History of Avrid

The history of Avrid (pronounced [avˈɾɪd] or [ˈavɾɪd], from Tevrés: Avríd [avˈɾið], also known as the Known World) is one that spans tens of thousands of years, from the very first wumbo inhabitants of the three continents of Ephenia, Eubora, and Seria in prehistory to the modern era. The Quiet Era saw inflow of wumbo from east and southeast, including Maro-Ephenian migrations, as well as the emergence of the first large-scale civilisations; the Erukkuan Empire, the palace-states of Talothas, the Kingdom of Byzara, and the far eastern Ceres civilisation. The invasion of the so-called New People traditionally marks the end of the Quiet Age. After followed a dark age until the rise of Talothic city-states across the Maraphirine. Later, the Aeranid Empire came dominate nearly the entirety of the three continents. Its fall in the Collapse marked the beginning of another dark age in Ephenia, also called Avrid's Medieval Age. The Fasser Empire took control over the Maraphirine basin and restored much of the trade efficiency and connectivity of the Aeranid Empire. In Ephenia rediscovery and reintroduction by Fasser to the classical world spurred new interest in the ancient world. Simultaneously powerful kingdoms were established in Ephenia, namely S'entin and Tevrén, halting Fasser advance.

Dates and terminology

The dating system used herein is the Common Dating System. This aligns with the New Imperial Age calendar, but the name has been changed to a more neutral one. Year one of the Common Age (abbreviated CA) begins with the Tevrés Homecoming at the end of the Tevrén-Fasser War. This corresponds to year 1216 of the Fasser calendar, the other major dating system of Avrid, and would be year 2104 of the Aeranid calendar, which despite the Collapse continued to be used in Talothas until the Fasser occupation. Years before year one are referred to as Before the Common Age (abbreviated BCA).

Names of Avrid

The name Avrid as mentioned above derived from the Tevrés word Avríd. This in turn comes from the Medieval Talothic Aplidhýn ([apliˈðy(n)]), via Ilessu Abride ([ɐˈbɾidɨ]). Aplidhýn derives from Classical Talothic Apleidoión ([apleːdoi̯ón]), meaning 'that which is upon Pleidos.' Pleidos was an ancient Talothic mythical figure; a titan upon whose corpse it was believed the world lay. This name is common throughout the Aeranid languages: Sentigneis Avri ([avʁi]), Morraol Avrit ([avˈɾit]), Deres Ăpride ([əˈpride]), Iscariano Applidi ([ äpːˈliːdi]), etc.. In Fasser, the world is called Sighma't ([sɪɣˈmæʔt]) meaning 'beneath heaven.' The New Aeranid term Aplīdiun is an anachronism. The Aerans referred to the world as Prāticulun Utessēris ([praːˈt̪ɪkʊl̴ũˑ ʊt̪ɛˈs̠ːeːrɪs̠]) ‘Odesser’s Cradle,’ or simply Prāticulun.


Avrid is made up of three major continents. To the north is Ephenia, to the south Seria, and to the east Eubora. Between them lies the Maraphirine Sea.


Ephenia (pronounced [ɪˈfɛniə]; Aeranir: [ɛˈfɛnja], Classical Talothic: Ephenía [epʰenía] Modern: [efeˈɲa], Tevrés: Ifeña [iˈfeɲa], S'entigneis: Èpheigne [ɛfɛɲ], Deres Efie ([eˈfije]), Iscariano: Ifegna [iˈfɛɲːä], Ilessu: Efeiña [ɨˈfɐ̃j̃ɐ]) can be divided into eight parts. To the far north past the Contigian Mountains lies the Frost-Lands, home of frost giants and the northern barbarians. The mountains are treacherous to cross, and the land is covered in snow year round, so little is known of this place. It is believed that at least some of its inhabitants speak an Uppadic language similar to those spoken below in some parts of Fyrda.

Below this lies Fyrda, or more properly High Fyrda. It is the traditional homeland of the Fyrdans as well as some Uppadi. It is divided into many smaller kingdoms and principalities. Historically the Aerans considered Fyrdans part of the northern barbarians (despite the fact that the Fyrdans were at around the same latitude as the Aeran capital of Telhramir and far to the east, as they used the Talothic reckoning of barbarians). The Fyrdans fought numerous battles against the Aerans, and were one of the few groups in Ephenia to resist Aeranid rule. Fyrda is a mountainous and heavily forested region, which perhaps contributed to its defences.

