Classical Al Bakiyye

ᒍ Ḷ⟓৬ (Al Bakiyye) - Eternal language Hurayca // Al Bakiyye

This Wiki Infos are about the old Al Bakiyye that calls Classical Al Bakiyye.

What is Al Bakiyye Language? (Й ჰŧ ᒍ Ḷ⟓৬ ᒍ≾Ɲ⥙)

Al Bakiyye is artificial language. This language system is like Ural-Altay language family. Al Bakiyye has a special alphabet and letter system. There are a lot of words from Turkish, Orkhun, Arabic, Persian, English, German, etc. Al Bakiyye Alphabet hat total 65 characters. There are 3 special literature type for this language; Thanksgiving Diary, Damlahatnâme, begs to Lord. It has also 3 writing styles; Computer writing, handwriting and figûrat (Caliography).

The General Features of the Al Bakiyye Language

  1. All letters has special reading and using forms.
  2. There is no defference between big and small letters.
  3. It is written from left to right.
  4. There are "to be" like English and German. (ჰŧ - , Ϣર, ഥ)
  5. There are "articlesystem" like English, Arabic and German. (৬, I,  ᒍӬ, ᒍ,  ⧽,  ..↾)
  6. It is used only "⧽" for "he, she, it".
  7. There is a personal pronoun for the God (Allah). That is; て
  8. It is not written generaly vowels; (⧽Ꭷ = Ulu, ৬Ɲ↾ = Yeni, Гᒍ = Gel)

Why is this language developed?

We know that, nobody needs a new language and there isvery developer language like Esperanto and of course other natural languages like English, German, French and Spanish etc. But we developed a language, alphabet, literature. We wanted that, we use all nice words, system and rules ofTurkish, Ottoman, Orhkun, English, German, Persian and Arabic etc. This language is useful for writing literature.

For example in Al Bakiyye

৬じGƝഥᓬ, Ḷ⧽ ما⥙  ⧽ Бર  じGᒍM⥌.  ⱱર  ما⥙ MГ..↾ k  ⧽ ჰŧ ᒍӬ ƆરMƝ ᒍ ƆરᛠƆMЭ. Reading: Ya Sayğındız, bul menge ol ber sayğalma. Ver menge emgii ki ol ist lâ derman el derteme. English: Doctor, find me a cure. Give me the cure for the problem.

Al Bakiyye Alphabet

Al Bakiyye Alphabet has 65 characters and 3 writing style. These are hand writing, figurat-calligraphy writing and computer writing.

Al Bakiyye Alphabet:

⥌ Ḷ Б C Ċ Ɔ ഥ ഥ' ᛠ 웃 Э ∧ Ƒ ౨ Г ૭’’ G Ǧ ԋ حا て で I ↾ ..↾  Ĵ ⟓ ⊲ Ø ᒍ ૪ M ما Ɲ Й O ⧽ Ȫ П Ḻ ર મ ཞ Ӭ ≾ じ ๛ β ≾. Ұ Ꭷ Ꭷ’ Ꭷ’’ ⱱ ୨ Ϣ ৬ ᕴ ᓬ X ⥙ λ @ ↓ የ ჰŧ

Al Bakiyye Grammar and Literature

This book has many infos and details about the Al Bakiyye Language which is artificial language from turkish languages. The main expression language is English. We will try to teach to you the Al Bakiyye language.

Whats is the Al Bakiyye Language?

Al Bakiyye is a artificial language. The origin of this language is ural-altay language family. It can be find many words from Turkish languages like Turkish, azerice, tatarca, uygurca, göktürkçe, kırgızca, türkmence, özbekçe, moğolca, osmanlıca etc. With out these there are many words from Persian and arabic too. This language is developed as adornment and beautification. We want to save the all beautiful words and rules. For that we developed this artificial language with besondere alphabet. ᒍ Ḷ⟓৬ (El Bakiyye) is written as “Al Bakiyye” in English or German. Many words are from Turkish languages, Persian and Arabic. Also there are many words from German, English, French, Mongol, Anatolian languages and concise Mesopotamian languages.

Beyond that this language is developed due to the creator wants so.

Al Bakiyye has got a special alphabet which has 65 letter. It has got also specific literatures; Damlahatname, Yazlam and gratitude journal.

There are 3 writing style of this language;

  • Handwriting
  • Figurat - Calligraphy
  • Computer writing

Al Bakiye (Husnu hat-ı bakiye) means “beautiful written language of immortality”. ৬ (i-yye) means belonging, loyalty. Also it can be used "bakisch" for the Al Bakiyye.

Main Features of Al Bakiyye Language

  • All stamps (letter) have unique reading and usage area.
  • There is no difference as uppercase - lowercase.
  • It is written from left to right. It can written from top to down in Calligraphy writing.
  • Sentence sequence is free. Only it has to obey “to be + main verb” rules. To Be has to be every time before from the main verb.

For Example: Today we will go to school.

Ḷ Г❞ ϢરƆ Г@⥌CĴБᓬ ᒍӬ ↓ØЭ.

Reading: buguen werde gategegjbiz la oqqoul’a.

  • There are 2 types to be; [ჰŧ - , Ϣર, ഥ (ist, war, dır)].
  • There are 6 articles; [৬-I,  ᒍӬ, ᒍ,  ⧽, ..↾ (Ya-Ay, Lâ, El-Ol, İ-Yi)].
  • There is no difference between the articles like German Languages. They have only function and phenomenon.
  • There is not gender discrimination in personal pronouns like European Languages. It is used only “⧽” (Ol) for “he, she, it”.
  • There are a personal pronoun and some grammar rules for the creator - god. That is “て” (Hay).
  • There are 8 Nominative Case.
  • There is a positive-negative-question structure.
    • Negative: It is used in name sentences “ƆGᒍ” (değel). For Example: Ḷ ƆGᒍ ৬ᓬλ. (Bu degyel yazangc) EN: That is not a pen.
    • Negative: It is used in verb sentences “ᕴ↓” (yok) or as additional “M⥌” (-me, -ma). For example:  ⧽ ᕴ↓ ГᒍMЭ⟓ (Ol yoq gelmeak). or ⧽ ГᒍM⥌MЭ⟓ (Ol gelmemek). EN: He/She/It does not come.
  • There are tense difference.
  • There are many types words which are added to the end of the words or head of the words.
  • There are sequential token letters; (⥙ - λ)
  • There are some letters without the main letters; (k M̃ ❞ 〟° ʷ )
  • It usually is not written the vowels.

