Behru cesik/Vocabulary

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Behru alphabetical order






Verbs of motion

Note: infinitive is used for ease of translation. Behru has no infinitive)

kát: to raise kádla: to float, rise

ksùra: to spin ksùla: to be spinning

kyòca: to push

kyòjre: to put on

kyòña: to close

kyòr: to shake

kyòt: to put in, insert kyèdl: to enter

kyòsa: to squeeze, crush

kyòn: to stab, embed inside

kyòl: to shake, shiver

kòt: to fly

gyàj: to turn, change directions tògyàj: to turn around, return

ghòn: to wander, lose direction

ngyòba: to get, recieve

hngát: to put down, set down

cák: to set down, to put down

cèl to fall

cèm: to drop

còr: to cross over, to overcome

jl`to: to climb

shrán: to throw away, remove, shránlu: to be exiled, shunned

ñèng: to chase, pursue

ròp: to follow, go along

rwát: to throw

yáp: to slide yábla: to slide, become lost

yùt: to take, grab

yùl: to walk

bu tsél: to start

tòk: to flip, invert tò-: reverse-

tfèr: to knock over

túsha: to pluck, grab, remove, take out

túja: to leave

túña: to pull, draw out, open

túca: to pull, drag

túshka: to pull apart, rip

tújre: to take off, remove

dére: to carry, to hold

dúm: to stack, pile up

zén: to go tòzén: to come

nága: to flee, run away, escape

nèb: to run

hlép: to pack up, contain hlébzo: box, container

byòk: to give, hand to

byùt: to press forward, oppose, go against

bu bòsha: to stop

mál: to soak through, leak (from)

mála: to move

mén: to flow

mún: to lower

mùr: to cause to spill, to lose, to waste

múl: to sink

mùl: to overflow, to spill out, bleed

wégi: to turn, revolve

wùbe: to live, dwell hwègu: to leave behind hwowègu: to be forgotten, ignored

(verbs in bold are intransitive by default, and have no transitive form. The itmarker l is removed from all endings.)

Verbs that change the object

kyát: to cook, singe, burn, toast

gòng: to squeeze

xyùla: to clean, polish, wash

ghèng: to rot, decay, fall apart

ghèt: to wear down, round out

ghúza: (direction) to award (to)

céra: to grow stiff, stale, stagnate, age

cút: to constrain, tighten

ját: to break apart

jèr: to burn (to ashes), to set fire

shér: to make dirty, foul shél: to become dirty shézo: filth

ñép: to seperate, share, take apart

hrèp: to stretch

yòl: to melt

hyék: to knot, tie, weave hyégla: to cross, intersect

hyép: to eat

tsùk: to crumble, make into dust

dàr: to mess up, tangle, ruin

dázo: to freeze dá,dálu- frozen

dzék: do drift apart, seperate, go different ways, differentiate, spread across

dwén: to cool

dvúbe: to boil, cook

sáro: to arrange, order, organize

zòt: to break, split open

lwóm: to heat

bàn: to defeat, beat, win

br´sa: to weave, interconnect, fuse

byék: to disturb, interrupt

byúdu: to glue, paste

bòl: to confuse bòlla: to become confused, lost

fùt: to drink

mák: to crush, destroy mágla: to collapse

màr: to attach, add on

màt: to calm down, become peaceful

myùk: to make wet

mòt: to wash, bathe

wóro: to mix together

hwán: to blow hwálu: to be windy

hwèra: to dry

hwòng: to divide, isolate hwòngzo: wall

Verbs that decribe feelings and perceptions

kyòt: to hear kyòsen: ear

bu kwàdo: to answer, reveal, solve

gék: to smell géxen: nose

gzáp: to count

bu gòru: to envy, long for, want gòt: to rule, control gòdlun: powerful, strong

bu xót: to deserve, earn

bu ngùk: to hate, despise ngùgla: to be angry

bu cán: to enjoy, partake in

bu cét: to like

jébi: to feed, support, raise

bu jùce: to argue (about)

bu jùp: to agree

bu shùk: to talk (about)

bu shùn: to think (about)

bu zhèr: to be disgusted by, dislike zhèlu: disgusting, unappealing,

hñúzha: to reward

bu yába: to name, label

bu téng: to understand, know

bu tép: to serve, work for

bu dàm: to love, adore

bu dèp: to fight for, compete

dóla: to feel (physically)

sám: to see sáhmen: eye

bu sét: to be very fond of, be one's favorite

bu nòl: to be considered as, seen to be as

bu nùr: to be confused (by)

pxán: to sell

bu pèso: to love, serve

vùde: to buy

vún: to taste vúhnen: tongue

bu már: to give up, quit, stop doing

bu máya: to hope (for)

mègu: to wake(someone else up), sober up mèdu: to wake up (yourself)

mòzu: to obscure, make unclear, fog up myô`zu: to be unclear, obscured, foggy

mùgu: to sleep

bu hmádu: to sense, anticipate

bu hmèn: to think, to feel, to beleive (that)

