IPA for Kilīmos-sāîl

Revision as of 02:41, 15 December 2024 by Fyorr (talk | contribs)

The charts below show the way in which the IPA represents Kilīmos-sāîl pronunciations. English approximations are loose in some cases and are only intended to give a general idea of the pronunciation. For more information, see Help:IPA.

IPA Example Translation (near) equivalent
b abossu sweet bear
d adîl harvest dawn
f fenēxan cloud fly
g mivga farmer good
ɣ aǧâl wheel agave (Spanish)
j jāxa criminal yawn
k kōroš dream scar
l lāmoš fire light
m māvil hand man
n nalka woman new
p pāla friend spar
ɾ riǧîl ankle caro (Spanish)
s sal one sweet
ʃ šankāde drum shield
t tēīle hair star
v vamāde coat violin
x āxe eleven loch
z āz shark zebra
ʒ mivžāde sapling casual
IPA Example Translation (near) equivalent
ä adīš donkey father
äː ādiš mosquito father
e eksu easy bait
ēpos with bait
i issu same keen
īzal seven keen
o otnil arm bone
ōroš guilt bone
u assu sharp boot