Al Bakiyye Alphabet and Writing System

Alphabet in Al Bakiyye means "웃MGᒍ↓” (Tamgaluq) or “∧БC” (Eabece)

No Hand – Figûrât Writing Computer Writing Reading Vocal Latin Feature
  1. 1
A A - E A / E
  1. 2
با با Bu Bu, Ba B Bold ba
Б Б Be Be, Bi B Thin be, bi
C C Ci Ci, Ce, Ca, Cu, C C letter
Ċ Ċ Çi Çi, Çe, Ça, Çu Ç C with dot
Ɔ Ɔ Di Di, De D Thin de, di
ط Dıy Dı, Da, Du, Do D Boldda, du

Dır, duy vb.

ظ ഥ’ Zıy Tze, ze Z Lisp ze, Tze
Te Te, Tö, Ti, Tü T Thin te
Tay Tay, ta, tu, to T Bold te
Э Э E (Açık) E ə Open e
EA EA Æ Ea, Ae, mix– long a
Ƒ Ƒ Ef Ef, fe, fi F Thin fe
ف Fa Fa, fu, fo F Bold fa
Г Г Ge Ge, gi, gü, gö G Thin flat ge
ق ૭’’ Gaf Gaf, guf, gof, ga, gu, go G Bold ge
G G Ğ Yumuşak ğe Ğ soft ge
Ğ Ɠ. Ğ Gırtlak ğa Ğ Bold larynx ge
حا حا Hu H breath He,, hû
ԋ He (Hemz) He, hi, H Thin he
ح Ha Ha, ho, hu, H Bold ha
خ Ha (kalın) Ha, ho, H Hard Throat ha
I I Ay Ay, ı, I Ay, I
İ İ, i, ı İ Normal i – ı
..↾ ..↾ İiy İiyy İ Long thin  i
Ĵ Ĵ Jey Je, jo J Normal j
Key Ke, kü, key, K Thin ke
Kal Ka, ko, ku Q Bold ka
Ø Ø Kul Kul, ku, Q Thick sharp ka
ل El El, al, le, lu, li,la L Normal palate le
Lam Lam, la, lo L Highlighted harsh tone la
M M Em Em, me, ma, mu M Normal me
ما ما Men Men M Mn, men
Ɲ En En, ne, na, nu N Normal ne
Й Й Ñ nasal ne, nu,nû
O O O O O Normal o
Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Normal ö
П П Pi Pi, pe P Thin pe
پا Pa Pa, pu, P Double Bold pe
Er Er, r, ri, ar, R Thin re
Ray Ray, ra, ru, ro R Bold ra
Riy Ri, R swallow thin  re
Es Es, as, se, si, sa S Normal se
پا Say Say, se S Lisp se
- ๛ Sin Sin, se,sa S Sharp se,sa
≾. Eş, şe, şi, Ş Thin şe
Ұ Ұ Şay Şay, şı, şu Ş Bold şa
- Ꭷ U U, U Normal u
- Ꭷ’ Ꭷ’ Ü Ü, Ü Noktalı u, ü
- Ꭷ’’ Ꭷ’’ Û Û Û Capped û, long u
Ve Ve, vi V thin ve
و Vav Va, vu, vo V bold va
ѡ Ϣ Wah Wa, wo, we W wouble Ve, Wa
ي Ya Ya, ye, yü Y thin ye
Yut Yut, yo, Y Bold  ya
Zed Ze, zu, zü, Z Sharp ze
X X Aks Aks, eks,iks, X İks, eks
Nang Ng, nang, nk, Nasal ng, NG,
@ @ Et Et, at @ Et, at
Ok Ok, uk, Ok,
م Mim mu Mu, mim, M Mu, Question
Ӭ Ӭ Ä/Â Ä/Â, ê, Ê â, Ê,Â, Ä Thin  a, e
Un Un, on, ün, ön, additional, filling on, on, ün
〟- En En, in, additional, filling en, in
λ λ Nanç
ჰŧ ჰŧ İst İst IST

Other Sound and Letter Provisions:

 = Ӭ  

Û = Ꭷ’’

Ô = Ö

Î = ..↾

Ê = Э

Š = ثا/じ

Ž = ظ/ഥ’

Al Bakiyye Alphabet in Latin

⥌ (a-e) A - E Г (ge) G Ø (Kul) Q
Ḷ (bu) B ق (Gaf) Q-G ᒍ (El) L
Б (be) B G (Ge yum.) Ğ ﻻ (Lam)
C (ci) C Ǧ. (Ge Gırt.) Ɠ M (Em) M
Ċ (çi) Ç ԋ (he hemz) H Ɲ (En) N
Ɔ (di) D حا (Hû) H Й (Nû) Ň
ഥ (Dıy) Ț - D ح (Ha) Ḩ - ḥ O (O) O
ഥ’ (Zıy) Ḑ - ż, ḍ خ (Ha) X - Ḩ - ẖ ⧽ (Ol) O - ô
ᛠ (te) T I (Ay) I Ö (Ö) Ö
웃 (Tay) T ↾ (I-İ) İ - I П (Pi) P
Э (Açık E) Ê – Ə - Э ..↾ (iiy) Î - Ī پا (Pa) P
∧ (EA) Ā – Ă - Æ Ĵ (Jey) J ર (Er) R
Ƒ (Ef) F ⟓ (Key) K મ (Ray) R
౨ (Fa) F ⊲ (Kal) Q ཞ (Riy
≾ (Es) S
ثا (Say) Š Ꭷ’’ (û) Û X (Aks) X
๛ (Sin) S ⱱ (Ve) V ⥙ (Nang) NG - Ñ
Β (Çift Se) β ୨ (Vav) W-V λ (Nanç) NÇ -
≾. (Eş) Ş Ϣ (Wah) W – WV - Ẇ @ (Et) @ - T
Ұ (Şay) ৬ (Ya) Y ↓ (Ok) K
Ꭷ (U) U ᕴ (Yut) Y - Ƴ م (Mim mu) M
Ꭷ’ (Ü) Ü ᓬ (Zed) Z Ӭ (Â) Â – Ā – Ă
❞ (Un) UN 〟(En-İn) EN-İN ჰŧ (İst) IST

Al Bakiyye Letter with Latin Letters


Other Annex and Stamps

Hand - Figurat Writing Computer Writing Reading Vocal English
Amma mm But,
k k Kiy K Also
chiftlem w It is read the first letter as double.
+ + Arti +
/ / Veya /
ჰŧ ჰŧ ist İst TO BE
° ° ° ° Stoper

The Nouns

There 2 types name in Al Bakiyye language; Private nouns, common nouns. All nouns has got article (Belirtencg). There are 4 types plural  forms. It is used “ჰŧ -ഥ” as TO BE in the noun sentences.

