Fifth Linguifex Relay/Dyrel
Dyrel text
Doln Polvy
Doryl +rud (a name)
Dovena veŕy veponada na suŕy sene adnar sirsuysarad
Adyr venu suí eïalanar veympolvy
Udemi era venuŕy losar eïponadasa dodolnsar
Iroï ponadaí sodomyl
Uvesonŕy na suŕy adyr era doma alsualanasar
Lav na sene imormodan sirdoemeru.
Interlinear gloss
doln | polvy-Ø |
more | enjoyment-acc |
dove-na | ve-ŕy | ve-ponada | na | su-ŕy | sene | adnar-Ø | sir-su-ysarad |
as_though-rel | 1-nom | 1.vbz-knowledge | rel | 2-nom | during | end-acc | fut-2.vbz-death |
adyr | venu-Ø | suí | eï-alanar | ve-ym-polvy | |||
loc | heat-cns | 2-gen | inf.vbz-location | 1.vbz-int-enjoyment | |||
udemi | 'era | venu-ŕy | losar-Ø | eï-ponada-sa | do-doln-sar | ||
because | dem.prox | heat-nom | desire-acc | inf.vbz-knowledge-dat | 3.n.vbz-more-action | ||
i-roï-Ø | ponada-í | so-do-myl | |||||
pl-leaf-cns | knowledge-gen | prog-3.n.vbz-be.nmz | |||||
uves.on-ŕy | na | su-ŕy | adyr | era | doma-Ø | al-su-alana.sar | |
plant.home-nom | rel | 2-nom | loc | dem.prox | earth-acc | perf-2.vbz-location.action | |
lav | na | sene | i-mor-modan-Ø | sir-do-emeru | |||
and | rel | during | pl-number-time-acc | fut-3.n.vbz-remnant |
Dyrel is SOV.
The nominative case marker is sometimes eclipsed by the construct state.
Roots in Dyrel are generally nouns and are never verbs. Where verbs are nominalized in the gloss, they are actually nouns by default, and no process is occurring to result in nominalization; it is merely there because a noun gloss is difficult to find in English.
A relativizer is not always a relativizer.*
Glossing abbreviations:
pl - plural
acc - accusative
nom - nominative
dat - dative
gen - genitive
rel - relativizer*
cns - construct state
inf - infinitive
perf - perfective
fut - future
vbz - verbalizer
nmz - nominalizer
dem - demonstrative
prox - proximal
n - neuter
int - intensive