The region below Fyrda was traditionally known as Valun but more recently as S'entin. It is home to a large portion of Ephenia's arable land, especially after the Collapse. Little is known of its original inhabitants but it is thought to have been settled by Maro-Ephenians, the Anderer , around the 5th millennia BCA. It was by the Aerans around the beginning of the Imperial Period, and its wumbo were Aeranised. After the Collapse it was conquered by a Fyrdan tribal confederation called the Antines. However unlike their precursors the Aerans, they did not enforce their language upon their subjects, and instead assimilated to the Aeranid language and culture already present. Due to its natural bounty S'entin became one of if not the richest nation of Ephenia.

To the southwest of Valun is Hileria. Because the majority of Hileria is undefended by mountains, much of the region is arid desert, although no so untenable as the Great Desert. The western part of the region is more verdant and hospitable to agriculture than the east, owing to the Llid Mountains. Hileria was conquered early on by the Aerans, when before the Monarchy of Telhramir was overthrown and the Empire formed. Therefor, it has some of the most intact Aeranid ruins of any region. It was invaded by Fyrdan tribes after the Collapse, but no large kingdoms arose as in S'entin. The Fyrdan and Aeran castle lords were quickly conquered by the expanding Fasser Empire, however they maintained an active and aggressive resistance throughout the occupation. Eventually a coalition of Aeran castle lord were able to drive off Fasser, and unite Hileria under the crown of Tevrén, leading to the beginning of the Common Age.

In the absolute southwest of Ephenia lies the claw-shaped peninsula Ucilia, and above that Upper and Lower Anderia. Although the Anderians once occupied much of central Ephenia as far as Valun, the majority of them now live in these areas. These lands are covered in dense forests and inhabited by barbarian tribes. They are also one of the few places in Ephenia that were not conquered by the Aeranid Empire. Due to naval trade with Iscaria ships are always passing around Ucilia, making it a hotbed of piracy. A few settlements are supported by Iscaria and its trading partners to provide safe harbour for merchant vessels.

Above Ucilia and Anderia lies Iscaria. This is comprised of the mainland and several island. In the classical era present day Iscaria made up only the lower half of greater Iscaria, but the upper area was rendered uninhabitable by the Collapse and the expansion of the Great Dessert. Upper Iscaria was home of the Aerans and Telhramir, and as such Iscaria inherited many important Aeranid cities. It is the only region of the Known World that is capable of trade across the Western Ocean. It is comprised of myriad principalities and autonomous city-states, each with its own local culture and language, although the standard Iscariano of Quarenzi is used alongside Talothic as a lingua franca.

Finally, the vast interior of the continent is occupied by the Great Dessert. Created in the mysterious event known as the Collapse, the Great Dessert is a massive inhospitable land that takes up the majority of the continent. The area now encompassed by the Dessert is thought to have once had a rich and varied geography, however the Dessert has levelled all of that into endless dunes of sand. Very few Anderic and Fyrdan tribes dwell around the periphery of the Dessert, but none venture too far inward. On top of being inarable, strange and terrible things are thought to dwell in the centre of the Dessert. Recently there have been attempts by modern nations to venture into the Great Dessert, however these have met with mixed results. Within the Great Dessert stretches the equally mysterious Wall of Severance, which surrounds the old city of Telhramir in a 50 mile radius. None have been able to breach the Wall.

On the western extreme of the Great Dessert lies the former cite of the First Forrest, a location important to many of the cultures of Avrid. Many species, such as the Elves and Humans, claim to have originated from the First Forrest. However, now there is nothing there but sand and the withered husks of ancient trees.


Eubora (pronounced [jʉˈbɔɹə]; Aeranir: [øːˈboːra], Classical Talothic: Eubōrḗ [eu̯bɔːrɛ̌ː] Modern: [evoˈri], Tevrés: Euvora [euˈvoɾa], S'entigneis: Eubore [øboʁ], Deres Evură ([eˈvurə]), Iscariano: Eubora [euˈboːrä], Ilessu: Oubura [owˈbuɾɐ]) is the easternmost of the three continents of the Known World, and was home to two of the three great Maraphirine civilisations of the Quiet Age. It stretches far to the east, although little of it is known past the Empire of Mas. The Kingdom of Ceres is said to lie in the far east of Eubora as well as Stiria, although these interact little the west, and mostly trade through Mas.

