
Revision as of 17:27, 23 November 2013 by Darthme (talk | contribs) (→‎Phonology)
Created by
Native to?
Native speakers? (2012)
  • ?
    • ?
      • ?
        • Fejanese
Official status
Official language in
Language codes
ISO 639-2fej
ISO 639-3fej

Fejãto is a little-documented language whose speakers live somewhere west of the Asgejerssø. As more and more study of the language and its grammar is done, this page will be updated accordingly. For now, only a rudimentary profile of the language has been compiled by explorers who dare to cross the treacherous seas.


Letters Letter Name Pronunciation Further information
a ame [ɐ] reduced to [ɛ] in vernacular speech when unstressed
ã ãme [ɐ̃] syllables containing (ã) always take primary stress
b beme [b] often silenced when appearing after (m) except for formal speech
d dome [d] when followed by (e) or (i), (d) represents [d͡ʒ], silent when word-final or following (n)/(m)
e eme [e]/[ɛ] [ɛ] when unstressed except for when word-final when it represents [e]
f efe [f] -
g gome [ɣ]/[g] often reduced to [ɣ] unless word-initial, then it becomes [g]
h home [x] [x] unless used in a consonant cluster, then adds palatilization
i ibe [i] -
j jome [ʒ] often palatalized in vernacular speech
k kame [k] -
l lobe [l] (ll) represents [lʲ]
m ime [m] often silenced when word-final, tends to nasalize vowels directly preceding it
n ene [n] -
o obe [o]/[ɔ] [ɔ] when unstressed, often pronounced [u:] when word-final
p pame [p] -
r reme [r] tapped; can be trilled if one wants to emphasize the (r)
s ese [s]/[ɕ] when word-initial/word-final, or when (ss) occurs, (s) is pronouced [s], additionally, if there are two or more frictave consonants in a word before (s), it is realized as [s]
t ete [t] when followed by (e) or (i), (t) represents [t͡ɕ]
u ume [u] -
v veme [v] -
ç eçe [s] always pronounced [s] regardless of placement



Verbs in Fejãto fall under three Classes: Class I (Strong Verbs), Class II (Weak Verbs), and Class III (Irregular Verbs). By far the largest group is Class I. The only difference between Class I and Class II is simply that they conjugate differently. Class III consists of verbs that fall under neither I nor II.

All verbs can be conjugated for 6 persons (including he/she/it as one person) in all tenses.

Class I

Class I verbs generally end with -or in the infinitive, but this by itself does not make a verb a Class I verb. Forming other tenses in Fejãto is usually very simple and standard, but tends to lead to long words.

Here is a conjugation table for the verb dantror (to speak)

Person Present Past Perfect Present Progressive
I (jue) dantro dantros dantroça dantroçendo
you (nosa) dantrej dantrejes dantrejeça dantrejeçendo
you (pl.) (nossaç) dantresar dantreses dantreseça dantresendo
he/she/it (laç/leç/ã) dantrej dantrejes dantrejeça dantrejeçendo
they (lusa) dantren dantrenes dantrença dantrençendo
we (ossé) dantrossa dantrosses dantrosseça dantrossendo

In the perfect case, when there is a frictave consonant ([ɕ/ʒ/d͡ʒ/s]) as a verb's final sound, a 'glider e' is inserted so that ç stands alone. This makes the word easier to pronounce because the frictaves are not doubled up.

Class II

Class II verbs end with -ar in the infinitive and generally undergo an ablaut sound change int he past tense

While the ablaut can be confusing to some, even these sound changes are all regular (that is, one vowel quality always shifts to another). Those that do not conform with the normal sound shifts are classified under Class III.

Here is a conjugation table for the verb ponar (to create)

Person Present Past Perfect
I (jue) ponare panare çapanare
you (nosa) ponares panares çapanares
you (pl.) (nossaç) ponaresa panaresa çapanaresa
he/she/it (laç/leç/ã) ponares panares çapanares
they (lusa) ponaru panaru çapanaru
we (ossé) ponari panari çapanari

In the perfect tense, the prefix ça- is added to the ablauted form of the noun to distinguish it from the simple past version.

The sound changes for each vowel are as follows:

Vowel Past
a ã
e i
i u
o a
u e
ã a

(I will probably rework this later with a more general raising/lowering of vowels)


Sentence Structure


Fejãto IPA English
No fejãto ç'es ké ra de jolla dosso norasto /'nu: fɛ'ʒʲã,tu: 'sʔeɕ 'ke 'ra 'd͡ʒe 'ʒʲo,lʲɛ 'do,su: nɔ'raɕ,tu:/ Fejãto is the language of the Fejanese people (lit. The Fejãto is of what the tongue of the people[s])
Example Example Example
Example Example Example


A kanto is a ritual chant, often used in times of war as a rallying cry to either intimidate enemies or raise morale among allies. Here is an example of a feared kanto used by the Çajosã tribe during their conquest of eastern Fejorram (the Fejanese-speaking territories)

Fejãto English
Prutassa! A ç'essa ossés kanto! Let us sing! This (is) our war cry!
A rato no murte ké norasto mulren! (This/the) song of death (is) what people fear!
A rato no murte ké jorã mulren! (This/the) song of death (is) what kings fear!
A rato no murte ké hãlije mulren! (This/the) song of death (is) what gods fear!
Ossé protessa ossés rato! We cry (out) our song!
Lusa oçassa o orise unte! (So) the people hear the invincible warriors!