Eadlan/Older draft

< Eadlan
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Older draft
Created byUser:IlL
  • Older draft

Netagin (Năhtuıyin /ˈnəʔtʰʉjin/) is a Sami, Hebrew and Windermere-inspired Shalaic language. It is related to Shalaian but phonologically is less conservative.

Netagin has notably developed Uralic-style consonant gradation. It also has non-rhoticity as a historical sound change, a sprachbund feature it shares with Shalaian but in a much more limited fashion (Only word-final /r/ is lost).


External history

This is the sixth reincarnation of Netagin (my past Hebrew-inspired conlangs).

I was getting bored of standard-fare Semitic and Celtic aesthetics, so I decided to try out a much more (mainly Northern and Skolt) Sami aesthetic and make the Hebrew influence much more subtle (at least phonologically).

Internal history

Netagin is a conlang created by Edna Ashe. Like its relative Shalaian, it is loosely inspired by Hebrew, (in-universe) Philadelphia English, and Celtic languages (especially Old Irish and Judeo-Gaelic).

Both Netagin and Shalaian are used as liturgical languages in Ashe's personal system of spirituality.

Internal² history

Shalaian and Netagin belong to a common sprachbund. They are two different branches of the Shalaic family that convergently evolved to share the following features:

  • Preglottalization
  • Large vowel system
  • Historical non-rhoticity
  • Verb-initial syntax
  • Split-ergativity

The relationship between Shalaian and Netagin is analogous to that between Centum and Satem IE languages: labiovelars become plain velars and plain velars become the -series in Netagin.


"Northern + Skolt Sami but more Windermere and Tíogall"


/ɪ u ɛ ɔ ə ɨ a iə uə eə oə ɨə/ i u e o ă ĭ a ia ua ea oa ĭa

Umlauted counterparts of the above:

/i ʉ e ɵ ɨ i æ ie ue ie oe ɨɪ/ iı uı eı ăı ĭı aı ieı ueı eaı oeı ĭeı

Proto-Netagin a ā i ī u ū ə + modal/stød -> a o/oa e/ea i/ie u/ua ă ĭ/ĭa


  • Nasals:
    • m bm bmm hm hmm /m pm bːm m̥ː m̥ːː/
    • n dn dnn hn hnn /n tn dːn n̥ː n̥ːː/
  • Stops:
    • p pp hp hpp b bb hb hbb f /pʰ pːʰ ʔpʰ ʔːpʰ p~b pː hp hːp v~f/
    • t tt ht htt d dd hd hdd th /tʰ tːʰ ʔtʰ ʔːtʰ t~d tː ht hːt ð~θ/
    • ț țț hț hțț ḑ ḑḑ hḑ hḑḑ z /tsʰ tsːʰ ʔtsʰ ʔːtsʰ ts~dz tsː hts hːts z/
    • c̦ c̦c̦ hc̦ hc̦c̦ ģ ģģ hģ hģģ j /tʃʰ tʃːʰ ʔtʃʰ ʔːtʃʰ tʃ~dʒ tʃː htʃ hːtʃ ʒ/
    • ξ ξξ hξ hξξ λ λλ hλ hλλ ƛ /tɬʰ tɬːʰ ʔtɬʰ ʔːtɬʰ tɬ~dɮ tɬː htɬ hːtɬ l/
    • c cc hc hcc g gg hg hgg /kʰ kːʰ ʔkʰ ʔːkʰ k~g kː hk hːk/
    • q qq hq hqq q /qʰ qː ʔqʰ ʔːqʰ q~ɢ/
      • final /q~ɢ/ is transcribed -q
  • Fricatives: s ss s's ș șș ș'ș σ σσ σ'σ h hh h'h /s sː sːː ʃ ʃː ʃːː ɬ ɬː ɬːː h xː xːː/
  • Other resonants:
    • l ll gll hl hll /ʟ qː ɢː χː χːː/
    • r rr drr hr hrr /ɾ tɾ dːɾ r̥ː r̥ːː/
    • y yy gyy hy hyy /j cː ɟː çː çːː/
    • w ww gww hw hww /w kʷː gʷː xʷː xʷːː/

The back liquid /ʟ/ is realized as a pharyngealized nasalized uvular approximant [ʁ̃ˁ]. /ʟ/ and its gradated counterparts come from a merger of Proto-Shalaic *l, *ʕ, and often *q.


