Gemendic (/dʒəˈmɛndɪk/, native: gemendesc /ʒemenˈdesk/) is an East Germanic language.

razda gemendesca
Pronunciation[ˈrazda ʒemenˈdeska]
Created byShariifka
Early forms
Old Gemendic
  • Middle Gemendic


Gemendic is an East Germanic language with Western Germanic and Romance influence.



Latin orthography

Letter Name IPA
A a a [ä]
B b be [be]
C c ce [t͡ʃe]
Ç ç çe [se]
D d de [d̪e]
E e e [e]
F f efe [ˈefe]
G g ge [ʒe]
H h haca [ˈxäkä]
I i i [i]
Letter Name IPA
J j jota [ˈʒot̪ä]
K k ka [kä]
L l ele [ˈele]
Ll ll elle [ˈeʎe]
M m eme [ˈeme]
N n ene [ˈene]
Nn nn enne [ˈeɲe]
O o o [o]
P p pe [pe]
Q q cu [ku]
Letter Name IPA
R r erre [ˈere]
S s esse [ˈese]
T t te [t̪e]
U u u [u]
V v ve [ve]
W w doble-ve [ˈd̪oβle ve]
X x exe [ˈeʃe]
Y y i grega [i ˈɡreɣa]
Z z zeta [ˈzet̪ä]
Letter Context IPA Examples Remarks
b word-initial after a pause, or after ⟨m⟩ or ⟨n⟩ [b] bad "bed"; lambes "lamb"
elsewhere (i.e. after a vowel, even across a word boundary, or after any consonant other than ⟨m⟩ or ⟨n⟩) [β̞] pebre "pepper"
utterance-final after ⟨m⟩ or ⟨n⟩ [p] domb "mute"
utterance-final otherwise [ɸ̞] scab "form, condition"
c before ⟨e⟩ or ⟨i⟩ [tʃ] cenno "cheek, jaw"
elsewhere else [k] cara "care, concern"
before voiced consonants [ɣ̞] anécdota "anecdote"
in the cluster ⟨ct⟩ [ɣ̞] or [k] actual "current"
ch everywhere [tʃ] chosen "to choose"
ç everywhere [s] or [θ] (depending on the dialect) naçón "nation"
d word-initial after a pause, or after ⟨l⟩ or ⟨n⟩ [d̪] doitre "daughter"; hando "hand"
elsewhere [ð̞] boda "benefit, use"
utterance-final after ⟨l⟩ or ⟨n⟩ [t̪] cald "cold"
utterance-final otherwise [θ̞] bad "bed"
f everywhere [f] fada "fence"
g before ⟨e⟩ or ⟨i⟩ [ʒ] gèst "ghost, spirit"
not before ⟨e⟩ or ⟨i⟩, and either word-initial after a pause, or after ⟨n⟩ [ɡ] ganguen "to go"
not before ⟨e⟩ or ⟨i⟩, and not in the above contexts [ɣ˕] agre "field"
utterance-final after ⟨n⟩ [k] sang "song"
utterance-final otherwise [x̞] rig "king"
gu before ⟨a⟩ or ⟨o⟩, and either word-initial after a pause, or after ⟨n⟩ [ɡw] lenguage "language"
before ⟨a⟩ or ⟨o⟩, and not in the above contexts [ɣ̞w] Paraguay "Paraguay"
before ⟨e⟩ or ⟨i⟩, and either word-initial after a pause, or after ⟨n⟩ [ɡ] guitarra "guitar"
before ⟨e⟩ or ⟨i⟩, and not in the above contexts [ɣ̞] ángueda "distress"
before ⟨e⟩ or ⟨i⟩, and either word-initial after a pause, or after ⟨n⟩ [ɡw] sengüen "to sing"
before ⟨e⟩ or ⟨i⟩, and not in the above contexts [ɣ̞w] següey "Segway"
h everywhere [x] or [h] or [ħ] hando "hand"
everywhere (rare) Ø honest "honest" Occurs in loanwords where the letter is silent in the original language. May be pronounced [h] as a spelling pronunciation.
j everywhere [ʒ] ja "yes, (positive emphasis)"
utterance-final [ʃ] haj "Hajj"
k rare; only occurs in a few loanwords and sensational spellings [k] kilogram "kilogram" Can generally be replaced with c or qu.
l everywhere [l] lag "lake"
ll everywhere [ʎ] all "all"
l•l everywhere [lː] il•logical "illogical"
m everywhere except word-finally [m] mesa "table"
word-final [n] or [ŋ] (depending on the dialect) Adam "Adam"
n everywhere but before other consonants and word-finally [n] nad "net"
before other consonants [m]; [ɱ]; [n]; [n̪]; [ɲ]; [ŋ] ango "narrow, distressing" Assimilates to the following consonant’s place of articulation.
word-finally [n] or [ŋ] (depending on the dialect) con "family, tribe"
nn everywhere [ɲ] cenno "cheek, jaw"
n•n everywhere [nː] in•novaçón "innovation"
p everywhere [p] pèda "shirt"
in the consonant cluster ⟨pt⟩ [β̞] or [ɸ̞] baptista "baptist"
q everywhere [k] Qátar "Qatar" In loanwords.
qu before ⟨e⟩ or ⟨i⟩ [k] quen "woman"
elsewhere [kw] quart "quarter"
only occurs before ⟨e⟩ or ⟨i⟩ [kw] qüestón "question"
r word-initial, morpheme-initial,

