Wèg Dar Ri'Rìk/Vocabulary

< Wèg Dar Ri'Rìk
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This is an incomplete list of words from the language Wèg Dar Ri'Rìk (Giants' Speech), arranged alphabetically. The diagraphs TH, DH, NG and LL are considered individual letters for alphabetisation purposes.


dáh = to go, preposition "towards"
dāk = dak = plural marker
dán = dàn = arm, hand
da'dàn = finger
dàr = dar = genitive marker
dèh = parent
dém = sibling (dóh dém / dém gràm), also general pronoun for 2nd or 3rd person singular in context.
dōh = hot
dō'doh = fire
dóh = great, big, large
dōk = in (dhèr)
dòk = many, much, a lot
dūn = name


dhàk = under (dhèr)
dhām = west
dhèr = at, also used to create in, on, under, next to, in front etc.
dhèr X dōk = in X
dhèr X dhàk = under X
dhèr X thāk = behind X
dhèr X dhgèm = in front X
dhe'dhèr = to exist, there is.../there are...
dhgāh = few, a little
dhgèm = in front
dhōh = old
dhōh nar = old one, respectful pronoun used for any person singular, who is older than other referents in the sentence
dhúk = sky
dhú'dhuk = air, wind
dhúm = cloud


gāh = south
gāh gōs = westeros, everywhere south of the wall
gāh gōs dar wōh dak = the "kneelers"
gèr = black
gor = cold
gōs = place, area, nominaliser for place names
gràm = small, a piece, partial (not used in isolation)
gūn = leg
gū'gun = toe


kāh = snow
kìg = correct, yes
krāh = imperative marker
kròh = not (changes to króh if fallowed by another falling tone)
króh kìg = not correct, no
krùh = to ride
kūh = to give


llàk dóh = bear
lléh = crow (almost always seen in combination as lléh wāh)
lléh wāh = crow
llēk = snow (usually combined as gor llēk)
llèk = also, too
llóh = compared to, more, comparative particle
lló'lloh = most, superlative particle
llūh = skin (llū'lluh nar = skinchanger)


mág = smile, to smile
má'mag = laugh, to laugh
màg = power, to rule (màg nar = ruler)
ma'màg = to command
mar = relative pronoun
már = what?, which?
má'mar = what kind? mràh = habitual aspect marker
mròg = conditional mood marker


nāg = to eat
nā'nag = food
nàg = squirrel (usually in compound nàg gràm)
nāh = long
nāh rik = story, tale
nàk = copula "to be", used only before nouns, not required for adjectives. Tone changes to rising (nák) if followed by another word with falling tone.
nar = nominalizing particle, agentive particle
nūh = perfective aspect marker


ngak = that
nga'ngàk = those
ngak nar = that one, often used as general pronoun for any singular besides 1st person.
ngam = this
ngam nar = this one, pronoun "I"
nga'ngàm = these
ngàr = noise
ngūk = tomorrow


ràk = to know (fact, information)
rik = to say, to speak
ri'rìk = language, tongue
rik nar = speaker


skàg = stone
ska'skàg = strong, resilient
skàg gràm = pebble, piece of stone
sig = true, truth
sīk = question particle at start of yes/no question
si'sìg = honest


tàk = tree
ta'tàk = plant
tāk = forest
tōr = hill
tùn = to have, to hold, to know (ability), to understand
tùn nar = master, capable person


thāk = behind
thān = rabbit (thān gràm)
thèn = north
thèn dar màg nar = "Magnar of Thenn"
thūh = good
thū'thuh = very good


wāh = bird
wah = if (wāh... wāh... = if... then...)
wáh = at (time)
wá'wah = sometimes, occasionally
wèg = power (physical prowess), strength
wèg dóh wèg nar = giant
wèg nar = giant (colloq.), strong man
wōh wèg nar = strong man
wōh = human
wōh dak = humans
wōh dak nàg gràm = children of the forest (lit. human squirrels)
wōh dak lléh wāh = Night's Watch (lit. human crows)
wùg = past (noun)
wūn = mountain
wùn = son, child