Šinax Netagin

Revision as of 22:27, 16 September 2021 by IlL (talk | contribs)

Modern Vernacular Netagin (VNtg) exists in a state of diglossia with Modern Classical Netagin. It exists in a sprachbund with Modern Windermere, Gwnax and other Bjeheondian languages.

Grammatical changes from Classical Netagin include:

  • SAuxVO word order
  • Loss of grammatical gender
  • Loss of verbal binyan inflection, and use of verb-derived nouns (both old verbal nouns and less direct derivations, including reborrowings from CNtg) as verbs
  • Relative clauses are resumptive
  • As a result of Jespersen's cycle, negation uses a negative absolutive marker dean derived from the Classical connegative determiner de.
  • SEA style serial verbs
  • Emphatic -nk (< miek)

Modern Netagin people usually have Classical Netagin names

This article treats Bjeheondian Netagin; Tumhanian Netagin is tonal or Khmerized.


Parts of speech

