
Bhadhagha (native name An Bhadhagha /a bʰadʰagʰa/) is a Talmic language closely related to Tíogall. It's inspired by Scottish Gaelic and Irish.


slaobh = "there is"












The Thensarian relativizer ri turned into a genitive marker: an scain ri h-Aodhàn (Aodhàn's friend).


The Bhadhagha verbal system is very different from Tíogall, and much closer to [Coetel gib].

For one thing, Bhadhagha analogized the analytic forms of verbs to all persons, and fused the personal pronoun with the verb:

molaigh ná -> molanna "I thank"
molaigh fiar -> molair "thou thankest"
molaigh hú -> molù "he thanks"
molaigh hí -> molaì "she thanks"
molaigh -> molaigh or mola ... thanks (with nonpronominal subjects)
molaigh gámh -> molamh "we thank" (both exc. and inc.!)
molaigh séid -> molaid "ye thank"
molaigh hár -> molar "they thank"
Impersonal: molaobh "one thanks"

The past tense is marked by a séimhiú on the verb as in Irish, except that the suffixes are the same as in the present tense. This comes from a construction that translates to "it was the case that ...", which also survives in [Coetel gib]. Even non-lenitable consonants get aspirated in casual Bhadhagha, though in the written language a particle is used when the first consonant isn't lenitable.

The future tense however has a special set of suffixes, derived from the Old Tíogall future tense:

moltanna, moltair, moltù, moltaì, moltamh, moltaid, moltar

Bhadhagha is not split-ergative, unlike Tíogall.

Perfect tenses use the construction tainn ('after', often pronounced tann) followed by the verbal noun.


Constituent order

Noun phrase

Verb phrase

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses

Example texts

The North Wind and the Sun

[to be edited]

An Bhólcoll ar an n-Ud

Céamhagha go laidh an bhólcoll ar an n-ud d'uscach chaoinearann dri ní thóbh gilear éadhanna, án nuaidhín sothlóinn de rúise do shíor chaoi peisbeal bhfún driú. Éiréidhín tiothrann ní amamh éadhanna ar-suscín sho laidh nú a fhách ri gcuindadh sú haíon, s'a shothlóinn sho reá, a pheisbeal riosu sho dhearbhach.

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