Eighth edition lekma
A short introduction
Through making a miniature language, I learnt a lot about the capabilities of languages. To know more is the reason for lekma/ˈleχmɐ/, which is under development.
A sentence in lekma consists of, an interjection/connection + agent × object × verb ÷ adverbial phrase + a subject/topic × a particle(, is it? thing).
- Graphemes are listed below the each phonemes.
Bilabial | Labio-dental | Dental | Alveolar | Retroflex | Alveolo-palatal | Palatal | Velar | Uvular | Glottal | |
Nasal | m m |
n n |
ɳ nr |
ɲ nh |
ŋ un,-nn |
Plosive | p b b,ff b,rb |
t d t,d,tt d,rd |
k g c,k c,rc |
ʔ kk,` | ||||||
Affricate | t͡s tz |
ʈ͡ʂ tr |
t͡ɕ th |
Fricative | f f |
θ cz* |
s ʃ s sh |
ʂ sr |
ɕ sh* |
χ -k,ch |
ɦ hh | |||
Approximant | ʋ v,u- |
j i- |
Trill | ʀ hr |
Flap or tap | ɾ l,-r,-rr- |
Lateral app. | l l |
ʎ lh |
These letters with * are rare.
Front | Near-front | Central | Near-back | Back | |
Close | i y i ü |
ɯ u û u | |||
Mid-open | e ø e,ä ö |
ɐ a,â,e,ë |
ʌ o ô o | ||
Open | ä a |
Vowel length is a phoneme. This long vowel includes diphthong as well as their allophones.
± phonotactics *development - C
- k
- t
- lh
- sr
- nr
- V
- a
- á:allophones;ae;ai;oa
- e
- ee:allophones;ei;é;ea
- ö:allophones;eu
- oi
- oo:allophones;ou;ó
- C
- nn
- h
- tz
- cz
- t
- ns
- −vowel length lk
- −vowel length ks
- sk
± It is applied for inter parts of speech - s-
- n-
- a-
- -a
- -e
- -s
- -as
- -es
- -n
- -en
- -ns
- -ens
- -r
- -l
- -t
- -d
- -er
- -el
- -et
- -ad
- -nd
- -nt
- -nds
- -nts
noun root | word | ||||||
the agent of a transitive verb | the subject/locative of an intransitive verb | the direct/indirect object of a verb | possessive form | plural form | plural possessive form | ||
*ac/ʔɐk/ | sac/sɐk/ | nac/nɐk/ | uac/ʋɐk/[ʔɐk] | ács/ʔäks/ | sácen,nácen,ácen/ʔäːgen/ | ácens/ʔäːgens/ | I |
*üe/ʔyː/ | sü/syː/ | nü/nyː/ | uü/ʋyː/[ʔyː] | uües/ʋyːs/ | süen,nüen,ʋüen/ʔyːen/ | uüens/ʔyːens/ | You |
*hhia/ɦiä/ | íasaé/ɦiänsäe/ | íanaé/ɦiänäe/ | hhia/ɦiä/ | ías/ɦiäs/ | sian,nian,ían/ɦiän/ | íans/ɦiäns/ | They (singular) |
*kkae/ʔae/ | aesaé/ʔaesäe/ | aenaé/ʔaenäe/ | àe/ʔae/ | àes/ʔais/ | saen,naen,àen/ʔain/ | àens/ʔaens/ | Thing |
verb root | indicative form | subjunctive form | connective form | noun-like form | word | |
present/habitual | the motion is futural | -ing, /if | the motion is incomplete | the motion is completed | ||
*sel/sel/ | ser/sel/,[seɾ] | seat/seɦät/ | sád/säːt/ | selínda/selindɐ/ | selínt/selint/ | be |
*bal/bäl/ | bar/bäl/,[bäɾ] | baat/bäɦät/ | bád/bäːt/ | balínda/bälindɐ/[bäˈindɐ] | balínt/bälint/[bäˈint] | have |
*tel/tel/ | ter/tel/,[teɾ] | teat/teɦät/ | tád/täːt/ | telínda/telindɐ/[teˈindɐ] | telínt/telint/[teˈint] | hang,raise |
Swadesh List
± Lexicon /old lexic entries *development - I: kkac /nac
- you (singular): kküe /nie
- he: hhonn /han
- we: kkácen /nacen
- you (plural): kküeen /nien
- they: hhian /hia
- this : torce /toc,iá,due
- that: kkáe /hae
- here: tocma /tcm
- there: àema /aem
- who: hhia,lhia /lia
- what: kva /kvd
- where: kvime /kvm
- when: kvatzuí /kvn
- how: kvamuí /kvi
- not: né /nei
- all: àen /aen
- many: àens /aens
- some: de àen /desaen
- few: làes /leas
- other: né daes /neidae
- one: éna,ená,ésa,esá /esh
- two: tzue /dva
- three: mal /mal
- four: cut /cut
- five: unal /hal
- big: lhens /ae
- long: naelhens /ae
- wide: daesbala /ae
- thick: bala /ae
- heavy: né fie /neifias
- small: ae /tis
- short: kul /ae
- narrow: tis /tisma