The north-most region of Eubora is known as Low Fyrda, as opposed to High Fyrda in Ephenia. This region is further home to Fyrdan and Fyrdic states, as well as some Uppadi and to the east some Stravons. The north of this area is cold and icy, whilst the south gives way to steppe-like plains. Further south still is the peninsula of Iridia, a hilly and mountainous area that was conquered by the Aeranid Empire and remains the only region of Eubora to speak an Aeranid languages (with the exception of the endangered Dalot language of eastern Talothas). After the Collapse, this territory was a part of the Eastern Aeranid Empire for a time, before being subsumed by Fasser.


Seria (pronounced [ˈsɛ˞ɾjə]; Aeranir: [ˈs̠eːrja], Classical Talothic: Sēreîa [sɛːrêːa] Modern: [siˈrʝa], Tevrés: Seria [ˈs̺eɾja], S'entigneis: Série [s̺eʁi], Deres Sere ([ˈsere]), Iscariano: Seia [ˈseːjä], Ilessu: Serie [ˈsɨɾjɨ])

The Quiet Age

It is not precisely known how long Avrid has been populated by wumbo, but estimates say it has been inhabited for at least the past 40,000 years. The lore of many different cultures hold that they originated from the First Forrest in northwest Ephenia, although there is little concrete evidence for this claim, and evidence of Maro-Ephenian migration means that if this is true, then it happened at a point so far into prehistory as to allow multiple waves of emigration and then migration back into Ephenia. Regardless, it is believed that the population at that time was made up mostly of Humans, Dwarves, and Elves, and possibly some closely related races such as halflings.

The immigration of Maro-Ephenian speaking tribes, the precursors to groups such the Talothor, Aerans, Stravons, Fyrdans, Anderians, and Erukkuani, from the central mountain ranges of Eubora and into the rest of south and eastern Eubora and eventually the whole of Ephenia began in the 8th millennium BCA. The first great civilisations of the Quiet Age began to arise around this time as well; the Erukkuan Empire conquering the city-states of the Haphon Peninsula in central Eubora, the incredibly advanced Kingdom of Byzara thriving off of the River Syl in Seria, and the seafaring Proto-Talothic states facilitating trade between them. Further East saw the rise of early Stiric and Cerene civilisations, and there is evidence that there was robust trade throughout the ancient world even between these distant powers.

At the same time, writing was invented in Byzara, beginning recorded history in Avrid. Perhaps inspired by Byzara, separate writing systems were created after this in the other Quiet Age civilisations. A great deal of these cultures history and beliefs were recorded in this era, especially in Byzara, as well as everyday commercial transactions and personal accounts. However, much of this was lost in the 6th millennium BCA, when these civilisations were attacked by waves of unknown attackers from sea and land whom are enigmatically referred to in surviving documents as the New People. Over the course of only around 50 years, between c. 4600 to 4550 BCA, the majority of Quiet Age settlements were sacked and world trade was completely disrupted.

It is believed that this event marks the introduction of several of the modern day species of wumbo to Avrid, such as Goblinoids, Orcs, Tieflings, Gnomes, and Dragonborn. Before this time, there is not mention in writing of these races, nor any visual depictions in carvings or reliefs. Depictions do appear after this period, however, although out Avrid. Furthermore, there are some surviving contemporaneous accounts and depictions of these New People that seem to confirm this hypothesis. The origin of the New People however is a complete mystery. There are several different theories, but no solid evidence to support any of them. Some believe that these New People came from some unknown part of the world as result of famine, however this is complicated by the fact that their migration seems to have been omnidirectional; there was no clear direction from which they emigrated. There is also disagreement as to whether the New People were a singular group or several different groups migrating at the same time.

Also debated is exactly which groups were part of the New People. It has been proposed by some scholars that groups not associated originally with the New People, such as the Tritons or the Kenku, which were originally thought to have migrated to Avrid at some later time, might have been apart of this Quiet Age mass migration, but were not recorded until later due to less interaction with surrounding populations and a lack of writing in these areas. However this is not broadly accepted.

The Classical Age

By the late 4th millennium BCA the New People had integrated with the original inhabitants of Avrid and civilisation began to rise anew. Although the old Proto-Talothic and Erukkuan writing systems were lost after the invasion of the New People, the new Talothic city-states borrowed the surviving Byzaran script and spread it across the the world with their naval colonies, which were established all over the Maraphirine Sea and as far as Iscaria in northwest Ephenia.

