Voltch (native: voalc /vo̯altʃ/) is an Anglic language descended from Old English.

Created byShariifka
Early forms



From Old English folcisċ "vernacular language".



spelling IPA Remarks
normally final
b /b/ /p/
ch /x/
c /tʃ/
cg /dʒ/ /tʃ/ Treated as a double consonant in terms of checking syllables.
d /d/ /t/
f /f/
g /ɡ/ /k/
h /ɦ/
j /j/
k /k/
l /l/ Pronounced dark/velarized ([ɫ]) word-finally and before consonants.
lj /ʎ/
m /m/
n /n/ Assimilates place of articulation with following consonant.
nj /ɲ/
ng /ŋ/
p /p/
r /r/
s /s/
sc /ʃ/ Treated as a double consonant in terms of checking syllables.
t /t/
v /v/
w /v/ /f/
z /z/
zc /ʒ/ Treated as a double consonant in terms of checking syllables.
Vowels and diphthongs
spelling IPA
checked free
a /ɑ/ /aː/
aa /aː/
ä /æ/ /ɛː/
ää /ɛː/
aai /aːi̯/
aau /aːu̯/
ai /ɑi̯/
au /ɑu̯/
e /ɛ/, /ə/[1] /eː/, /ə/[1]
ea /e̯a/
ee /eː/
eei /eːi̯/
eeu /eːu̯/
ei /iː/
i, y /ɪ/, /ə/[1]
ie /iə̯/
ij /ɪi̯~ei̯/
iu /ɪʊ̯/
o /ɔ/ /oː/
oa /o̯a/
oi /ɔi̯/
oo /oː/
ooi /oːi̯/
oou /oːu̯/
ou /uː/
ö /œ/ /øː/
öa /ø̯a/
öö /øː/
öü /yː/
u /ʊ/ /uː/
ue /uə̯/
ui /ʊɪ̯/
uu /ʊu̯~ou̯/
ü /ʏ/ /yː/
üe /yə̯/
üü /ʏy̆~øy̆/
Letter Name IPA
A a a [ʔaː]
B b be [beː]
C c ce [tʃʰeː]
D d de [deː]
E e e [ʔeː]
F f ef [ʔɛf]
G g ge [ɡeː]
H h ha [ɦaː]
I i ij [ʔɪi̯]
Letter Name IPA
J j jot [jɔtʰ]
K k ka [kʰaː]
L l el [ʔɛɫ]
M m em [ʔɛm]
N n en [ʔɛn]
O o o [ʔoː]
P p pe [pʰeː]
Q q kuu [kʰʊu̯]
R r er [ʔɛɾ]
Letter Name IPA
S s es [ʔɛs]
T t te [tʰeː]
U u uu [ʔʊu̯]
V v ve [veː]
W w dobbel ve [ˈdɔbəɫ veː]
X x iks [ʔɪks]
Y y ɡreike ij [ˈɡɾiːkə ʔɪi̯]
(IJ ij) longe ij [ˈlɔŋə ʔɪi̯]
Z z zet [zɛtʰ]



Historical phonology

Old English Environment Voltch Remarks
a lengthened a (long), aa
unstressed e (schwa)
otherwise a (short)
ā everywhere uo
æ, ea lengthened ä (long), ää
otherwise ä (short)
ǣ everywhere ie
e lengthened ea
unstressed e (schwa)
otherwise e (short)
ē everywhere ei
eo lengthened öa
otherwise ö
ēo everywhere öü
ēa everywhere üe
i, ie lengthened e (long), ee
before h + consonant e (short)
otherwise i
ī, īe everywhere ij
o lengthened oa
unstressed e (schwa)
otherwise o (short)
ō everywhere ou
u lengthened o (long), oo
otherwise u
ū everywhere uu
y lengthened ö (long), öö
otherwise ü
ȳ everywhere üü
b b
c k
ċ c
d d
f unvoiced f
voiced v voiced word-initially, between vowels, and after liquids before vowels.
g g, ∅
ġ j
h h, ch
l l
m m
n n
p p
r r
s s, z
t t
w w, ∅




Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns
Nominative Accusative Dative Possessive Reflexive
1S ic mec mei mijn meizealf
2SI duu dec dei dijn deizealf
3SM hei heen him his himzealf
3SF höü höü heer heer heerzealf
3SN hit hit him his himzealf
1D wit oonk oonk oonker oonkzealf
2D jit jeenk jeenk jeenker jeenkzealf
1P wei uus uus uur uuszealf
2P/F jei jöü jöü jöür jöüzealf
3P hij hij höm höar hömzealf

Demonstratives and Articles

Indefinite article
Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive
SM aan anen anem anes
SF ane ane aner aner
SN aan aan anem anes
Negative article
Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive
SM naan nanen nanem nanes
SF nane nane naner naner
SN naan naan nanem nanes
P nane nane nanem naner
Definitie article and neutral demonstrative
Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive
SM dei dään diem däs
SF döü döü dier dier
SN dät dät diem däs
P due due duem duer
Near demonstrative
Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive
SM dis dissen dissem disses
SF disse disse disser disser
SN dis dis dissem disses
P disse disse dissem disser
Far demonstrative
Strong declension
Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive
SM joan joanen joanem joanes
SF joane joane joaner joaner
SN joan joan joanem joanes
P joane joane joanem joaner
Weak declension
SM joane joanen joanen joanen
SF joane joanen joanen joanen
SN joane joane joanen joanen
P joanen joanen joanem joanen


Strong adjective declension
Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive
SM -en -em -es
SF -e -e -er -er
SN -em -es
P -e -e -em -er
Weak adjective declension
Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive
SM -e -en -en -en
SF -e -en -en -en
SN -e -e -en -en
P -en -en -em -en


Number Cardinal Ordinal
0 nuecht nuechtede
1 uen ierste
2 twue twuede
3 dröü dridde
4 vöür vöürde
5 vijf vijfte
6 zechs zechste
7 zöaven zöavede
8 ächt ächtede
9 nijn nijde
10 tein töüde
11 ellöaven ellöavede
12 twealf twealfte
13 dröütein dröütöüde
14 vöürtein vöürtöüde
15 vijftein vijftöüde
16 zechstein zechstöüde
17 zöaventein zöaventöüde
18 ächtein ächtöüde
19 nijntein nijntöüde
20 tweintij tweintijste
30 drijtij drijtijste
40 vöürtij vöürtijste
50 vijftij vijftijste
60 zechstij zechstijste
70 zöaventij zöaventijste
80 ächtij ächtijste
90 nijntij nijntijste
100 hundred hundredste
1000 duuzend duuzendste


