tjngzǵ isj sg chuhjrnǵ msh khuy. Jrnǵ jîi zijŕn khúysu, zjnágk sg gucjíg y sg san itǵ rn̂; mhǵ thgag mag cmmg sg hmm itǵ rn̂ su. Nĝ icmchgágha kjeyàg chejm̂g mausheráiy.


Ua qaysi riqms wuj?

How many fish do you have?

Ua ycham iriqsu az.

I have twelve fish.

Saqgàg (it) rn̂ suh riqwuj?

Where is my book?

Shaia rn̂ yugárha (su/pjuju)

Oh I think they left it at his house

Original texts

Single sentences

Qvvs imaìak àz sg gauanág rn̂ khuy

I kicked the ball to my opponent

Sug fmqháj tjim cuùisig ys

Brother said he thinks you might be a cannibal

Jrnǵ rn̂ suq gujíupuyam r̂ crjîci sasg̀ sàmwica

It's just my luck to be hired by the brickmaker before a hurricane hits

Tewwírajzja wài sìn hàj, aíq hu ziqsau jiù

Don't waste the fond, use it to make a sauce

Multiple sentences


Longer texts

Ink Recipe

Knrawi ink recipe.jpg

Guhacńkhn gij sâguj

Nth, yui, maiuh, guáypusiri mawḿ hu. Nauvguhàcnkhn yiqéjg, wyaámaiuh wuíisuug aíq hu. Gumáwm musúkej hu sg vmjjrínug. Ycjníqm yu hýgsu yiáiq. Zinth ziyui puyugávqm hu msiácr ji izáwkej hn ivḿjkej. Shir aíq hàq tjg sg̀ zawsàqgag iim wai yýmsuqh.

Permanent writing ink

Mix water, honey, charcoal, and nutgall extract. If you want a different color, replace charcoal with an appropriate ingredient. Boil the mixture until it's a thick paste. Wait until it's cold to use it. Keep adding water and honey as needed to thin and thicken. Don't use this on delicate writing materials because it'll ruin them.

Original proverbs

hrhr̀g muqáqhia tì hu ik

A chicken should see one bad day

Kjuímkuku/kjuìmkuku nĝ yiisjcihu hàr

You can't raise fried egg/eggs

Kjuímhrhr/kjuìmhrhr nĝ yiisjcihu hàr

You can't raise fried chicken/chickens