Plural Forms:

  • ᒍર (ler - lar) : ⥌ƆMᒍર (Adamlar) - Men
  • @ (at) : БᒍГ@ (Belgeat) – Documents
  • ГӬƝ (Gêân) : ⥌ƆM..↾ГӬƝ (Adamîgêân) - children of Adam
  • I〟(Eyin) : ⥌ƆMI〟(Adameyn) - some men
  • Ɲ (En) : Ḷર⊲Ɲ (Barken) - Homes

Conditions of Nouns

Condition Bakiyye Reading For Example English
Nominative barq Ḷર⊲ Home
accusative ..↾  - ⥙ Barqıı - Barqng Ḷર⊲..↾  - Ḷર⊲⥙ The house
Dative (to) Э, ∧, ⥙ Barka, barqnga Ḷર⊲∧ - Ḷર⊲⥙ to home
Dative in (in) Ɔ Barqda Ḷર⊲Ɔ at home
Dative From (from) Ɔ〟 Barqdan Ḷર⊲ Ɔ〟 from the house
Genetive (of) Barqın Ḷર⊲ 〟 of the house
Medium (with) ᒍ〟 Barqlan Ḷર⊲ᒍ〟 with the house
according to C Barqca Ḷર⊲C according to house
Possessive k Barqdaky Ḷર⊲Ɔ


In the hause
alignment Berenng Бર〟⥙ First
Plural ᒍર Barqlar Ḷર⊲ᒍર Homes
All Plural Ɲ Barqan Ḷર⊲Ɲ Homes (site, apartman)
Plural presence @ Hayvanat てI୨Ɲ@ Collection of animals
Plural (Gêân) ГӬƝ Adamîgêân ⥌ƆM..↾ГӬƝ Sons of Adam
Doubl Plural I〟 Eyin ⥌ƆMI〟 The Men
Question م Mı ist lâ barq م ჰŧ ᒍӬ Ḷર⊲ It this house?
Pedigree (î, -di) ..↾ Türkî ᛠᎧ’ર⟓..↾ Turkish lineage
Property ownership (iyye) ..↾Э Türkiiyye ᛠᎧ’ર⟓..↾Э Turkey
- own of the people (men) ما Acezmen ⥌Cᓬما Helpless, helpless
Negative (na) Й Nâhoş ЙحOҰ Unpleasant
Negative (sız, siz) ๛ഥ' Mutsız MᎧᛠ๛ഥ' Unhappy, not happy
Continuity (ber) Бર Berdevam БરƆ୨M Continuity
Time - Aria (gâh) Гԋ sehergâh ≾ԋરГԋ at dawn
Negative (bi) Б Biçarei БĊཞ Helpless
Location, belonging  (estan) ≾웃〟 Türkestayen ᛠᎧ’ર⟓≾웃〟 Turkish land
Activist (kâr) ⟓Ӭર Saynatkâr ثاƝ@⟓Ӭર Artwork
Quality, attribute (mend) ماഥ Dertmend Ɔરᛠماഥ Who has trouble
As, Like ⟓ما Keymen as, like
That, Which k Ki k That
for ↾Ċ❞ içün for
-according to Э ГરЭ E gere according to
about Ꭷ’ഥ'ཞ Üzre about
And Ve and
too Ɔ De too
or / Veya or
but Amma but
as X Aks as
Since Ɔ〟 Бཞ Den berii
⟓Ӭح Kâh *There is no this form in English.
Or ৬حاഥ Yahud
Also ح@ʷ Hatta
to … Ɔ৬ Diye to +verb
if else ≾Э Ese
- ⟓ഥ'∧ Keyza *There is no this form in English
- حЙ Haynû *There is no this form in English
-ci, -çı (from noun the noun) C Barkcı Ḷર⊲ C houseman
-nç (from verb the nound) λ İnanç ↾Ɲλ Faith, religion
-gaç, -geç ૭’’Ċ - ГĊ Süzgeç ثاᎧ’ഥ'૭’’Ċ Filter
-lık (from noun the nound ᒍ↓ Başlok Ḷ≾.ᒍ↓ Title
-ce, -ca (from noun the noun C-Ċ Türkçe ᛠᎧ’ર⟓Ċ Turkish
-lı (adjective) ᒍᎧ Duzlu ഥᎧᓬᒍᎧ Salty
-sız (Negative) ๛ᓬ Duzsuz ഥᎧᓬ๛ᓬ Without salt
-ti (reflection) Işıltı ↾Ұᒍᛠ Light
-cil Cᒍ Barqcıl ḶરCᒍ Domestic
-daş Ɔ≾. Vavtaydaş ୨웃Ɔ≾. Citizen
-gil Г↾ᒍ Aligil ∧ᒍ↾Г↾ᒍ
-leyin ᒍIƝ Sabahlayın ≾ḶحᒍIƝ In the morning
-nci = eng Bereng Бર⥙ First
-er ↾ર Gelir Гᒍ↾ર come
cik C⊲ Almacık ᒍM⥌ C⊲ tiny apple
-me (Object) ૪M̃ Baaşlamma Ḷ≾.૪M̃ Start
-iş (Object) ≾. Tekeyeş ᛠ⟓≾. Seam
-en (activist) G〟 Bakğan Ḷ⊲ G〟 Looking man
-mek (infinitive) MЭ⟓ Ekmek Э⟓MЭ⟓ Bread
-esi (Adjective - Nound) ≾..↾ Bakası Ḷ⊲≾..↾
-mez (olumsuzluk) M⥌ᓬ Çıkmaz Ċ↾⊲M⥌ᓬ
-r (Noun-Adjective) Yazar ৬ᓬર Author
-dik (Noun-Adjective) ƆI↓ Olmadık ⧽MƆI↓
-ecek (Noun-Adjective) C⊲ Yakalcak ৬⊲C⊲
-miş (Noun-Adjective የ≾. Geçmiş ГĊየ≾. Past
-im (Situation) M Seçem ≾ĊM Selection
-gi (verb – noun– object) Г Vergi ⱱરГ Tax
-gin (gyın) (meaning magnification) G〟 dalğın ƆᒍG〟 Pensive
-l (noun adjective) ..↾ Yazıı / Yaziii ৬ᓬ..↾ Writing
-ici (continuity) ↾C Kalıcı ⊲↾C Permanent
-k (action object) Çürok ĊᎧ’ર↓ Rotten
-ken (noun – adjective)
-ti Belirti Бᒍ↾રᛠ symptom
-ek ⥌⊲ Konak ⊲❞⥌⊲ Mansion
λ İnanç ↾λ Religion
-le (verb maker) ૪⥌ Suçla ثاᎧ’Ċ૪⥌
-len (verb maker) ᒍ〟 Barklan Ḷર⊲ᒍ〟 marry
-dir (verb maker) ط Yazdır ېᓬഥ print
-ak (from verb the noun) ⥌⊲ Yatak ৬@⥌⊲ bed
-ler, -lar (plural) ᒍર Barklar Ḷર⊲ᒍર Homes
-gu, -nu, lu, te ГᎧ, Й, ૪Ꭷ, ᛠ Bilgiti Б↾ᒍГᛠ information