Examples of verbs

Strong class 3 - zeengen "to sing"
Conjugation of zeengen "to sing"
Infinitive zeengen
Present participle zeengend
Past participle izoongen
Present Past Imperative
Indicative Subjunctive Indicative Subjunctive
1S zeenge zeenge zaang zoonge
2SI zeengst zaangst zeeng
3S zeengt zaang
P zeengt zeengen zoongen zoongen zeengt
Strong irregular - wezen "to be"
Conjugation of wezen "to be"
Infinitive wezen
Present participle wezend
Past participle iböün
Present Past Imperative
Indicative Subjunctive Indicative Subjunctive
1S öm böü wäs wiere
2SI ärt wäst böü
3S is wäs
P zind böün wieren wieren böüt
Strong irregular - doun "to do"
Conjugation of doun "to do"
Infinitive doun
Present participle dound
Past participle idoun
Present Past Imperative
Indicative Subjunctive Indicative Subjunctive
1S dou dou döde döde
2SI deist dödest dou
3S deit döde
P dout doun döden döden dout
Strong irregular - guen "to go"
Conjugation of guen "to go"
Infinitive guen
Present participle guend
Past participle iguen
Present Past Imperative
Indicative Subjunctive Indicative Subjunctive
1S gue gue öüde öüde
2SI giest öüdest gue
3S giet öüde
P guet guen öüden öüden guet
Weak regular - loven "to love"
Conjugation of loven "to love"
Infinitive loven
Present participle lovend
Past participle iloovd
Present Past Imperative
Indicative Subjunctive Indicative Subjunctive
1S love love loovde loovde
2SI loofst loovdest loof
3S looft loovde
P looft loven loovden loovden looft
Weak irregular - häbben "to have"
Conjugation of häbben "to have"
Infinitive häbben
Present participle häbbend
Past participle ihäd
Present Past Imperative
Indicative Subjunctive Indicative Subjunctive
1S häbbe häbbe hädde hädde
2SI häst häddest hääf
3S hät hädde
P häbt häbben hädden hädden häbt
Weak irregular - zecgen "to say"
Conjugation of zecgen "to have"
Infinitive zecgen
Present participle zecgend
Past participle izaaid
Present Past Imperative
Indicative Subjunctive Indicative Subjunctive
1S zecge zecge zaaide zaaide
2SI zecgest zaaidest zaai
3S zecget zaaide
P zecget zecgen zaaiden zaaiden zecget
Preterite-present - kunnen "to recognize; to be able to"
Conjugation of kunnen "to recognize; to be able to (do)"
Infinitive kunnen
Present participle kunnend
Past participle ikuud
Present Past Imperative
Indicative Subjunctive Indicative Subjunctive
1S kan kunne kuude kuude
2SI kanst kuudest kun
3S kan kuude
P kunnt (kunnen) kunnen kuuden kuuden kunt
Preterite-present - willen "to want; to be going to"
Conjugation of willen "to want; to be going to"
Infinitive willen
Present participle willend
Past participle iwoald
Present Past Imperative
Indicative Subjunctive Indicative Subjunctive
1S wil wille woalde woalde
2SI wilst (weelt) woaldest wil
3S wil woalde
P wilt (willen) willen woalden woalden wilt
Preterite-present - scolen "to must"
Conjugation of scolen "to must"
Infinitive scolen
Present participle scolend
Past participle iscoald
Present Past Imperative
Indicative Subjunctive Indicative Subjunctive
1S scäl scöle scoalde scoalde
2SI scälst (scäält) scoaldest scool
3S scäl scoalde
P scoolt (scolen) scölen scoalden scoalden scoolt
Preterite-present - uegen "to own"
Conjugation of uegen "to own"
Infinitive uegen
Present participle uegend
Past participle juecht
Present Past Imperative
Indicative Subjunctive Indicative Subjunctive
1S ueg uege uechte uechte
2SI uegst uechtest ueg
3S ueg uechte
P uegt (uegen) uegen uechten uechten uegt



Time - Tijd

Seasons - Due jüertijde
English Voltch
spring lengten
summer zomer
fall häärvest
winter weenter
Days of the week - Due daais of döü weken
English Voltch
Sunday ierstendaai
Monday twuedendaai
Tuesday driddendaai
Wednesday vöürdendaai
Thursday vijftendaai
Friday zechstendaai
Saturday zöavedendaai
Parts of the day - Due duele of duem daaie
English Voltch
day daai
dawn dageng
morning moargen
noon middaai
afternoon äftermiddaai
evening ieven
dusk nechteng
night necht
midnight midnecht
Units of time - Uenhuedes of tijde
English Voltch
second zekoond
minute minuute
hour tijm
day daai
week weke
month mound
season jüertijd
year jüer
Time adverbs - Tijdes bijwoorde
English Voltch
now nuu
then don
recently, a short time ago, just zuenuu
earlier räder
soon, shortly zoun
later zijd; läter
always zemblen
often often
sometimes wijlen
rarely zealden
never niever
ever iever
still, yet jijt
already ier
today toudaai
tonight tounecht
yesterday jeerstendaai
last night jeerstennecht
tomorrow toumoargen
before yesterday ierjeerstendaai
two nights ago ierjeerstennecht
after tomorrow oavermoargen
this week disse weke
last week lätste weke
next week nichste weke

Colours - Düeges

Colours - Due düeges
English Voltch
white wijt
grey grij
black zwäärt
red rüed
orange orancge
brown bruun
yellow jöale
green grein
blue blöü
pink rueze
purple poorper
golden göölden

Example texts

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 1)

Älle men wöardet vröü and ilijc on uere and rechtem iboaren. Glöüscip and touknounes zind him jifted, and hij scolen...

  1. ^ a b c e and i, when unstressed, are sometimes pronounced /ə/.