IPA for Ierumidd

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The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Ierumidd pronunciations. English approximations are loose in some cases and are only intended to give a general idea of the pronunciation. For more information, see Help:IPA.


IPA Examples (nearest English) equivalent
b reba bear
k scalter scar
c cie No English equivalent, similar to ky or the c in 'cute'
ɟ ' No English equivalent, similar to gy
ç siante shop, nicht (German)
ʝ siante vision, γεια (Greek)
d llad dawn
d͡ʒ geldo, gitare jab
f fane flag
g guto good
l lito light
m mano man
n nivio new
ŋ lango, drincare long
ɲ segno canyon, banhar (Portuguese)
p pado spar
ɾ stera (in fast speech) better (in some dialects; a flap)
r ricio carro (Spanish)
s suto sweet
ʃ scilto shield
t treva star
t͡s tite cats
t͡ʃ macere cheese
v verco violin
IPA Examples (nearest English) equivalent
a aplo father, haber (Spanish)
e erda they, play (Yorkshire)
i iso meet (short)
y dydere (Burgundian dialects) über (German), tu (French)
o bomo note (American English), eau (French)
u suna boot (short)
j iortil, ierum yawn
j tenwil, qwunteg wet