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'Pradiul (temporary name) is a minority language of Talma inspired by the Germanic conlang Þiúsьk. It is a descendant of Old Windermere.

Numbers: dån, riat, stiev, smiåch, miuc, tiach, båþ, szeb, laj, saju, sriuch



Labial Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Velar Glottal
hard soft hard soft hard soft hard soft soft hard
Nasal m m mi n ni ņi ŋʲ ņ ŋ
Stop voiceless p p pi t ti ki k k ʔ
voiced b b bi d di gi g g
Affricate c ts ci tsʲ cz czi tʃʲ
Fricative f f fi þ θˠ þi θʲ s s si sz ʃ szi ʃʲ chi, hi ç ch x h h
Resonant v v vi l ɫ li r ɾ ri ɾʲ j j

Only hard consonants are allowed word-finally. Word final /v/ is pronounced [w].

Initial voiceless stops were traditionally not aspirated, but are commonly aspirated now.


a/ia e/ie o/io å/iå y/i u/iu /a e o uə~iə i u/ (double letters were historical breathy vowels)

Unstressed vowel: /ə/ (spelled a if nonpalatalizing and i if palatalizing)


Zero and C are the only permitted word-final codas.

Here is a list (modulo palatalization) by type of cluster (some clusters may be listed more than once):

  • Cl: pl, tl, cl, kl, bl, gl, fl, chl, sl
  • Cr: pr, tr, cr, kr, br, dr, gr, fr, thr, chr, sr
  • Cm: tm, thm, km, chm, sm
  • Cn: fn, kn, chn, sn
  • Cng: fng, tng, thng, chng, sng
  • Cv: tv, thv, kv, chv, gv, sv, szv
  • sC: sp, st, sk, sm, sn, sng, sl, sr, sv
  • chC: chm, chn, chng, chl, chr

Voiced stops are not allowed to begin minor syllables in roots. This rule does not apply to proper names.
