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Classical Netagin/Lexicon
Classical Netagin/Swadesh list

Classical Netagin (English: /nɛtəˈgiːn/; Classical Netagin: bărits năþâgin, Eevo: traditionally Nyðogín Afẃr 'Noble Netagin', Clofabosin: netagoserotin/netagosin), also called Old Netagin (Eevo: Nyðogín Dair), is a triconsonantal language descended from Ancient Netagin.

Netagin is a classical language in Talma; it was the language of the Netagin Republic in Ancient Talma and lent some loans to other Talman languages such as Eevo and Bênôcian.

It's inspired by the idea of "Hebrew through a looking-glass".

Some gib


Ha-bhrítz nˀAthághín, ha-mbrítz dtámhúś gCiphrísín. Ha-dhíthíbh dách baratzcáˀ ˁizmhís bhrítzéch nYúnín fa-bhrítzéch dTorcín Ciphrísín. Déi thidhpór yeghzzíbh ha-morphólóghyáh míl-baqhśíyáh ngillím fa-thimtúˁái Šémiyáh brítzáh šibh; ˀach yatzbaš ˁagíráh dtitzdúnath dtidhpórí, Celtíyáh šibh, ˀis déi sintacsí ha-šíbhí nˀamích maltzíbhích dínái Láthíníyáh mó Yúníyáh náḥídháh. ˀAphissach, ha-bhrítzín ˀAthághín ḥámhú mitzbíšú míl-ˀamhdóˁath lídhín brítzái dtal cái, mó brítzán ˀEbhrópíyán ṭušpán.

Sound changes from ANtg

  • a > a
  • ā > â
  • ay, i > e
  • ī > i
  • aw, u > o
  • ō > ö
  • propretonic or pretonic short vowels reduce to ă (depending on state, part of speech)
  • ū > u


  • ergativity
  • some Riqimai-esque bhlaoighnity
  • singulative-collective-plurative
  • Chthryxolidin mutation system instead of the Irish/Hebrew one


Swadesh list

'axd = I
'an = you
hen = he
'axxâ = we
'annâ = youse
hènnâ = they
śe < śay = who
śu < śū = what
śaddu < śaddu = where
śăbak < śibak = when
śam < śam = how
'iśśu < 'iśśū = why
mâ < mā = not
rög < rōg- = all
mâ3 = mother
þay = father
śebăr < śibr = fish
þib < tīb = day
bezăȝ < bizȝ = cloud


written as in ANtg

  • w-s-g: similar
  • n-t-g: sing
  • r-s-d: learn
  • m-ʔ-r: go
  • w-r-s: love
  • b-n-s: hide
  • ȝ-z-f: poke
  • z-ħ-m: praise, honor
  • ŋ-t-w: new
  • k-3-f: reason
  • h-ŋ-c: empty, null
  • ħ-d-k: warm
  • c-ŋ-ṭ: garden, horticulture
  • g-m-z: letter, element
  • s-b-r: compassion, sympathy
  • f-ś-r: agree, blend
  • n-b-ś: courage
  • t-f-k: know
  • y-r-f: roll
  • f-c-m: read
  • ȝ-k-r: write
  • z-r-b: true, firm
  • ś-d-ȝ: half, split
  • f-s-T: step, stage
  • ʔ-b-3: mind
  • w-T-f: die
  • t-ŋ-b: measure
  • z-m-z-m: hesitate
  • s-r-k: king, rule
  • ħ-n-g: value
  • ʔ-ṭ-r: punish
  • k-m-n: say
  • q-3-q-3: tile
  • b-s-ŋ: clan, family
  • b-c-3: force, coerce
  • r-ʔ-b: criticize
  • f-s-q: beast
  • q-ȝ-d: agree
  • z-ȝ-n: comfort, solace
  • ʔ-ś-t: light, color
  • y-d-ś: compare, similar, metaphor
  • s-f-3: dear
  • w-d-r: equal, same
  • ħ-g-r: different
  • m-g-t: assign
  • q-b-ć: shield, fortress
  • q-z-r: hand over
  • c-b-s: show, exhibit
  • ħ-r-k: open
  • t-q-s: good, great
  • ħ-n-r: use
  • s-n-3: help
  • f-t-ʔ: proud
  • s-f-n: bold
  • k-r-r: young
  • k-ȝ-n: eternity
  • ȝ-n: come
  • ȝ-r-y: wait
  • n-m-y: fall
  • q-z-n: stop, settle
  • b-r-c: speak
  • ś-n-q: near
  • ħ-ṭ-r: swim
  • ś-r-g: develop, evolve
  • r-k-m: dwell


