IPA for Modern Coptic

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The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Modern Coptic pronunciations. English approximations are loose in some cases and are only intended to give a general idea of the pronunciation.

IPA Latin Example nearest English equivalent
m m mu mom
n n nofre nine
f f efvef fire
s s sime side
ʃ x xaj shoe
x kh sakh loch
h h howt heel
p p pite pace
t t to talk
c cempéh church
c kj kjoove cute
k k keeme cake
β v verre vain
w w awin win
l l lavo lion
ɾ r ree run (but trilled or tapped)
j j joot yes
ʔ mu'e uh-oh
IPA Latin Example nearest English equivalent
a a af was
ə e heto align
e é hebréjos bed
ee anseev heard (non-rhotic)
o o snof law (but shorter)
oo oonkh law
i i ci bee
y y psyke fu (French)
u u emu food