Verbs describing a property

kshén: to color, slightly alter kshék: color kshél: to be tinted

gòp: to grow, increase gòblu: large, massive

xùwe: to fluorish, grow, become lively, xùwelu: green, young xùwekshélu: green

ghám: to drift, float ghámlu: light

cát: to become sick, grow pale cádlu: blue, pale, sick

cáne: to widen, free cánelu: wide

yáp: to wither away, grow fragile, become barren, lose weight yáblu: weak, skinny

yùn: to fade yùlu: dark, gloomy

bu dázhu: to be passionate about, love dázhul:to blush dázhulu: passionate, intense, blushing dázhukshélu: red dék: to work, be productive, function

bu dèt: to look like

bu (object) dèt: to order to

bu zúfe: to be disinterested, apathetic about zúfelu: , apathetic, bored zúfekshélu: white

nèk: to shorten nèglu: short

lyòr: to lengthen lyòr:long

bu zúfe: to be disinterested, apathetic about zúfelu: , apathetic, bored zúfekshélu: white

fòt: to narrow, confine, choke, restrict fòdlu: narrow

mása: to support, withstand másalu: strong, sturdy

myùra: to thicken, gain weight myùralu: thick, heavy, stout

méb: to shrink méblu: small

mòr: to warm: mòlu warm

hmòn: to shine, glow hmònlu: shiny, bright

hwóshu: to strain, exceed capacity hwóshul: to gain weight hwóshulu: heavy

(bu) zúfe: to be disinterested, apathetic about zúfelu: , apathetic, bored zúfekshélu: white


Kinship nouns

mother náwa

father báwa

daughter kùm

son cèm

brother tséng

sister cóng

husband ryòm

wife kl`m

aunt céng

uncle tséng

cousin myòt

grandfather básan

grandmother násan

neice còt

nephew tsòt

Animals and people

gr`k: insect

fish: xl`p

cat: jwòja Shún: Person

shû´ng: People

ñàwa bird

yón: man yó: male

tsó(ka,ma) one's child

dòn: child dò-: little, young

vén: woman vé-: female

múk: dog


Tree krèla

The sky plants: jéslmásazo (sky supports)

grass shèdmik

shrub, plant dásl

bush, thicket cèpo

flower byóna

leaf: hwót

stem,stalk: gér

trunk: kùt

branch: dzék

bud: ghùmu

root: vùt

kár: seed

xréju: fruit

tèsu: a sweet fruit with a stiff peel

Terms for geography

múgha: stream

myék: river

mòk: ocean, sea, large body of water

sép: pond, lake

mùr: land, region


water myéng

air fùmik

fire tsúmik

flame: tsúp

earth, soil: káng

ground, base, the world: màro

dust: kâ´ke (always plural)

metal bzéng zhèbzéng: money

zhèk: precious thing zhèng: precious substance zhè-: valuable

oil gyùng butter, lard, solid oils: dágyùng

meat jòmik

stone kr`dmik

ice dámik dá- indicates frozen thing

snow dâ´ze (always plural)

cloth br´zmik

juice myùmik

Man-made things

hón: device, machine -hón: machine suffix

jésón: aircraft

bèm: wheel, ring bèm: to make round, circular féde: town, village féde: to settle, establish, found

máhlón: car, self moving machine

málahón: cart, machine that must be pushed

méhón: boat, ship

mùk: bed

wùtse: dwelling, home

Parts of the body


chest: bùse

arm: néca

hand: tsáp

leg: dzép

Finger: wèmo

foot: tòk

belly: gòt

eye sáhmen

ear kyòsen

nose géxen

mouth vúhnen

neck: zùra

finger, toe: páje

nail,claw: ksùl

(a) hair: fyúdo

bone: pát, pádmik

blood: mùng

guts: ryéng

flesh, muscle: bvùng

Phenomena, weather and the heavens

cloud: hyábu

wind: hwál

fog: mòzu

to rain: kèm

to storm: bzén

sky, atmosphere: jésl

sun: nóra

moon: básr

star: shùde

(a)light: zrùco

frost: ksék

night: méde

light night

dawn: shèn

morning: clúr

late morning: dàk

daytime: vyáng

noon: dèsa

afternoon: kxòn

shúña: Behru cycle of waking and sleeping, around 23 hours long

day: nóya (Behru day is roughly 280 earth days long, or 288 shúña)

year: nóyu(Behru year is 79000 earth years long, and nóyu is often used to mean eon)

evening: zwèzha

dusk: jòr

shadow: làk to shade: làr

to reflect: hl`t mirror hl`dzo



shape, form: mábo

thing: zò or -zo

act: kà or -ka

place: tsék

origin: ngáp

time: yér, -r

destination: nòsha

cycle, rotation: tòya

north: yùhnik

south: hmòhnik


west: mùhlik

exactly, precisely: dzù- point: dzùk

most (noun suffix): -(a)he

more (noun suffix): -(a)ho

least (noun suffix): -(a)ne

less (noun suffix): -(a)no

final, last: gò-

This(nearby) sù-, sùk here: sùtsék sùr: now sùya: today sùyu: this year

that(far off but in view) yù-, yùk there: yùtsék yùpr: then(in the future) yùtr: then(the past) yùca: yesterday yùpya: tomorrow yùcu: last year yùpyu: next year

that(out of view) ghù-, ghùk there: ghùtsék ghùpr: then( the far future) ghùtr: then (distant past)

which gà- gàk where: gàtsék when:gàr, gàya, gáyu(used for longer time periods)