  • 1a23 = noun
  • 1a2ā3, 1a2ô3 = adjective, noun?
  • 1a22ū3 = adjective
  • ta12ū3 = noun
  • ʔi12ā3 = noun
  • 1ā2a3, 1ā2i3 = noun
  • 1ô2a3 = noun
  • 1i2a3, 1i2i3, 1i2u3 = noun
  • (stolen from hebrew) 1a2a3ô, 1a2i3ô, 1a2u3ô = nouns
  • 1i22a3, 1u22a3


ħaŋic böd hez tuŋ mikâś fazzim ʔaŋbân kacăd xoʕâs riffuy þabiŋ śǎduʕ zârux



Labial Alveolar Lateral Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyngeal Glottal
Nasal m /m/ n /n/ ŋ /ŋ/
Plosive unaspirated b /p~b/ d /t~d/ g /k~g/ ʔ /ʔ/
aspirated t /tʰ~dʰ/ k /kʰ~gʰ/
Affricate c /ts/ ć /tɬ/
Fricative spirant f /f~v/ þ /θ~ð/ x /x~ɣ/
nonspirant s /s/
z /z/
ś /ɬ/ ħ /ħ/ h /h/
Approximant w /w/ r /ɾ/ y /j/ ȝ /ʁ~ʕ/

A form of lenition occurs after vowels, but is not transliterated.


Front Central Back
Close i /i/ [ɨ] u /u/
Close-mid e /e/ ö /ö/ o /o/
Open-mid è /ɛ/ ă /ə/ ò /ɔ/
Near-open a /a/ â /ɒ/


In native words primary stress can only fall on the ultimate, or less commonly the penultimate syllable.


Netagin is written in a native left-to-right abugida.

Adapt Terg letter names but don't make a math gibby script

  • n = narăx = waterfall
  • þ = þănöbâ = jaw
  • g = gaśăþ = ground
  • w = wir = head


Main article: Classical Netagin/Morphology

Netagin uses a consonantal root system like the Semitic languages. Most roots have three consonants but some may have two or four, the latter mostly in reduplicated or onomatopoeic roots.


Prepositions inflect as in Celtic and Semitic languages.


Classical Netagin has innovated a sex-based gender system with masculine and feminine genders:

  1. Ancient Netagin had an honorific distinction which required agreement in verbs and adjectives.
  2. In Late Ancient Netagin, the honorific developed into its own gender, often being used for big, sacred, specialized, or abstract things, in addition to people of high social status.
  3. The word for "lady", bī3ō, became the normal word for "woman" (like how Frau, formerly "lady", became the normal word for "woman" in German).
  4. Thus, the former honorific agreement (in the third person) analogized to all women and became the feminine gender.

This led to many "great", "majestic", "sacred" or "specialized" objects being feminine in Classical Netagin.

Example declensions, with yaref (m) 'wheel' and ʔèȝăso (f) 'eagle':

Sample nouns
Singulative Collective Plurative
absolute construct absolute construct absolute construct
Masculine yaref yăref yărefu yirfu yărefâ yirfâ
Feminine ʔèȝsö ʔèȝsön ʔăȝâsönu ʔèȝsönu ʔăȝâsöb ʔèȝsöb



Adjectives in -in decline as follows:

năþâgin 'Netagin'
Singulative Collective Plurative
Masculine năþâgin năþâginu năþâginâ
Feminine năþâgiyö năþâgiyönu năþâgiyöb



There are 12 binyanim:

  • Binyan 1 verbs are verbs denoting intransitive actions ("come"), as well as stative verbs ("be cold") and some monotransitives. It is often considered the most basic form.
  • Binyan 2 contains many monotransitive verbs, ("eat") including causativizations of Binyan 1 verbs ("make happy").
  • Binyan 3 consists of verbs denote reflexive/reciprocal action ("get dressed", "kiss each other"), or change of state ("thicken").
  • Binyan 4 contains causatives of transitive verbs ("feed") (and of some Binyan 2 and Binyan 3 verbs). Causatives of statives in the imperfective aspect may denote active maintenance of a state (as opposed to changing a state in the perfective aspect).
  • Binyan 5 is roughly equivalent to the German prefix be- (applicative).
  • Binyan 6 - telic, intensive
  • Binyan 7 - telic
  • Binyan 8 - "X a little, almost X"
  • Binyan 9 - "X in advance, X for oneself" (from the middle voice)
  • Binyan 10 - "-le"
  • Binyan 11 verbs tend to express gradual processes. Ex. ħădâdex 'warm up (literally or romantically)'.
  • Binyan 12 - "mis-X, over-X"