Vehicle Forms

It is used “-vaslam” for the bus, train, tram etc.

Road Transportation: ᕴ⧽ (Yol)

Road - Railway: મᕴ⧽ (Yol)

Two Wheeled Vehicles: ᛠ ↓ (Tek)

Rail System Railway Transportation: મ (Ray)

Rail system only (Train): મ (Ray)

Overhead rail line (Tram): ray મ (Uray)

Underground line (Metro): ⥌મ (Aray)

Sea Transportation: ƆƝ (den)

Submarine Transportation: ⥌ƆƝ (Aden)

Air Transportation: Uç Ċ (Uch)


Train: મ୨≾૪ (Rayvaslaml)

Bus: ᕴ⧽୨≾૪ (Yolvaslam)

Metro: ⥌મ୨≾૪ (Arayvaslam)

Ship: ƆƝ୨≾૪ (Denvaslam)

Tram: Ꭷમ ୨≾૪ (Urayvaslam)


In the Al Bakkiye language, there are 4 forms that can make adjective.

  1. Front of the noun; “৬Й Ḷર⊲ (Yeni barq)”
  2. End of the noun; “৬Й Ḷર⊲..↾ ৬Й (Barq-ı Yeni)”
  3. Along with artikel; “Ḷર⊲ᒍ৬Й (Barqalyeni)”
  4. Along with adjective and noun; “৬Й❞Ḷર⊲ (Yenunbarq”)

English: “New house” or “the house which is the new”.

Comparative and superlative adjectives

- Comparative Superlative
てરᒍ↾ (Hayarlı)

EN: good

ഥで てરᒍ↾ (Daha hayırlı)

EN: Better

Ɲ てરᒍ↾ (En hayırlı)

En: The best

English: Good Man

てરᒍ↾  ⥌ƆM (Hayarlı Adam)

⥌ƆM..↾ てર (Adam-ı Hayar)

⥌ƆMᒍてર (Adamalhayar)

てર❞⥌ƆM (Hayrunadam)

Personal Pronouns

ᒍ ഥ’Mર..↾Ұてᓬ (El zemer-i şayhaz)

There are 8 personal pronouns and 2 types TO BE in the Al Bakiyye language.

Personen To Be To Be
The God ح (Hay) Only for creator - God ჰŧ - ط (ist – dır) Ϣર - ϢરƆ (war, werde)
I ما (Men) ჰŧ - ط (ist – dır) Ϣર - ϢરƆ (war, werde)
You ๛ (Sin) ჰŧ - ط (ist – dır) Ϣર  - ϢરƆ (war, werde)
He/She/It ⧽ (Ol) ჰŧ - ط (ist – dır) Ϣર  - ϢરƆ (war, werde)
We Бᓬ (Biz) / Mᓬ ჰŧ  (ist – dır) Ϣર〟- ϢરƆ〟(Waren – Werden)
You ๛ᓬ (Siz) ჰŧ (ist – dır) Ϣર〟- ϢરƆ〟(Waren – Werden)
They ⧽ᒍર (Ollar) ჰŧ (ist – dır) Ϣર〟- ϢરƆ〟(Waren – Werden)
You ๛ᓬᒍર ჰŧ (ist – dır) Ϣર〟- ϢરƆ〟(Waren – Werden)
Noun sentences Verb sentences

For Example:

I am a doctor.

ما ჰŧ Бર じGƝഥᓬ.

Reading: Men ist saygandiz.

Marker, Definition, Articles

Бᒍરᛠλ (Belertenç)

Article is like “The”. In german there are 3 article; “Der, die, das”. There are 6 article in the Al Bakiyye language.

These are  “৬, I, ⧽, ᒍӬ, ᒍ, ..↾” (Ya, Ay, Ol, Lâ, El ve İiy).

Article Reading Feature Example
Ya prominent, recognized and highlighted names ৬ ∧ᒍ↾ (Ya Eali)
I Ay unrecognized but accentuated names. I ഥOثاഥM (Ey Dostdum)
Ol unknown, unrecognized names ⧽ ⟓≾.↾ (Ol keyşi)
El known and previously mentioned names ᒍ ৬ᓬλ (El yaznanç)
ᒍӬ unknown but customized names ᒍӬ Ɔરⱱ≾. (Lâ Derveş)
..↾ İiy Customizing names that objectify Ɔરⱱ≾...↾ (Derveşii)

Except for the “..↾” (İiy)  artikel, no artikel is associated with names.

There are 2 article form; definite and indefinite.

