IPA for Guimin

Revision as of 11:42, 26 January 2024 by Dillon (talk | contribs)

The charts below show the way in which the IPA represents Guimin pronunciations. English approximations are loose in some cases and are only intended to give a general idea of the pronunciation. For more information, see Help:IPA.

IPA Example Translation (near) equivalent
b ?????? ??? bear
d ?????? ??? dawn
d͡z ?????? ??? zero (Italian)
d͡ʒ ?????? ??? job
f ?????? ??? fair
?????? ??? fair
g ?????? ??? gone
h ?????? ??? head
j ?????? ??? yawn
k ?????? ??? scar
?????? ??? scar
?????? ??? აბა (Georgian)
kʼː ?????? ??? აბა (Georgian)
l ?????? ??? light
ɬ ?????? ??? llaw (Welsh)
ɬː ?????? ??? llaw (Welsh)
m ?????? ??? man
n ?????? ??? new
p ?????? ??? spin
?????? ??? spin
?????? ??? ეპელა (Georgian)
pʼː ?????? ??? ეპელა (Georgian)
?????? ??? Quran
qʼː ?????? ??? ვავილი (Georgian)
r ?????? ??? carro (Spanish)
?????? ??? rhad (Welsh)
r̥ː ?????? ??? rhad (Welsh)
ʁ ?????? ??? Rost (German)
s ?????? ??? sweet
?????? ??? sweet
ʃ ?????? ??? shield
ʃː ?????? ??? shield
t ?????? ??? star
?????? ??? star
?????? ??? იტა (Georgian)
tʼː ?????? ??? იტა (Georgian)
t͡s ?????? ??? cats
t͡sː ?????? ??? cats
t͡sʼ ?????? ??? ელი (Georgian)
t͡sʼː ?????? ??? ელი (Georgian)
t͡ʃ ?????? ??? cheese
t͡ʃː ?????? ??? cheese
t͡ʃʼ ?????? ??? ა (Georgian)
t͡ʃʼː ?????? ??? ა (Georgian)
t͡ɬ ?????? ??? лъимер (Avar)
t͡ɬː ?????? ??? лъимер (Avar)
t͡ɬʼ ?????? ??? кьалаб (Avar)
t͡ɬʼː ?????? ??? кьалаб (Avar)
w ?????? ??? war
x ?????? ??? juga (Spanish)
?????? ??? juga (Spanish)
χː ?????? ??? doch (German)
z ?????? ??? zebra
ʒ ?????? ??? treasure
ʔ ?????? ??? uh-oh
IPA Example Translation (near) equivalent
æ ?????? ??? bad
æː ?????? ??? bad
æˤ ?????? ??? bad
æˤː ?????? ??? bad
ɑ ?????? ??? father
ɑː ?????? ??? father
e ?????? ??? leo (Spanish)
?????? ??? leo (Spanish)
i ?????? ??? meet
?????? ??? meet
?????? ??? meet
iˤː ?????? ??? meet
ɨ ?????? ??? roses
ɨː ?????? ??? roses
ɨˤ ?????? ??? roses
ɨˤː ?????? ??? roses
o ?????? ??? hombre (Spanish)
?????? ??? hombre (Spanish)
u ?????? ??? boot
?????? ??? boot
?????? ??? boot
uˤː ?????? ??? boot
IPA Example Translation (near) equivalent
æi ?????? ??? tie
æiː ?????? ??? tie
æiˤ ?????? ??? tie
æiˤː ?????? ??? tie
æu ?????? ??? how
æuː ?????? ??? how
æuˤ ?????? ??? how
æuˤː ?????? ??? how
ɑi ?????? ??? tie
ɑiː ?????? ??? tie
ɑiˤ ?????? ??? tie
ɑiˤː ?????? ??? tie
ɑu ?????? ??? how
ɑuː ?????? ??? how
ɑuˤ ?????? ??? how
ɑuˤː ?????? ??? how