The city of Telhramir was established by a group of Aerans, a Maro-Ephenian tribe who settled upper Iscaria, between the Ehermine settlements to the south and coastal Talothic colonies.

Powers of Avrid


Iscarian League
Vessa Iscariana (Iscariano)
Vessa Scariana (Mignunissu)
Ókfta Khazhayká (Tsagonic)
Ruling BodyIscarian Council
Official languagesIscariano, Mignunissu, Tsagonic

Iscaria (pronounced [ɪsˈkaɹiə]; Iscariano: [isˈkäːrjä], Aeranir: Iscāria [ɪs̠ˈkaːrja], Talothic: Iskária [isˈkarʝa], Tevrés: Iscaria [isˈkaɾja], Deres Îskâre [ɨsˈkɨre], S'entigneis: Îcarie [ikaʁi], Ilessu: Iscaria [iʃˈkɐɾjɐ])


Kingdom of S'entin
Rein eu S'entin (S'entigneis)
Ren eu Santin (Vominhà)
RulerKing Eluis IIX
Official languagesS'entigneis, Vominha

S’entin (pronounced [sɑnˈtɑn]; S’entigneis: [s̺ɑ̃t̪ɛ̃], Aeranir: Antīniun [ãn̪ˈt̪iːnjũˑ], Talothic: Sadínin [saˈdini(n)], Tevrés: Sentín [s̺ẽnˈt̪ĩn], Deres Sânțâie [sɨnˈtsɨje], Iscariano: Sannigno [säˈnːiɲːo], Ilessu: Sentíu [sẽˈt͡ʃu])


Kingdom of Tevrén
Morrajote eu Tevrén (Tevrés)
Murrallute Tevrei (Ilessu)
Morrallot eu Tevrany (Morraol)
Morrayote eu Tevrán (Ertrañano)
Common languagesTevrés, Ilessu, Morraol, Ertrañano, Fasser
GovernmentFeudal Monarchy
84 BCA—presentTolrén I
153-84 BCAOdessián III
192-153 BCAHerensava II
296-192 BCAOdessián II
296-349 BCAOdessián I
349-381 BCAAlcastre II
381-468 BCAAlcastre I
468-509 BCAHerensava I
509-625 BCAFuldrén I

Tevrén (pronounced [tɛvˈɹɛn]; Tevrés: [t̪evˈɾẽn], Aeranir: Tibōrāniun [t̪ɪboːˈraːnjũˑ], Talothic: Tivoránin [t̪ivoˈrani(n)], S'entigneis: Tevrain [t̪əvʁɛ̃], Deres Țâvuraie ([tsɨvuˈraje]), Iscariano: Tiboragna [t̪iboˈräɲːä], Ilessu: Tevreiu [t̪ɨvˈɾɐju]) is a kingdom located in the south of Ephenia, in the region Hileria. Tevrén is the largest country by land in Ephenia, and second highest in population, behind S'entin.

The Modern Kingdom of Tevrén was established in 1 CA, with the end of the Hileran War of Reclamation, after centuries strife between Fasser rulers and local Castle Lords (murrafigos). Before that, Tevrén was one of many small Castle Kingdoms (morrajotos) to the north of Hileria. It slowly gained more territory over the 2nd and 1st centuries BCA, becoming the dominant Aeranid kingdom in Hileria, and uniting with Ertraña, Morraol (tev. morrazol), Ileaza (tev. ilea), and the independent Castle Lords of Murrafíçia under the Tevrén crown at the end of the war.

Former Powers

Aeranid Empire

Aeranid Empire
Tlāna Aerāniha (Aeranir)
Heileîa hōn Airánōn (Talothic)
Ruling BodySenate of Telhramir
Official languagesAeranir, Talothic

Vers Aerānir

cōmus e. (cōmeris)
The cōmus in Aeranid law is defined primarily as the house, or residence, of an individual, and secondarily by extension, the other members of said household. The bond between cōmus members (cōmerīnur) was considered ideally to be carīnua, broadly meaning friendship or platonic love. All members of a household, regardless of their blood relation, including servants and cooks, where considered a part of the cōmus. In fact, aside from the relation between mother-and child, Aeranid law recognises no blood relations; the cōmus is the most important relation.