Definite Articles: “৬, I, ⧽, ᒍӬ, ᒍ, ..↾”

Indefinite Articles:One, some, some” …

*** The articles are not written with some letters. The words which start with this letter are written without the article. It is read double with the vocal.

For example: (≾ĊM) EN: selection

With Article: ᒍ ≾ĊM (El Seçem)

Without Article: ≾ĊM  (Es seçem)

If the noun starts with this letter, you may not write and use an article;

Ƒ I ᒍ M Ɲ ⧽ ર ≾ ≾. ↓ @

Sentences & ToBe

≾ȪᓬᒍM - IᒍЭⱱ ⱱ Б@ᒍM (sözlem - eylev ve betlem)

Main Sentences : ما Ϣર Гᒍ⥌CĴما  ᒍӬ ↓Ø∧ ๛ᒍ〟 ৬ર〟.

(Men war gelecejmen lâ okkula sinlen yarın)

I will come to the school with you tomorrow.

Clause Sentences: ๛ Ϣર ≾ЭⱱMЭ⟓ ഥO≾ᛠ❞⥙ ≾Э, ⧽Mᒍ↾ ๛৬રƆMC ⧽∧.

(Sin war sevmek dostunng ese, olmali sin yardimci ola)

If you love your friend,  you have to help him.

*You may not use TO Be in the clause sentences.

ما ϢᎧરƆ Ḷ⧽Ɔما ᒍӬ ḺરIG Г@ર⟓〟 ما ৬ ↓Ø∧

(Men wurde buldimen lâ parayga geterkeyen men ya okkula.)

While I was going to school, I found a wallet.

Transpose Sentences: Örnek: ๛ᒍ〟ᒍӬ ↓Ø∧ ৬ર〟Ϣર Г@⥌CĴما.

(Sinlen la okkula yarın war getecejmen.)

I am going to go to school with you tomorrow.

Notification Sentences: ৬ ᒍOƝഥમ ჰŧ ৬ ⥌웃⟓Ɲ.

(Ya londıyray ist ya atayken)

London is a capital.

Question Sentences: የ Ϣર ⧽ じてḺ Бર Ḷર⊲?

(Mu war ol sayhap ber barq?)

Has he got a house?

If - Else Sentences: じてḺ ⧽રما≾Э ᒍӬ Ḻમ Бર Г❞, Ϣર ما Г@⥌CĴما ᓬᎧ ৬ Ḻཞ≾.

(Ef sayhap olarmenesse la baray ber gün, war men getecejmen zu ya payriyes)

If I have money, I will go to Paris.

Note: Ƒ is used start of the sentences and ≾Э is used end of the sentences.

Exercise: Instead of [“Ƒ ᒍ ⊲ ჰŧ てO≾.” (Ef el kal ist hosh) If the weather is nice. ], you can use this sentences; [“Ƒ ⊲ Ϣર ⧽M∧⊲ てO≾. k” (Ef war olmak hosh ky) ]

  • You have to use “ƆGᒍ” as TO BE in negative noun sentences.
  • You have to use “M⥌” end of the main verb in negative verb sentences.

Rule: ƆGᒍ/ᕴ↓ + Verb+M⥌+Personal Pronoun.

TO BE Positive Negative (additional) Question
Ϣર Ϣર ᕴ↓ (M⥌) م
ჰŧ ჰŧ ƆGᒍ م
⟓Ɲ ⟓Ɲ ᕴ↓⟓Ɲ م

Noun Sentences: Ḷ ƆGᒍ ᒍӬ Ḻમ. (Bu degel la paray) - That is not money.  

Verb Sentences: ما ᕴ↓ ⥌ᒍM⥌⥌CĴما Ḷ Ḻમ. (Men yok almaacajmen bu paray.) I will not take this money.


Present Past Futur Negative
Ϣર-Ϣર〟 ϢᎧરƆ, ϢOરƆ ϢરƆ ᕴ↓
ჰŧ ↾Ɔ /Ɔ ჰŧ ƆGᒍ
MЭ⟓ - M∧⟓ Ɔ, M≾. ⥌CĴ M⥌
じてḺ じてḺƆ じてḺCĴ ᕴ↓じてḺ

Person Ϣર ჰŧ ᕴ↓ ƆGᒍ
Present tense -


Ϣર ჰŧ ᕴ↓ ƆGᒍ
Present tense -


Ϣર〟 ჰŧ ᕴ↓ ƆGᒍ
Futur tense - Singular ϢરƆ - ᕴ↓ ƆGᒍ
Futur tense - Plural ϢરƆ〟 - ᕴ↓ ƆGᒍ
Past tense - Singular ϢᎧરƆ ↾Ɔ Ɔ ᕴ↓ ƆGᒍƆ
Past tense - Plural ϢᎧરƆ〟 ↾Ɔ〟 Ɔ〟 ᕴ↓ ƆGᒍƆ
Past II tense - Singular ϢOરƆ M≾. M≾. ᕴ↓ ƆGᒍM≾.
Past II tense - Plural ϢOરƆ〟 M≾.〟 M≾. ᕴ↓ ƆGᒍM≾.

Modal Verbs - Passive Voice - Imperative Voice

MOഥᒍ〟, ЭƆᒍГ〟, Mર〟 (Modalen, Edelgen, Emeren)

Modal Verbs

The modal verbs in the Al Bakiyye are same to English and German.

Modal Verbs In English Rules
ᓬO૪ + Mᒍ..↾ (Zol + Meli) Must / Should ᓬO૪ + main verb+Mᒍ..↾
⟓Ɲ -Э БᒍMЭ⟓ (Keyen -e bilmek) Can, May, Might ⟓Ɲ + main verb+Э БᒍMЭ⟓
Ɔᒍર (diler) Would, Want Ɔᒍર + main verb
ഥ’ર❞Ɔ (Zorunda) Have to ഥ’ર❞Ɔ + main verb

For Example: I have to go to work.

ما ഥ’ર❞Ɔ Г@MЭ⟓  ᓬᎧ ᒍӬ ↓Ø.

Reading: Men zorunda getmek zu la okkul.

Passive Voice

There are some types passive voice.

  1. Spontaneously Passive: The glass is broken.
  2. Subjective Passive: The glass is broken (by a person).
  3. Active Passive: The glass was broken (by another person).
  4. Reflexive Passive: The glass has been broken (all glass are shattered).
  5. Doped Passive: The glass was broken by another person to another person.

