Naeng/Calendar and time

The Bjeheondians usually use the modern Trician solar calendar. Dates of Mărotłism-derived holidays are computed with the Mărotłite lunisolar calendar.

Civil calendar

Telling the time

A Trician day is divided into 5040 units called püc in Windermere (about 17.142857 seconds)

Mărotłite calendar

One Trician solar year is about 357.08065278709064 Trician days, and one Trician lunar month is about 30.58122882574347 Trician days long; hence months in the lunar calendar usually have either 30 or 31 days. Twelve lunar months are about 366.97474590892164 days, which exceeds the solar year by 9.89409312183100 solar days. Hence in a regular 25-year cycle, one of the months, Tslüüs II, is omitted.

The twelve lunar months are:

  • Mingiiφ (30 days) ~ summer solstice
  • Blesi (30 days) ~ beginning of autumn
  • Θmuuχ (30 days)
  • Căφlan (30 days) ~ autumn equinox, harvest season
  • Stansa (31 days) ~ beginning of winter
  • Șĭdaφ (31 days)
  • Bĭnur (31 days) ~ winter solstice
  • Tănot (31 days)
  • Noman (31 days) ~ beginning of spring ~ planting season
  • Slăsyan (31 days) ~ spring equinox
  • Tslüüs I (31 days) ~ beginning of summer
  • Tslüüs II (30 or 31 days; omitted in years 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 mod 25. These years are called imtsuar șănărhip, lit. 'defective years'.). [Figure out when Tslüüs has 30 days and when it has 31 days]