Fourth Linguifex Relay/Van

varaske ha-vavaralas halov ha-sotsorite
nome ras ha-lisat sere ras ha-seralas
veńavaj mir valo ta
tavańa mir ha-livav nomete
vańa vańa sataka mir jan vańa tan
mare mir ha-koralas nivańa nete mir nohanet ras netesi rase

Interlinear gloss

var-a-s-ke ha-vavaralas halov ha-sotso<ri>t=e
tear-dyn-nonact-quickly poss-mosaic life def-stones<dim>=dir
no-m-e ras ser-e ha-lisat ha-seralas ras
intens-great-stat 3p.m sit-stat def-ruler poss-chair 3p.m
veń-a-vaj mir valo ta
come-dyn-suddenly 2p sea away
ta-vań-a mir ha-livav no-met=e
good-do-dyn 2p poss-favour intens-sky=dir
vań-a vań-a sataka mir jan vań-a tan
cause-dyn do-dyn law 2p like proverb-dyn 1p
mar-e mir ha-koralas ni-vań-a net-e mir no-hanet ras net-e-si ras=e
upright-stat 2p def-friend perhaps-cause-dyn hold-stat 2p intens-having 3p.m hold-stat-little 3p.m=dir


  • A construction approaching a imperative is formed using the 2P and the prefix ni- “perhaps” on the verb.