Stress is always initial, ignoring derivational prefixes.


There are 3 gradation grades in Netagin morphology, respectively termed weak, strong, and overlong or I, II, and III. Gradation is purely morphological and is no longer phonologically conditioned: different forms of a word may require different grades, and a form may be marked through gradation alone.

Simple consonants

Weak (I) f b th d z y ģ ƛ λ j g q /q⁼/ s ș σ h m n l r y w
Strong (II) hb hp hd ht hḑ hc̦ hg hc hq ss șș σσ hh bm dn ll rr yy ww
Overlong (III) hbb hpp hdd htt hḑḑ hțț hģģ hc̦c̦ hλλ hξξ hgg hcc hqq ss șș σσ hh hm hn gll drr gyy gww

Historical geminates

Geminates historically arose from historical nC, /ʔ h/ + C, C + /ʔ h/ → C: sound changes, before gradation became morphologically significant. In Modern Netagin geminates almost always turned to preaspirated or preglottalized stops, except after resonants.

Weak (I) hb hp hd ht hḑ hc̦ hg hc hq ss șș σσ hh bm dn ll rr yy ww hl hr hy hw
Strong (II) = Overlong (III) hbb hpp hdd htt hḑḑ hțț hģģ hc̦c̦ hλλ hξξ hgg hcc hqq s's ș'ș σ'σ h'h bmm /b:m/ dnn /d:n/ gll /ɢ:/ drr /d:ɾ/ gyy /ɟː/ gww /gːʷ/ hll hrr hyy hww

Clusters with resonants

Cluster type PR RR FR RX, R ≠ l lX (l = /ʟ/)
  • R = resonant /m n ʟ r j w/
  • X = obstruent
  • P = stop
  • F = fricative /s ʃ ɬ/
  • CI, CII, CIII = simple consonant in the corresponding gradation grade
  • C: = geminate counterpart of an obstruent

Stop-obstruent clusters

Weak (I) fd, fḑ, fģ, fλ, fg /vd~ft, .../ ft, fț, fc̦, fξ, fc, fq, fs, fș, fσ /ftʰ, .../ thb, thg /ðb~θp, ðg~θk/ thp, thc, thq /θpʰ, θkʰ, θqʰ/ wb, wd, wḑ, wģ, wλ /wb~wp, .../ wp, wt, wț, wc̦, wξ, ws, wș, wσ /wpʰ~xʷpʰ, .../
Strong (II) bd, bḑ, bģ, bλ, bg /pt, .../ pt, pț, pc̦, pξ, pc, pq, ps, pș, pσ /ptʰ, .../ db, dg /tp, tk/ tp, tc, tq /tpʰ, tkʰ, tqʰ/ gb, gd, gḑ, gģ, gλ /kp, .../ cp, ct, cț, cc̦, cξ, cs, cș, cσ /kpʰ, .../
Overlong (III) bdd, bḑḑ, bģģ, bλλ, bgg /hpt, .../ ptt, pțț, pc̦c̦, pξξ, pcc, pqq, pss, pșș, pσσ /ʔptʰ, .../ dbb, dgg /htp, htk/ tpp, tcc, tqq /ʔtpʰ, ʔtkʰ, ʔtqʰ/ gbb, gdd, gḑḑ, gģģ, gλλ /hkp, .../ cpp, ctt, cțț, cc̦c̦, cξξ, css, cșș, cσσ /ʔkpʰ, .../

The hypothetical qC~lC gradation has merged with llC~lC gradation into llC~qC~lC gradation.

