IPA for Hantza

The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Hantza pronunciation. English approximations are loose in some cases and are only intended to give a general idea of the pronunciation.

See Hantza phonology and prosody for a more thorough look at the sounds of the language and see Hantza dialects for variations.

IPA Examples nearest English equivalent
m middle
n noodles
ŋ hang
p spider
b back
t stopped
d dingo
k scope
ʔ bottle (Cockney)
f foxes
s steen (Dutch), sinä (Finnish)
h high
ts chłopiec (Polish), Zeit (German)
dz lads
j young
w wettest
r pero (Spanish), ara (Turkish)
l lucid
IPA Examples nearest English equivalent
a там (Russian), carro (Portuguese)
e bed, čekat (Czech)
i bit, bitte (German)
o fork, avó (Portuguese)
u hook, bott (Swedish)
ˈ Primary stress
ˌ Secondary stress
The Hantza Language (VTE)
Orthography Hantza alphabet (Latin script)
Phonology IPA for HantzaPhonologyProsody
Grammar NounsNumeralsVerbsParticlesSyntaxDerivational morphology
Vocabulary Basic phrasesKinshipSwadesh list
Texts Test Case SentencesThe North Wind and the SunThe Lord's PrayerThe Tower of Babel
Other DialectsEthnologyDemography