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Bhadhagha (native name An Bhadhagha /a bʰadʰagʰa/, or colloquially just Bhadhagha; bhadhagha is from a Camalic language) is a Talmic language closely related to Tíogall. It's inspired by Scottish Gaelic and Irish.


  • Lanna de srasandhacht de h-aofrann cheallò = I'm a specialist in cello playing
  • 's laobh = is there? (interrogative)
  • camhna, sos, car = woman, man, person


Based on "literally read Irish".


Labial Alveolar Retroflex Velar Glottal
Nasal plain m m n n
geminate nn
aspirated mh
Stop tenuis p p t t c k
aspirated ph th ch
prenasalized bp ᵐp dt ⁿt gc ᵑk
voiced b b d d g g
breathy voiced bh dh gh
voiced prenasalized mb ᵐb nd ⁿd ng ᵑg
Fricative plain f f s s h h
aspirated fh sh
prenasalized bhf bʱf dhs dʱs
Liquid plain l l r
geminate ll rr r̠ː


Lenition: Initials "lenite" as in Irish orthography, but null initials get an h-. In colloquial Bhadhagha all possible initials lenite: i.e. initial n, l, r, sp, st, sc are also "lenited" to nh, lh, rh, sph, sth, sch /nʰ, lʰ, rʰ, spʰ, stʰ, skʰ/.

Eclipsis: Initials "eclipse" as in Irish orthography, but s (if not in one of sp-, st-, sc-) also eclipses to dhs-.


Front Central Back
short long short long short long
Close i /i/ ì /iː/ u /u/ ù /uː/
Mid e /e/ è /eː/ o /o/ ò /oː/
Open a /a/ à /aː/

Diphthongs are all read as written.

a in an unstressed syllable becomes e if the previous vowel ends in an /i/.








The definite article is an-L for singular nouns and na-N for plural nouns. Colloquial Bhadhagha may drop the definite article in the singular (leaving behind just the lenition), and also in the plural (leaving behind the eclipsis) if the initial C of the noun is "eclipsable" (i.e. is one of ∅, p, t, c, b, d, g, f, s).

Bhadhagha lost grammatical gender.

The Thensarian relativizer rin turned into a genitive marker: (an) schain ri h-Aodhàn (Aodhàn's friend). It can be omitted in casual Bhadhagha: schain h-Aodhàn.

Prepositions inflect the same way as in Tíogall; however, 'it' forms tend to use . ri uses the inflected forms of le (to): my = ri lion, your = ri leis, ... Casual Bhadhagha developed a new inflectional paradigm for ri: rìon, rìs, riù, rì, rè, rìom, rìod, rìoc, rìor.


Attributive adjectives agree in mutation with the noun if the noun is definite. For example: "a black cat" is eafhad flumh and "the black cat" is (an) h-eafhad fhlumh.


Bhadhagha has a copula laidh which inflects as follows:

Present tense: lanna, lair, lù, laì, lac, lamh, laid, lar, laobh -- and laidh for nonpronominal subjects

Past tense: g'lanna, g'lair, g'lù, g'laì, g'lac, g'lamh, g'laid, g'lar, g'laobh -- and g'laidh for nonpronominal subjects

Examples: Lanna dùbhòinn (I'm a teacher), Lù ìon (It's blue)

As in Welsh, the copula is also used with progressive verbs: Laidh (an) dhùbhòinn d'èinteach (The teacher is sleeping).


The Bhadhagha verbal system is very different from Tíogall, and much closer to Äivö.

For one thing, Bhadhagha analogized the analytic forms of verbs to all persons, and fused the personal pronoun with the verb:

molaigh ná -> molanna "I thank"
molaigh fiar -> molair "thou thankest"
molaigh hú -> molù "he thanks"
molaigh hí -> molaì "she thanks"
molaigh cé -> molac "it thanks"
molaigh -> molaigh or mola "... thanks" (with nonpronominal subjects)
molaigh gámh -> molamh "we thank" (both exc. and inc.!)
molaigh séid -> molaid "ye thank"
molaigh hár -> molar "they thank"
Impersonal: molaobh "one thanks"

The past tense is marked by a séimhiú on the verb as in Irish, except that the suffixes are the same as in the present tense. This comes from a construction that translates to "it was the case that ...", which also survives in Äivö. Even non-lenitable consonants get aspirated in casual Bhadhagha, though in the written language a particle is used when the first consonant isn't lenitable.

The future tense however has a special set of suffixes, derived from the Old Tíogall future tense:

moltanna, moltair, moltù, moltaì, moltac, moltamh, moltaid, moltar

The verbal noun is extremely irregular in Bhadhagha (more so than in Tíogall). One somewhat common way of deriving verbal nouns is with a prefix (ao+N) but other verbal nouns use the suffixes -ach, -il and -ta/-te. Verbs loaned from Camalic simply use the stem as the verbal noun. Some verbal nouns are suppletive.

Bhadhagha is not split-ergative, unlike Tíogall.

Perfect tenses use the construction tainn ('after', often pronounced tann) followed by the verbal noun.


Bhadhagha is a head-initial, topic-comment language with V2 order.

The man thanks the teacher = Shos molù dhùbhòinn (lit. the man, he thanks the teacher), or Dhùbhòinn mola shos hù (lit. the teacher, the man thanks him)

The teacher thanks the man = Dhùbhòinn molù shos (lit. the teacher, he thanks the man), or Shos mola dhùbhòinn hù (lit. the man, the teacher thanks him)

Relative clauses

Relative clauses work similarly:

Dhùbhòinn ri mhola shos hù - The teacher who the man thanked (lit: the teacher REL the man thanked him)

Dhùbhòinn ri mholù shos - The teacher who thanked the man (lit: the teacher REL he thanked the man)

Constituent order

Noun phrase

Verb phrase

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses


Bhadhagha uses native or Camalic words where Tíogall uses Netagin words; for example the word for school is suar-dùbhach 'house of learning' in Bhadhagha and tarsúdh in Tíogall. An example of a Camalic word in Bhadhagha is eafhad (cat), where Tíogall has zár from Netagin.

Future Bhadhagha

The dominant Talmic language in postmodern Clotricin, known as an Bhadhagha shearn, is derived from the Uithfeasaimh dialect of Bhadhagha. It has a simplified vowel system (fewer diphthongs) and a palatalization distinction in some consonants. (But it shouldn't be Irish gibby!) It also has a lot of loanwords from [Future Xaetjeon].

Example texts

The North Wind and the Sun

[to be edited]

Bhòlcoll ag h-Ud

Other resources