Sibilant-stop clusters

Weak (I) sp, st, sț, sξ, sc, sq /sp, st, sts, stʃ, stɬ, sk, sq/ șp, șt, șc̦, șξ, șc, șq /ʃp, ʃt, ʃtʃ, ʃtɬ, ʃk, ʃq/ łp, łt, łc, łq /ɬp, ɬt, ɬk, ɬq/
Strong (II) = Overlong (III) spp, stt, sțț, sξξ, scc, sqq /sːp, sːt, sːts, sːtɬ, sːk, sːq/ șpp, ștt, șc̦c̦, șξξ, șcc, șqq /ʃːp, ʃːt, ʃːtʃ, ʃːtɬ, ʃːk, ʃːq/ łpp, łtt, łcc, łqq /ɬːp, ɬːt, ɬːk, ɬːq/



Netagin has singular, dual, and plural numbers, and animate and inanimate genders. Some inanimates end in , which is cognate to the Shalaian honorific suffix -er.

Netagin nouns take the definite article and the specific article .

Todo: Even and odd nouns; possibly R-declension?

Possessive markers

Possessive markers have different forms depending on number and case.

  • c̦uall = a house (nominative singular)
  • 1s c̦ualăl
  • 2s c̦ualăth
  • 3s c̦ualla (a); c̦ualli (i)
  • 1d c̦ualăjăf
  • 2d c̦uallănif
  • 3d c̦uallăf
  • 1p c̦ualăģ
  • 2p c̦ualni
  • 3p c̦uallăs

  • c̦ual = a house (genitive singular)
  • 1s c̦ualăhcăl
  • 2s c̦ualăhcăth
  • 3s c̦ualăg (a); c̦ualuy (i)
  • 1d c̦ualăhcăjăf
  • 2d c̦ualăgănif
  • 3d c̦ualăgăf
  • 1p c̦ualăhcăģ
  • 2p c̦ualăgăni
  • 3p c̦ualăgăs

  • c̦ualăhd = two houses (nominative dual); to form the dual genitive, attach the suffix -id to all these forms
  • 1s c̦ualăhdăl
  • 2s c̦ualăhdăth
  • 3s c̦ualăhdud (a); c̦ualăhduģ (i)
  • 1d c̦ualăhdăjăf
  • 2d c̦ualăthănif
  • 3d c̦ualăthăf
  • 1p c̦ualăhdăģ
  • 2p c̦ualăthăni
  • 3p c̦ualăthăs

  • c̦uallu = houses (nom pl)
  • 1s c̦ualul
  • 2s c̦ualuth
  • 3s c̦uallud (a); c̦ualluģ (i)
  • 1d c̦ualujăf
  • 2d c̦uallunif
  • 3d c̦ualluf
  • 1p c̦ualuģ
  • 2p c̦ualluni
  • 3p c̦uallus

  • c̦ualu = houses (gen pl)
  • 1s c̦ualugăl
  • 2s c̦ualugăth
  • 3s c̦ualuhc (a); c̦ualluy (i)
  • 1d c̦ualugăjăf
  • 2d c̦ualuhcănif
  • 3d c̦ualuhcăf
  • 1p c̦ualugăģ
  • 2p c̦ualuhcăni
  • 3p c̦ualuhcăs



  • nominative: qoadbi /ˈqʰoətpɪ/, qoathbihd /ˈqʰoəðbɪht/, qoathbun /ˈqʰoəðbun/ <- PShal *qũdba, *qũdband, *qũdbaan
  • genitive: qoathbă /ˈqʰoəðbə/, qoathbihdid /ˈqʰoəðbɪhtɪt/, qoadbă /ˈqʰoətpə/ <- *qũdbat, *qũdband=igid, *qũdbii


  • nominative: qoadb, qoathbăhd, qoadbu <- *qũdbu, *qũdbund, *qũdbaa
  • genitive: qoathb, qoathbăhdid, qoathbu <- *qũdbuk, *qũdbund=igid, *qũdbaak


Independent pronouns

  • 1s hweal
  • 2s hwead
  • 1d hweażab
  • 2d hweanib
  • 1p hweaż
  • 2p hweani


Lushootseed (predicate first)?

Myl las oszað, byddzal = Give me your hand, my love


Shalaian as major loan source?