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Ufirlandisg (/ˈt͡ʃjəwtʲisk/; from PGmc *þiudiskaz) is a constructed Germanic language inspired by Mandarin and the Pfeunic language Qiēmxtier.




Consonant phonemes
Labial Dental/Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
plain pal. plain pal.
Nasal m m n
tenuis b p d j g k
aspirated p pʲʰ t t̪ʰ tʲʰ q tʃʰ k
Fricative f f s s x ʃ h h
Approximant central w w yu ɥ r, rı ɹ y j
lateral l ɫ ʎ

When consonants written with ı is followed by a vowel, the ı is replaced with an i (except with /i/ and /iː/).


Vowel phonemes
Front Central Back
short long short long short long
Close i /i/, ü /y/ ī /iː/, ǖ /yː/ u /u/ ū /uː/
Close-mid e /ə/ ē [ɘː]
Mid ie [ɛ] [ɛː] [ə] er /ɜː/
Open a /a/ ā /aː/

Diphthongs: ai ei ao ou ar/ār ēr ier/īr/ir our/ūr/ur ür/üer/yuer /aɪ̯ eɪ̯ aʊ̯ əʊ̯ ɑə(ɹ) ɜː(ɹ) jɛə(ɹ) ɔə(ɹ) ɥœə(ɹ)/ (Note the linking r in r-colored vowels.)








Ufirlandisg nouns have 2 numbers and 2 cases. The endings are fairly conservative. However, there has been some conflation between different declension paradigms. The nominative has merged with the accusative, and the dative with the genitive. The genitive is thus also used as a dative: Yak gab se fraoyuer en apel. /jak kap sə ˈfɹawɥɜːɹ ən ˈapʰəɫ/ 'I gave the woman an apple.'

The indefinite article is indeclinable: e is used before consonants and en before vowels. The definite article is likewise always se.


Also includes the an-stem nouns (which have regularized their declension).

a-stem: dal 'valley'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative dal dale
Genitive dale dalem

an-stem: namen 'name'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative namen namne
Genitive namne namnem

Vowel stems

This class also includes the former ō-stems and u-stems (whose stems end in a hard consonant) and former i-stems, ī-stems and z-stems (whose stems end in a soft consonant).

ō-stem: nasa 'nose'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative nasa nasar
Genitive nasar nasam

u-stem: xuda 'custom'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative xuda xudar
Genitive xudar xudam

i-stem: geburjie 'birth'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative geburjie geburjier
Genitive geburjier geburjiem

ī-stem: langini 'length'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative langinie langinier
Genitive langinier langiniem

z-stem: lambie 'lamb'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative lambie lambier
Genitive lambier lambiem


This class includes only these kinship terms: fadier 'father', mādier 'mother', brājier (gen. sg. brāzra) 'brother', dūtier 'daughter', xuextier (gen. sg. xuestra) 'sister'.

r-stem: fadier 'father'
Case Singular Plural
Nominative fadier fadrar
Genitive fadrar fadram


case 1sg. 2sg. 3sg. 1pl. 2pl. 3pl. reflexive
'he' 'she' 'it'
nom. yak ir it wīr yūr -
acc. mik jik ina iya it unx youwe xik
dat. mir jir ime yar ime unx youwe imi xir
gen. mīn jīn yas yare yas unxier your yara xīn




Constituent order

Noun phrase

Verb phrase

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses

Example texts

Other resources