Tumhan or the Republic of Tumhan (English: toom-HAHN; Windermere: fi Bintălisral Tumhan; Netagin: ne Vyračeg Tumhan) is a country in Bjeheond. The name Tumhan means 'the stirring/latent place' (tuMHaN) in Netagin, alluding to the volcanic geography of Tumhan. It's sometimes colloquially referred to as fi Tsărir Scuay Șir (the Great Gray East) in Windermere, alluding to its usually cloudy climate.
A Classical Netagin piyyut
- Fincreaș
- Năthoch Mies
- Ir Păchnay Sămtsay
The two official languages of Tumhan are Netagin and Windermere. Schong is also widely spoken.
The Polytechnic Institute of Fincreaș is one of the leading universities in the Windermere speaking world; it follows the Naquian art-centric curriculum.
Ethnic music
See Verse:Tricin/Bjeheond/Music
Tumhan is the birthplace of Impressionism in Tricin.
Tumhan is one of the least religious countries in Tricin (comparable to Czechia and Japan). Some researchers have dismissed the idea of religiosity as a non-useful tool in explaining Netagin society. Spirituality and worship are highly eclectic and personalized, and religious affiliation is an alien notion. While the vast majority of Tumhanian citizens follow Netagin animism, only some 2% identify as such in surveys, because the term is understood to imply membership of Netagin animist sects. Some people identify as "without religion", yet this does not signify irreligion. The "irreligious" is a specified identity which is used mostly to affirm regular, "normal" religiosity while rejecting affiliation with distinct movements perceived as extreme. Today, the term translated as 'religion' (ťebăr) has negative connotations for many Netagin, as it is associated with exclusivist groups which aggressively proselytise, or are perceived to be strange or foreign.
Famous Tumhanians
Note: Tumhanians are referred to by their given names.
- Chnalaw lus Malăch - Netagin mathematician?
- Coască tar Diheșo - Netagin author and poet
- Eytan tar Silo - inventor; developed hydrogen-powered vehicles
- Săbur hef Inthar - Naquophile, polymath and friend of Etsoj Jopah; founder of the Polytechnic Institute of Fincreaș
- Inthar Fichieș - President of Tumhan
- Mangfeas tar Găfen - lawmaker