Eighth edition lekma
As for introduction of lekma/ˈleχmɐ/, it is a conlang, my reason to constructure a miniature language is, to make is an effective way to learn about languages, to know languages has much affect on it, so it is under construction. Thanks for visitting this site. A lekma sentence is as follows, an interjection/connection + an agent × an object × a verb ÷ adverbial clauses + a subject/topic × a particle.
Graphemes are listed below the each phonemes.
Bilabial | Labio-dental | Dental | Alveolar | Retroflex | Palatal | Velar | Uvular | Glottal | |
Nasal | m m |
n n |
ɳ nr |
ɲ nh |
ŋ un,-nn |
Plosive | p b b,ff b,rb |
t d t,d,tt d,rd |
k g c,k c,rc |
ʔ kk,` | |||||
Affricate | t͡s tz |
ʈ͡ʂ tr |
t͡ɕ th |
Fricative | f f |
θ cz* |
s // ʃ s // sh |
ʂ sr |
ɕ sh* |
χ -k,ch |
ɦ hh | ||
Approximant | ʋ v,u- |
j i- |
Trill | ʀ hr |
Flap or tap | ɾ l,-r,-rr- |
Lateral app. | l l |
ʎ lh |
These letters with * are rare.
Front | Near-front | Central | Near-back | Back | |
Close | i y i ü |
ɨ ui,î |
ɯ u û u | ||
Mid-open | e ø e,ä ö |
ɐ a,â,e,ë |
ʌ o ô o | ||
Open | ä a |
There are vowel length for each phonemes.
± phonotactics *development - C
- k
- t
- lh
- sr
- nr
- V
- a
- á:allophones;ae;ai;oa
- e
- ee:allophones;ei;é;ea
- ö:allophones;eu
- oi
- oo:allophones;ou;ó
- C
- nn
- h
- tz
- cz
- t
- ns
- −vowel length lk
- −vowel length ks
- sk
± It is applied for inter parts of speech - s-
- n-
- a-
- -a
- -e
- -s
- -as
- -es
- -n
- -en
- -ns
- -ens
- -r
- -l
- -t
- -d
- -er
- -el
- -et
- -ad
- -nd
- -nt
- -nds
- -nts
noun root | word | ||||||
the agent of a transitive verb | the subject/locative of an intransitive verb | the direct/indirect object of a verb | possessive form | plural form | plural possessive form | ||
*ac/ʔɐk/ | sac/sɐk/ | nac/nɐk/ | uac/ʋɐk/[ʔɐk] | ács/ʔäks/ | sácen,nácen,ácen/ʔäːgen/ | ácens/ʔäːgens/ | I |
*üe/ʔyː/ | sü/syː/ | nü/nyː/ | uü/ʋyː/[ʔyː] | uües/ʋyːs/ | süen,nüen,ʋüen/ʔyːen/ | uüens/ʔyːens/ | You |
*hhia/ɦiä/ | íasaé/ɦiänsäe/ | íanaé/ɦiänäe/ | hhia/ɦiä/ | ías/ɦiäs/ | sian,nian,ían/ɦiän/ | íans/ɦiäns/ | They (singular) |
*kkae/ʔae/ | aesaé/ʔaesäe/ | aenaé/ʔaenäe/ | àe/ʔae/ | àes/ʔais/ | saen,naen,àen/ʔain/ | àens/ʔaens/ | Thing |
verb root | indicative form | subjunctive form | connective form | noun-like form | word | |
present/habitual | the motion is futural | -ing, /if | the motion is incomplete | the motion is completed | ||
*sel/sel/ | ser/sel/,[seɾ] | seat/seɦät/ | sád/säːt/ | selínda/selindɐ/ | selínt/selint/ | be |
*bal/bäl/ | bar/bäl/,[bäɾ] | baat/bäɦät/ | bád/bäːt/ | balínda/bälindɐ/[bäˈindɐ] | balínt/bälint/[bäˈint] | have |
*tel/tel/ | ter/tel/,[teɾ] | teat/teɦät/ | tád/täːt/ | telínda/telindɐ/[teˈindɐ] | telínt/telint/[teˈint] | hang,raise |
Swadesh List
± Lexicon /old lexic entries *development - I: kkac /nac
- you (singular): kküe /nie
- he: hhonn /han
- we: kkácen /nacen
- you (plural): kküeen /nien
- they: hhian /hia
- this : torce /toc,iá,due
- that: kkáe /hae
- here: tocma /tcm
- there: àema /aem
- who: hhia,lhia /lia
- what: kva /kvd
- where: kvime /kvm
- when: kvatzuí /kvn
- how: kvamuí /kvi
- not: né /nei
- all: àen /aen
- many: àens /aens
- some: de àen /desaen
- few: làes /leas
- other: né daes /neidae
- one: éna,ená,ésa,esá /esh
- two: tzue /dva
- three: mal /mal
- four: cut /cut
- five: unal /hal
- big: lhens /ae
- long: naelhens /ae
- wide: daesbala /ae
- thick: bala /ae
- heavy: né fie /neifias
- small: ae /tis
- short: kul /ae
- narrow: tis /tisma
- thin: kadtis /ae
