IPA for Cruckeny

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The charts below show the way in which the IPA represents Cruckeny pronunciations. English approximations are loose in some cases and are only intended to give a general idea of the pronunciation. For more information, see Help:IPA.

IPA Example Translation (near) equivalent
b bain bone bear
byon woman beauty
d dinyee person dawn
d͡ʒ majee nail job
f foaer autumn face
fyor man few
g shagul rye gone
gyal pale gear
h huster swindler head
j yo two yawn
k shic frost scar
Nulicy Christmas ski
ɫ ulc bad ball
lyon wide million
m tomee corn man
myaanee midnight meow
n chin sick new
enyum name canyon
ŋ shrong string long
ŋʲ hungyer uphill canyon
p jasper foreigner spin
crepyee button spew
ɻ mor dead right
s fyesug beard sweet
ʃ shoner grandfather shin
t intee very star
t͡ʃ toch smoke cheese
v vers ??? violin
nevyee livestock view
w wichee puppy war
x akherd but juga (Spanish)
khlais clothing (mutated) hue
ɣ ghoo black (mutated) agave (Spanish)
IPA Example Translation (near) equivalent
æ daj father bad
blaa flower father
ɑ byocun mushroom father
ɛ eblins maybe bed
ə cushorn dandelion about
ɚ lyiner bright her
ɪ alin painting bid
o loart conversation hombre (Spanish)
ɔ gourchug crabapple cot
ʌ pul hole hut
æɒ auer hour how
ɑɒ shouj jewel law
ɛɪ shaid path bait
əᵿ oas over boat
ɪi nyee nephew meet
oi loi lead boy
ᵿʉ loo near boot
IPA Example Translation
Consonant Allophones
cul forest
kʲʰ cyech question
poak bag
pʲʰ pyaicul naive
ɾ fadee far
taks tax
Vowel Allophones
i fil blood
Syllabic Consonants
l̩ʲ chreeulyoo to try
ɫ̩ goaul coal
pocumeesh sassafras
m̩ʲ ??? ???
nyeeun daughter
n̩ʲ lyesunyum nickname
ŋ̍ ??? ???
ŋ̍ʲ ??? ???
??? ???
v̩ʲ ??? ???