Verse:Schngellstein/Stem-Celtic Nurian

Pestonian (placeholder name) is an Estonian-inspired descendant of Hivatish.

Numbers: õin, tua, tria, kidur, pik, huu, heht, õst, neu, tis

Tepader! = an oath, like "Jesus" or "Christ" in our English


Consonants: p b v t d δ k g s z h m n ng w r l j /p b v t d ð k g s z h m n ŋ w ʀ l j/

Vowels: a e i u õ /a e i u ɤ/ + long vowels and diphthongs


no gender

valg 'wolf' (< valkuq)
Singular Plural
Nominative valg valgar
Genitive valga valgu
Dative valge valgav
Ablative-Locative valged valgav

wirδ 'word' (< wirdun)
Singular Plural
Nominative wirδ werδar
Genitive werδa wirδu
Dative wirδe wirδav
Ablative-Locative wirδed wirδav

võga 'city' (< vukaa)
Singular Plural
Nominative võga võgar
Genitive võgar võgu
Dative võge võgav
Ablative-Locative võgad võgav

inn 'fire'
Singular Plural
Nominative inn innir
Genitive innir innu
Dative inne inniv
Ablative-Locative innid inniv

suht 'attempt'
Singular Plural
Nominative suht suhtur
Genitive suhter suhtu
Dative suhte suhtuv
Ablative-Locative suhtud suhtuv


Similar to noun declension classes; adjectives before nouns

  • Nominative: tali wirδ 'long word', taljar werδar 'long words'
  • Genitive: talja werδa, talju wirδu
  • Dative: talje wirδe, taljav wirδav
  • Abl-loc: taljad wirδed, taljav wirδav


case 1sg. 2sg. (familiar) 3sg. 1pl. 2pl., polite 3pl.
m. f. n.
nom. ja tu su sa sud am ju sir
acc. mi ti sun san sud ang jung sur
gen. min tiv sida sidar ta angar jungar serar
dat. mõi tõi sõme sõre tõme angav jungav siv, serav
abl.-loc. mined, med tived, ted sõmed sõred tõmed angav jungav siv, serav


TODO: revamp tenses to get split-ergativity, add evidentiality

Unlike Qivattutannguaq, Pestonian is NOT pro-drop.

There is a 2x2 tense structure: {non-past, past} x {imperfective, perfective}.

Ergativity is used in perfect(ive) tenses. The verb agrees with the noun in the absolutive case, and the ergative subject is marked with tar 'through' plus the accusative case: Tar sin teisedõim. 'He will find me.'

As in Hebrew and Russian, some tenses are pro-drop but some tenses are not.

teised "he finds":

  • Non-past imperfective: ja teisia, tu teiser, su/sa/sud teised, am teisim, ju teisid, sir teisud
  • Past imperfective: ja teiser, tu teiset, su/sa/sud teiser, am teiseme, ju teisete, sir teiser
  • Past perfective: teisedim, teiseder, teiseded, teisedime, teisedite, teisedud
  • Future perfective: teisetõim, teisetõir, teisetõid, teisetõime, teisetõite, teisetõjud

vinned "he binds":

  • Non-past imperfective: ja vinna, tu vinner, su/sa/sud vinned, am vinnam, ju vinned, sir vinnud
  • Past imperfective: ja vanner, tu vannet, su/sa/sud vanner, am vanneme, ju vannete, sir vanner
  • Past perfective: vandim, vander, vanded, vandime, vandite, vandud
  • Future perfective: vantõim, vantõir, vantõid, vantõime, vantõite, vantõjud

teepudad "he rules":

  • Non-past imperfective: ja teepuda, tu teepudar, su teepudad, am teepudam, ju teepudad, sir teepudud
  • Past imperfective: ja teepudar, tu teepudat, su teepudar, am teepudame, ju teepudate, sir teepudar
  • Past perfective: teepudadim, teepudader, teepudaded, teepudadime, teepudadite, teepudadud
  • Future perfective: teepudatõim, teepudatõir, teepudatõid, teepudatõime, teepudatõite, teepudatõjud