
Revision as of 23:14, 18 August 2024 by Aquatiki (talk | contribs) (→‎Dan'a'yo)
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Alternative forms

Roman: jang


(Dan'a'yo) IPA: /dʒaŋ/


jang is one of the most popular syllables in Dan'a'yo. On its own, it means "chapter", "long", or "only". There is also the advanced character "stick". Otherwise, it is a part of a lot of polysyllabic words.

  1. - (n) chapter
  2. - (pp) only
  3. - (adj) long

Other Characters

  1. ‎is not a word on its own; it requires 市場(시장) - (n) open space, market
  2. is not a word on its own; it requires 内臓(뇌장) - (n) entrails, internal organs
  3. is not a word on its own; it requires 障碍(장애) - (n) shield, barricade
  4. is not a word on its own; it requires 抗争(항장) - ( to fight, to dispute
  5. is not a word on its own; it requires 埋葬(며장) - ( to inter, to bury
  6. is not a word on its own; it requires 手掌(슈장) - (n) palm, sole
  • (Advanced) is a word on its own but should be avoided when possible; (n) staff, stick
  • (Advanced) is not a word on its own and should be avoided when possible; it requires 奨励(장러) - ( to award
  • (Naming) is not a word on its own and may only appear in names. Its full name is 墻壁(장벅) - wall
  • (Naming) is not a word on its own and may only appear in names. It means Manchurian wild rice
  • (Naming) is not a word on its own and may only appear in names. Its full spelling is 果醤(과장) - jam, paste, sauce
  • (Naming) is not a word on its own and may only appear in names. Its full name is 樟脳(장낫) - camphor tree
  • (Naming) is not a word on its own and may only appear in names. Its full name is 薔薇(장믜) - rose