Binyan Imperfective Perfective Active
1 1â2a3 -i12a3 1ö2e3 1e2o3 1â2e3
2 1a2ö3 -a12u3 1â2i3 1â2u3 1â2â3
3 ʔa12i13 -uni12e3 bi11u2â3 þi11u2â3 ʔa12o3
4 ʔa1â2e3 -ă1e2u3 ba12a3 þa12a3 ʔa12a3ö
5 þa12u3 -uþ1â2e3 buþ1â2o3 þuþ1â2o3 þa12ö3ö
6 ʔi1:â2a3 -u1:e2o3 bu1:e2o3 þu1:e2o3 ʔu1:â2e3
7 ʔiþþă1â2o3 -uþþă1â2e3 buþþă1â2o3 þuþþă1â2o3 þiþþă1â2ī3
8 ʔi21â2e3 -i21e2o3 bu21â2o3 þu21â2o3 ʔu21â2e3
9 1as2o3 -u1is2o3 bu1as2o3 þu1as2o3 þu1aš2e3
10 1ă2â2e3 -i12e2o3 bu12e2o3 þu12e2o3 þi12â2e3
11 1ă2â2u3 -i12â2o3 bu12â2o3 þu12â2o3 þu12â2e3
12 1i31a2o3 -i1i31e2o3 bu1i31â2o3 þu1i31â2o3 1i31â2e3

1 Shortens to i when a suffix is added.


Present tense affixes
Singular Dual-Coll. Plural
1 -xi -xū -xā
2 -an
-at (hon.)
-tū (hon.)
-tōb (hon.)
3 -∅

-ōb (hon.)

ʔabnis 'steal'
Singular Dual-Coll. Plural
1 ʔabnisxi ʔabnisxū ʔabnisxā
2 ʔabnisan ʔabnisnū ʔabnisnā
3 ʔabnis
ʔabnisō (hon.)
ʔabnisū ʔabnisā

Past tense affixes
Singular Dual-Coll. Plural
1 x- x-ū x-ā
2 n-
n-ō (hon.)
n-ū n-ā
n-ōb (hon.)
3 h-
h-ō (hon.)
h-ū h-ā
h-ōb (hon.)

ʔabnis 'steal'
Singular Dual-Coll. Plural
1 xibbinus xibbinusū xibbinusā
2 nibbinus nibbinusū nibbinusā
3 hibbinus
hibbinusō (hon.)
hibbinusū hibbinusā
hibbinusōb (hon.)


ħatren = swim! (2sg)

ħatarnân = swim! (2pl)

ħatarþun = swim! (polite, all numbers)


Classical Netagin is syntactically ergative. Word order is subject-verb in intransitive clauses and object-verb-subject in transitive clauses.


  • wi = ergative particle
  • ʔEs-þay hichem. = Father returned.
  • ʔEs-mâȝ hiskăȝö wis-þay. = Father saw Mother.
  • ʔEs-þay hiskaȝ wis-mâȝ. = Mother saw Father.
  • ʔEs-þay hichem dă ʔes-mâȝ hiskăȝö wis-þay. = Father returned and saw Mother.
  • ʔEs-þay hichem dă sökeȝ xaþ-þay. = Father returned and saw Mother. (using the antipassive)
  • ʔEs-þay hichem dă hiskaȝ wis-mâȝ. = Father returned and Mother saw Father.

Sample texts

Tower of Babel

Xad, să-rög ʔes-gâser böd băric dă-yħenâ bikâ.
then in-all DEF-world one language and word-PL same-PL.M
Sem sa-fătinehâ ʔaŋ-þimmuś, kulac haroz wihâ dă-hikzaʔâ rân.
but in-migrate-3PL to-east, plain 3.PFV-find ERG-3PL and-3.PFV-dwell-PL there.
Dă-hibrasâ, "ʔAce, 3ammâ ʔaŋ-yăgâþ [...]."



Netagin poetry is similar to Hebrew piyyutim in structure.