It can be made Passive in 3 types in Al Bakiyye language.

  • Directly Addition: It can be added end of the verb “ᒍ - Ɲ”.
    • ৬ CM ϢᎧરƆ て≾.@ᒍƆ (Ya Cam wurde hashataldiy) - The glass has been broken itself.
  • ᓬ≾. (Zesh) front addition + ᒍ - Ɲ end addition:
    • ৬ CM ϢᎧરƆ ᓬ≾.て≾.@ᒍƆ (Ya Cam wurde zeshhashataldiy.) - The glass turned into pieces, shattered)
  • M⥌Ɲ - M⥌Ɲ↾ - M⥌Ɲ ᛠ Structure: With this form can make a passive sentence.
    • Form: M⥌Ɲ / M⥌Ɲ↾ / M⥌Ɲᛠ + ToBe + Main verb + Addition + Tense.
    • Note: It always has to use 3. personal pronoun form in the tenses. Man can have adjectives and articles.

MAN Versions:

Singular good person a good female person or plural persons Singular or plural bed persons.
M⥌Ɲ (Man) M⥌Ɲ↾ (Mani) M⥌Ɲᛠ (Manta)

MAN Verb additions and Features:

Attribute Bakiyye Example English Remarks
Normal O - Ȫ ৬ᓬO It is written. An object is written by a person.
Spontaneously Ӭ ৬ᓬӬ It is written Spontaneously. It is written Spontaneously.
Mediated ᛠ❞ ৬ᓬᛠ❞ It is printed An object is printed by another object
Finally Mode ჰŧ ৬ᓬჰŧ It has been written. The work is done, writing is done by a thing.
In case an object is made by another person by another person Г + fiil ᛠ° Г৬ᓬᛠ° (Geyazt) It is printed to a person by another person. Bir kişi, bir başkasına bir nesneyi yazdırtmaktadır.
the object is printed by one means to another by another. Г + fiil + ᛠ@ Г৬ᓬᛠ@ (Geyaztet) the object is printed by one means to another by another. the object is printed by one means to another by another.
Continue situation @ ৬ᓬ@ It is continues to be written. An object is continues to be written by itself or by a person.

For Example:

En: This book was printed to us.

BK: Ḷ Бᛠ⟓ ϢᎧરƆ M⥌Ɲ БᓬЭ Г৬ᓬƆᛠ°.

Reading: Bu betik wurde man biyze geyazdith.

For Example Sentences: A new, big book by a well-known, well-mannered elderly person will be printed on another.

BK: Бર ৬Ɲ↾ Бᛠ⟓ᒍ⧽Ꭷ ϢરƆ ৬ Эԋᛠ৬ર..↾M⥌Ɲ Г৬ᓬ⥌CĴᛠ@.

Reading: Ber yeniy betikelolu werde ya ehteyar-iy man geyazacajgtat.

Imperative Voice

It is used infinitive verb and “!” end of the sentences.

Гᒍ! (Gel) - Come!

⥌ᒍ (Al) - Take it!

Positive imperative Negative imperative Wish imperative Passive imperative
Гᒍ! (Gel) - Come ГᒍM⥌! (Gelme) - dont come ГᒍЭ! (Gele)

come please

ГᒍƝᒍЭ! (Gelenele)


Al Bakiyye Reading English
M̃, ౨⊲ᛠ, ᒍӬ⟓〟, ৬ᒍЙ, ⥌Ḷ⥌ Amma, fakalte, lakeyin, yalnu, aba, But
ЙƆ〟, Ḷ ≾БПᒍ〟, Ḷ ЙƆᒍ〟ḶЙ❞ ↾Ċ❞, てᛠર ↾Ċ❞, Бᒍk, て૭’’ʷ@Ɲ, Ϣર❞, Ϣ≾てᒍБ, ഥરᎧM, Ɔ≾てᒍБ, Ɔ≾ⱱГ〟 Nuden, bu sebeplen, bu nudenlen, bu yüzden, bunun içün, hater içün, belki, heggeten…

Warun, Weshalbe, darum, deshalbe, deswegen

Why, because of this, due to
ⱱ, ᎧƝ ve, un, And
Ċ❞⟓, ƆƝ, ϢIᒍ, Ɔ⥌, Çünkey, den, wayel, da Because, also, so,
↾Ċ❞ içün for
ഥ’OƝƆર〟, Б૪⟓≾, ᕴ↓β∧ zonderen, bilamkes, yoksa rather that,
Ƒ, ≾Э, ϢƝ, Ұ@ Ef, Esse, Wen, şayet, if else
I⟓Ɲ,  ⥌ᒍ≾〟 ayken, alsen while, when
-Ɔ〟Эⱱʷᒍ, -Ɔ〟Бཞ,  -Ɔ〟⥌てર den evvel, den beri, den ahır since, for,
૭''રҰ〟, OḶϢᒍ, OḶҰ〟 garşın, obwol, obşayen, -instead of, although
БᒍЭC, ƆM Belece, dem So
k ki That
/ yada, ve ya, or
ԋM ... ԋMƆ hem...hemde not only… but also
⥌ƝҰ↾ᛠ@, ৬રƝG anşıtat, yerinğe, instead of
⟓ما keymen as, like
Ɔ৬ diya also, as
X, ⧽મ↓ aks, olrayak as
ᒍ〟 ilen with


Al bakiyye has 2 types form for the prepositions; adding front of the name and end of the name.

In English Front of the name End of the name
to - in ᓬᎧ, ᛠᎧ (Zu, Tu) Э, ∧, ৬, (e, a, ya, ye)
by ḶI (Bay) ৬〟Ɔ (yanında)
with M↾ᛠ, ϢIᛠ (mit, wit) ᒍ〟(len)
since - Ɔ〟 Бཞ (-den beri)
on - Ꭷᓬર〟Ɔ(üzerinde)
ever since - Бཞ๛Ɔ (berisinde)
by, near Й৬ર (Nuyar) ৬Ɲ〟Ɔ (yanında), ĊП〟Ɔ (çipinde)
in, inner, into ↾Ɲ (in), Ƒ..↾ (Efiy) ↾Ċ〟Ɔ (içinde)
under ᎧƝᛠર (Unter) ⥌ᒍᛠ〟Ɔ (altında)
front - ȪГ❞Ɔ (Ögünde)

For Example: EN- I go to home.