or after ⟨l⟩, ⟨n⟩, ⟨s⟩, or ⟨z⟩; in emphatic speech may also be used instead of [ɾ] in syllable-final (especially before ⟨l⟩, ⟨m⟩, ⟨n⟩, ⟨s⟩, ⟨t⟩, or ⟨d⟩) and word-final positions (before pause or consonant-initial words only)

[r] rat "rat"
elsewhere [ɾ] xèro "sword"
rr only occurs between vowels [r] carro "cart"
s word-initial, morpheme initial, before a voiceless consonant, or utterance-final [s] sono "son"
everywhere else [z] mesa "table"
ss only occurs between vowels [s] passon "to pass"
sc before ⟨e⟩ or ⟨i⟩ [ʃ] sceldo "shield"
elsewhere else [sk] scura "tornado, windstorm"
t everywhere [t̪] tu "you"
before voiced consonants [ð̞] atmósfera "atmosphere"
v everywhere [v] vend "wind"
w in loanwords [v] wolfram "tungsten"
x everywhere [ʃ] oxa "ox"
in loanwords [ks] examen "exam" In words of Latin or Greek origin; may be replaced with ⟨cs⟩ or ⟨s⟩ (with the associated pronunciation change).
y everywhere except when acting as a vowel [j] yac "yak"
z utterance-final or before a voiceless consonant [s] or [θ] (depending on the dialect) alcaduz "bucket"
everywhere else [z] or [ð] (depending on the dialect) dioza "beast"
Monophthong Vowels
Letter IPA Examples Remarks
a, á [ä] gat "cat", sultán "sulta"
è [ɛ] gèst "ghost, spirit" Always stressed.
e, é [e] mesa "table"
i, í [i] rig "king", fría "free (f.)"
o, ó [o] ora "hour, time", qüestón "question"
ò [o] òra "ear" Always stressed.
u [u] scura "windstorm", atún "tuna"
Vowel letters in diphthongs
Letter IPA Examples Remarks
In rising diphthongs
i ⟨i⟩ before a vowel [j] dioza "beast"
u ⟨u⟩ before a vowel (but silent in ⟨qu⟩ and ⟨gu⟩ before an ⟨e⟩ or ⟨i⟩) [w] hua "what"
ü ⟨ü⟩ before a vowel (only used in ⟨qü⟩ and ⟨gü⟩ before an ⟨e⟩ or ⟨i⟩) [w] qüestón "question"
y ⟨y⟩ after a vowel [j] ley "law" Almost always word-final.
u ⟨u⟩ after a vowel [w] autobús "bus"


  1. ⟨iu⟩ and ⟨ui⟩ are ambiguous, since they may either be used for rising diphthongs (/ju/ and /wi/ respectively) or falling diphthongs (/iw/ and /uj/ respectively). In most cases, they represent rising diphthongs unless followed by ⟨t⟩.

Stress in a word can be determined from the way it is written via the following rules:

  • If there is any vowel with an accent, that vowel is stressed.
  • If there is no vowel with an accent:
    • The penultimate vowel is stressed if the word ends in a vowel, vowel + -n, or vowel + -s.
    • The ultimate vowel is stressed if the word ends in any consonant other than -n or -s.
  • Note that:
    • Diphthongs are always treated as one syllable.
    • iV and uV (where V represents any vowel other than i or u) are treated as diphthongs, and therefore count as one syllable.
      • The exception to this is if the i or u has an accent.
    • Final -y shifts the stress to the final syllable.










Definite Article

Gemendic definite article
Singular Plural
Masculine te, t' (before vowels) tes
Feminine ta, t' (before a) tos


  1. The definite article precedes the noun it modifies.

Indefinite Article

Gemendic indefinite article
Singular Plural
Masculine èn ènes
Feminine èna ènos


Personal pronouns


Constituent order

Noun phrase

Verb phrase

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses

Example texts

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 1)

Alles tes vésanes manesques borsen fríes o sambres en verde o reites. Esses están scencedes me frèta o mevest, o esses escolen se gedrán en èn gèst fan brodrenesse.

IPA: /ˈaʎes tes ˈvesanes maˈneskes ˈboɾsen ˈ o ˈsambɾes en ˈveɾðe o ˈreites ‖ ˈeses eˈstan ʃenˈtʃeðes me ˈfɾɛta o meˈvest | o ˈeses eˈskolen se ʒeˈðɾan en ɛn ʒɛst fan broðɾeˈnese/

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