- woman: lhúa /lua
- man (adult male): lhúa /lua
- man (human being): hhan/lhúo /luo
- child: ae /tisluo
- wife: ae /mama dae kús
- husband: ae /tata dae kús
- mother: máma /mam
- father: táta /tat
- animal: this /ae
- fish: ae /fsk
- bird: tofie /tfl
- dog: cúon /chn
- louse: ae /lus
- snake: ae /lam
- worm: hhom /orm
- tree: ae /bim
- forest: ae /bsk
- stick: baunel /ae
- fruit: fam /flm
- seed: fam /ae
- leaf: hhüo /lif
- root: lád /lad
- bark (of a tree): bolo /bim dui en. bark
- flower: ae /lili
- grass: ladlili /ae
- rope: sinn /ae
- skin: bäl /ae
- meat: salk /slk
- blood: salk /ae
- bone: lám /ae
- fat (noun): bét /fat
- egg: ais /ae
- horn: kol /krn
- tail: lámen /lam
- feather: fie /fli
- hair: tetr /khr
- head: ae /cab
- ear: olhen /orh
- eye: ain /oin
- nose: nes /nez
- mouth: ae /lif
- tooth: tzann /fnc
- tongue (organ): tzann /zau
- fingernail: tzann /fau
- foot: ae /bam
- leg: ae /bam
- knee: baim /ae
- hand: tec /tek
- wing: fiem /fli
- belly: mac /ae
- guts: mac /ae
- neck: nec /ae
- back: tzüc /ruc
- breast: bec /fec
- heart: kel /kor
- liver: kel /ae
- to drink: sifel /drk
- to eat: nem /nhm
- to bite: tzaunel /tnf
- to suck: sifel /ae
- to spit: nemel /ae
- to vomit: tue dae nems /ae
- to blow: bolel /ae
- to breathe: nesel /ae
- to laugh: hrak /rch
- to see: vis /ver
- to hear: sanhel /oir
- to know: can /cna
- to think: canel /dik
- to smell: nesel /ae
- to fear: bai /ae
- to sleep: bei /slf
- to live: súmel /ae
- to die: né súmel /ae
- to kill: sral /ae
- to fight: sral /ae
- to hunt: sral /ae
- to hit: láb /lfn
- to cut: kul /ae
- to split: tuinde kut,tua tzues /dval
- to stab: binn /ae
- to scratch: skilel /ae
- to dig: binn /nem
- to swim: ae /svi
- to fly: ae /fei
- to walk: salkel /ae
- to come: hhim /clm
- to lie (as in a bed): lob /ae
- to sit: sidel /set
- to stand: hrec /tnd
- to turn (intransitive): silkel /ae
- to fall: feiel /fei
- to give: túe /tue
- to hold: hrantel /ae
- to squeeze: tzecal /ae
- to rub: vask /ae
- to wash: vask /ae
- to wipe: vaskel /vsk
- to pull: tec /ae
- to push: tec,ffon /ae
- to throw: tue toc náe /ae
- to tie: ticel /bnd
- to sew: ffinticel /ae
- to count: teltzif /ae
- to say: srua /seu
- to sing: séunel /seu
- to play: bil /sfl
- to float: lom /flt
- to flow: ae /flt
- to freeze: íelel /iel
- to swell: rcol /ae
- sun: hrá /na
- moon: daehrá /mun
- star: lucz /trl
- water: súm /sumi
- rain: lein /rcn
- river: léne /len
- lake: léne /len
- sea: léneen /len
- salt: sala /slt
- stone: shè /stn
- sand: sahr /snd
- dust: hroma /ae
- earth: thi /nulmaf
- cloud: küt /sku
- fog: küt /foc
- sky: séo /sulmaf
- wind: fendas /vnd
- snow: nívas /snu
- ice: íelen /ais
- smoke: féu /feo
- fire: féu /feo
- ash: daeféu /ae
- to burn: tocféu tue /feol
- road: vei /vec
- mountain: ae /mon
- red: hrot /rod
- green: léu /crn
- yellow: col /clb
- white: hrát /vit
- black: dal /blc
- night: dal /nkt
- day: dis /dac
- year: iálen /zuames
- warm: nôk /vrm
- cold: íels /chl
- full: buk /ful
- new: bil /na
- old: né bil /ae
- good: hhim /bim
- bad: né hhim /ae
- rotten: tocel nae /na
- dirty: mud /ae
- straight: bim /na
- round: kadbal /na
- sharp (as a knife): dis /na
- dull (as a knife): dos /na
- smooth: dilel /na
- wet: súmmuí /vods
- dry: sekal /sek
- correct: bim /ae
- near: tocmas /na
- far: naemas /na
- right: hris /rec
- left: chol /lic
- at: tzúi /zui,tui
- in: lhea /ins
- with: múi,mue /mui
- and: e,elk /elk
- if: o,sôm /som
- because: fúi /kar
- name: námel /nam