  1. (Front): ما Ϣર Г@MЭ⟓ ᒍ Ḷર⊲∧ (Men war getmek el barqa)
  2. (End): ما Ϣર Г@MЭ⟓ ᓬᎧ ᒍ Ḷર⊲. (Men war getmek zu el barq.)

For example: EN- I saw you and Ahmet and Mehmet near the Ahmet at home.

(Front): ما ϢᎧરƆ ⟓ȪરƆما Ƒ..↾ ৬ Ḷર⊲  ⥌てM@..↾ ๛ᒍ〟ⱱ ⧽Й❞ ĊП〟Ɔ ⧽ MЭԋM@.

  1. (End): ما ϢᎧરƆ ⟓ȪરƆما ৬ Ḷર⊲〟↾Ċ〟Ɔ ⥌てM@..↾ Ϣ↾ᛠ ๛ ⱱ MЭԋM@..↾ Й৬ર ⧽Й❞.

Time Expressions

Al Bakiyye Reading English
Й ⥌Ɲ Nu Aan When
Й ⊲ ⥌Ɲ Nu kal aan How long
⊲Ċ ⟓ᓬ Kaç keyz How many times
৬⊲〟Ɔ Yakında Nearly
⧽Ɔ〟 じ❞મ Oldan Sonray After that
⥌≾.MƆ Aeşemdi Now
ᛠ❞I〟 Tüneyin Yesterday
ḶГ❞ Bugün Today
⥌≾.MƆ৬ ⊲ഥર Aeşemdeye kaldar Until now
๛↓Ċ Sıkça Often
Бર ⟓ᓬ Ber Keyz Once
Ḷᓬ〟 Bazen Sometimes
ર ≾Ƒર Er sefer Every times
⥌≾.MƆ Aeşimdi Now, just
⥌୨ᒍ〟 Evlen Afternoon
じ❞મ Sonray Then
ᛠ❞I〟Э ⊲ഥર Tüneyine kaldar Until yesterday
ഥ⥌↾ما Daa’imen Always
ᒍƝГ Lenge Long time
Йഥ Nudıy Hardly ever
⥌મ-๛મ Aray-Sinray Rearly
ર Г❞ Er gün Every day
ર で୨웃 Er Havrtay Every week

Possessive Pronouns

It is use “in” end of the personal pronouns.

Personal Pronouns Possessive Pronouns
ح (Hay) Only for God て〟(Hayın)
I ما (Men) ما〟 (Menin) My
You ๛ (Sin) ๛〟 (Sinin) Your
He/She/It ⧽ (Ol) ⧽❞ (Olun) His, Her, Its
We Бᓬ (Biz) / Mᓬ (Miz) Бᓬ〟 (Bizin) / Mᓬ〟(Mizin) Our
You ๛ᓬ (Siz) ๛ᓬ 〟(Sizin) Your
They ⧽ᒍર (Ollar) ⧽ᒍર❞ (Ollarun) Their
You ๛ᓬᒍર (Sizler) ๛ᓬᒍર〟(Sizlerin) Your

Hours - Times

Hours and times means “OGᎧર” (Ogur)  in the Al Bakiyye language. It is used “ჰŧ” as To Be.

  • What time is it? -  ⊲Ċ ჰŧ ᒍӬ OGᎧર (Kach ist la ogur?)


  • What is the time? - ᒍӬ OGᎧર ⊲Ċഥ (La ogur kachdir).


⧽ OGᎧર ჰŧ … (Ol ogur ist ...) or ⧽ OGᎧર …’ഥ (Ol ogur …’dir.)

21:00 = ⧽ OGᎧર ჰŧ ⟓↓Бર. (Ol Ogur ist keyokber)

12:30 = ⧽ OGᎧર ჰŧ OƝ⟓ ḶĊ↓ (Ol ogur ist onkey buchuk)

10:05 = ⧽ OGᎧર ჰŧ OƝ..↾ ГĊર Б≾. (Ol ogur ist oniiy gecher besh)

03.25 = ⧽ OGᎧર ჰŧ Ꭷ’Ċ..↾ ГĊર ⟓↓Б≾. (Ol ogur ist uchy gecher keyokbesh.)

Moment: OG (Og)

Hour: OGᎧર (Ogur)

Minute: OGમ↓ (Ograyik)

Second: OGᎧરഥ↓ (Ogurdak)

Split-second: OGᎧરĊ↓ (Ogurchak)

The Number

The Numbers of the Al Bakiyye are so easy.

  1. Бર (Ber)
One 20. ⟓↓ (Keyok) Twenty
  1. ⟓ (Key)
Two 30. ᎧĊ↓ (Uçok) Therty
  1. Ꭷ’Ċ (üç)
Three 40.ᛠરᛠ↓ (Terteok) Fourty
  1. ᛠરᛠᛠ (terte)
Four 50. Б≾.↓ (Beşok) Fifty
  1. Б≾. (beş)
Five 60. ᒍᛠ↓ (Alteok) Sixty
  1. ᒍᛠ (alte)
Six 70.৬Ɔ↓ (Yediok) Seventy
  1. ৬Ɔ (Yedi)
Seven 80.≾⟓ ↓ (Sekeyok) Eighty
  1. ≾⟓ (sekey)
Eight 90. ഥØ↓ (dıykulok) Ninety
  1. ഥØ (Dıykul)
Nine 100. ᕴᓬ (yüz) Hundert
  1. OƝ (On)
Ten 1000. Б〟(Bin) Thousand
  1. OƝБર (Onber)
Eleven 31.ᎧĊ↓Бર (Uçokber) Thirty one
  1. OƝ⟓ (Onkey)
Twelve 45.ᛠરᛠ↓Б≾. (Terteokbeş) Forty five
  1. OƝᎧ’Ċ (Onüç)
Thirteen ≾Ƒર (Esfer) Zero
  1. OƝᛠરᛠᛠ (Onterte)

10 - 20 = OƝ + Number = OƝᎧ’Ċ (Onuch) - thirteen

20,30,40 …: Number + ↓ = ᛠરᛠ↓ (terteok) - Fourty

2: (Key)

10: (On)

12: ⟓ (Onkey)

20: ⟓↓ (Keyok)

22: ⟓↓⟓ (Keyokkey)

All numbers are written adjacent.