- thin: kadtis /ae
- woman: lhúa /lua
- man (adult male): lhúa /lua
- man (human being): hhan/lhúo /luo
- child: ae /tisluo
- wife: ae /mama dae kús
- husband: ae /tata dae kús
- mother: máma /mam
- father: táta /tat
- animal: this /ae
- fish: ae /fsk
- bird: tofie /tfl
- dog: cúon /chn
- louse: ae /lus
- snake: ae /lam
- worm: hhom /orm
- tree: ae /bim
- forest: ae /bsk
- stick: baunel /ae
- fruit: fam /flm
- seed: fam /ae
- leaf: hhüo /lif
- root: lád /lad
- bark (of a tree): bolo /ae
- flower: ae /lili
- grass: ladlili /ae
- rope: sinn /ae
- skin: bäl /ae
- meat: salk /slk
- blood: salk /ae
- bone: lám /ae
- fat (noun): bét /fat
- egg: ais /ae
- horn: kol /krn
- tail: lámen /lam
- feather: fie /fli
- hair: tetr /khr
- head: ae /cab
- ear: olhen /orh
- eye: ain /oin
- nose: nes /nez
- mouth: ae /lif
- tooth: tzann /fnc
- tongue (organ): tzann /ae
- fingernail: tzann /nel
- foot: ae /bam
- leg: ae /bam
- knee: baim /ae
- hand: tec /tek
- wing: fiem /fli
- belly: mac /ae
- guts: mac /ae
- neck: nec /ae
- back: tzüc /ruc
- breast: bec /fec
- heart: kel /kor
- liver: kel /ae
- to drink: sifel /drk
- to eat: nem /nhm
- to bite: tzaunel /tnf
- to suck: sifel /ae
- to spit: nemel /ae
- to vomit: tue dae nems /ae
- to blow: bolel /ae
- to breathe: nesel /ae
- to laugh: hrak /rch
- to see: vis /ver
- to hear: sanhel /oir
- to know: can /cna
- to think: canel /dik
- to smell: nesel /ae
- to fear: bai /ae
- to sleep: bei /slf
- to live: súmel /ae
- to die: né súmel /ae
- to kill: sral /ae
- to fight: sral /ae
- to hunt: sral /ae
- to hit: láb /lfn
- to cut: kul /ae
- to split: tuinde kut,tua tzues /dvar
- to stab: binn /ae
- to scratch: skilel /ae
- to dig: binn /nem
- to swim: ae /svm
- to fly: ae /fei
- to walk: salkel /ae
- to come: hhim /clm
- to lie (as in a bed): lob /ae
- to sit: sidel /set
- to stand: hrec /tnd
- to turn (intransitive): silkel /ae
- to fall: feiel /fei
- to give: túe /tue
- to hold: hrantel /ae
- to squeeze: tzecal /ae
- to rub: vask /ae
- to wash: vask /ae
- to wipe: vaskel /vsk
- to pull: tec /ae
- to push: tec,ffon /ae
- to throw: tue toc náe /ae
- to tie: ticel /bnd
- to sew: ffinticel /ae
- to count: teltzif /ae
- to say: srua /seu
- to sing: séunel /seu
- to play: bil /sfl
- to float: lom /flt
- to flow: ae /flt
- to freeze: íelel /iel
- to swell: rcol /ae
- sun: hrá /na
- moon: daehrá /mun
- star: lucz /trl
- water: súm /sumi
- rain: lein /rcn
- river: léne /len
- lake: léne /len
- sea: léneen /len
- salt: sala /slt
- stone: shè /stn
- sand: sahr /snd
- dust: hroma /ae
- earth: thi /ard
- cloud: küt /sku
- fog: küt /foc
- sky: séo /cel
- wind: fendas /vnd
- snow: nívas /snu
- ice: íelen /ais
- smoke: féu /feu
- fire: féu /feu
- ash: dae féu /ae
- to burn: tocféu tue /ae
- road: vei /vec
- mountain: ae /mon
- red: hrot /rod
- green: léu /crn
- yellow: col /clb
- white: hrát /vit
- black: dal /blc
- night: dal /nkt
- day: dis /dac
- year: iálen /iar
- warm: nôk /vrm
- cold: íels /chl
- full: buk /ful
- new: bil /na
- old: né bil /ae
- good: hhim /bim
- bad: né hhim /ae
- rotten: tocel nae /na
- dirty: mud /ae
- straight: bim /na
- round: kadbal /na
- sharp (as a knife): dis /na
- dull (as a knife): dos /na
- smooth: dilel /na
- wet: súmmuí /vods
- dry: sekal /sek
- correct: bim /ae
- near: tocmas /na
- far: naemas /na
- right: hris /rec
- left: chol /lic
- at: tzúi /zui,tui
- in: lhea /ins
- with: múi,mue /mui
- and: e,elk /elk
- if: o,sôm /som
- because: fúi /kar
- name: námel /nam