Adjective Clauses

Бર ⥌ƆM (Ber Adam) - a man

Ḷ ⥌ƆM (Bu adam) - this man

The articles donot used with number adjectives and indefinite articles. Without that the articles has to used front of the all names.

৬ Эԋᛠ৬ર ⥌ƆM (Ya ehteyar adam) - Old man

Adjective clauses front of the name :

৬ Эԋᛠ৬ર ⥌ƆM (Ya ehteyar adam) - Old man

Adjective clauses end of the  name : The article is used front of the adjective and name and also “i” between adjective and nouns.

৬ ⥌ƆM..↾ Эԋᛠ৬ર (Ya adam-i Ehteyar) - The man who is old.

As Double adjective usage :

৬ Ꭷ’ƝᒍᎧ’ ⥌ƆM..↾ Эԋᛠ৬ર (Ya ünlü adam-i ehteyar) The famous man who is old.

Question pronouns

Al Bakiyye Reading English
Й What
Й ⥌Ɲ Nû Aan When
Йમ Nûray Where
ЙમƆ Nûrayda Where
ЙમƆ〟 Nûraydan from where
Йમ..↾ Nûrayii Where is
ЙમГ Nûrayga to where
Й⊲ Nûkal How long, how much
ƝI৬ ⧽M⥌๛ Niye olmasın Why not
Й๛ Nûsin How
⊲ƝГ Kangı Which
⟓↾M Kim Who

I Think

“じƝરما, ᓬƝЙMC, ماC, ૭’’ᒍ⥌୨Б, Ƒ↾⟓ཞما” (Saynarmen, Zannumca, Mence, Бᒍk, Galavbe, Fikriymen)

ЙમƆ ৬ Ꭷ’Mર ? (Nurayda ya Omar?) - Where is the Omar?

Ƒ↾⟓ཞما, ⧽ ჰŧ ৬ Ḷર⊲Ɔ (Fikriymen, ol ist ya barqda) - I think, he is at home.

ᓬƝЙMC k; ⧽ ჰŧ Ƒ..↾ ↓Ø (Zannumca ki, ol ist fiy okkul.) - In my opinion he is in the school..

Бᒍk ჰŧ  ⧽ Ƒ..↾ ↓Ø (Belki ist ol fiy okkul) He can be in the school.

*If we use this sentences as a clause,  we can use with “k”.

Ƒ↾⟓ཞما k, ⧽ Ϣર Г@⥌CĴ⧽ ᛠᎧ ↓Ø. (Fikriymen ky ol war getecegjol to okkul)

English: I think, that he will go to school.

Infinitive Rules

It can be make infinitive as two forms; front of the verb and end of the verb.

Adds end of the verb -mak, -mek, -ma, -me, -ış, -iş, -uş, -üş, -en, -an

Adds front of the verb: tu, zu

You have select only one form, not both of them.

Front of the verb End of the verb Reading English
ᛠᎧ Гᒍ ГᒍMЭ⟓ (Tu gel, gelmek) to come, coming
ᓬᎧ Ḷ⊲ Ḷ⊲M∧⊲ (Zu bak, bakmak) to look, looking
Ḷ⊲M⥌   (bakma) looking
Ḷ⊲≾. (bakaş) look, view
Ḷ⊲Ɲ (Bakan) looking


There is a lot of additives that we can create a new word.

Addition end of the words: “luk, lık, kayt, çi, daş, lü, üş, iş, an, dır, gaç, ga, gi, ak, im, in, gah, istan, zar, kede, sar, dan, ban, van, kar, gar, ger, çe, î, iyye, siz, si, uç, iç, um, gun, li, el, abil, cık, cik, ca, taş, ar, er, eş, sel, te, tı, tü, aç, cileyin, ak, ek, ok, ka, gil, kıl, kek, ken, kan, men, man, la, lu, layın, leyin, emsi, rak, rek, sak, sek, ıt, et, at, me, ma, dır, dir, ağan, eğen, maca, mece, ip, up, üp, ap, ken, ling, ment ...”

Addition front of the words: “anti, bi, co, in, monu, re, trans, piriy …”

For example: Eyes, glasses, TV, Radio, Mobile Phone…

ГȪᓬ (Goz), ГȪᓬᒍ↓ (Gozluk), じર@ГĊ (Seyretgech), ᛠƝᒍ@ГĊ (Tenletgech), Ø❞Й≾.MƝᛠ (Kunnuşment)

Animals: “ᒍƝ” (Lan) //

⥌≾ᒍƝ: (Aslan) - Lion

૭’’ḺᒍƝ: (Gaplan) - Tiger

≾↾રᛠᒍƝ : (Sırtlan) - hyena


There are 5 tense and 8 mode in the Al Bakiyye language.

Tense-Mode To be Adds Rule Example English
Present simple Ϣર - ჰŧ /ط MЭ⟓ Subject+tobe + verb+mek ما Ϣર ≾ⱱMЭ⟓.

(Men war sevmek)

I love
Present continuous
Subject + verb+riy ما ≾ⱱཞ.

(Men seviir)

I love
Future tense Ϣર - ⥌CĴ Subject + tobe + verb+ecaj+personal pronoun ما Ϣર ≾ⱱ⥌CĴما.

(Men war sevecej)

I will love
Present Perfect ϢᎧરƆ – ↾Ɔ /Ɔ Ɔ Subject+ tobe + verbl+di+personal pronoun ما ϢᎧરƆ ≾ⱱƆما.

Men wurde sevdimen)

I have loved
Past tense ϢOરƆ - M≾. M≾. Subject+ tobe + verb+mish+personal pronoun ما ϢOરƆ ≾ⱱM≾.ما.

(Men worde sevmişmen)

I loved
Wish - β Subject+ verb+sem ما ≾ⱱβM.

(Men sevsem)

I wish I love
Request I Subject+ verb + ay ما ≾ⱱI.

(Men Sevay)

let me love
Passive Ϣર 〟 -  ᒍ subject+ tobe+ verb+el+di+personal pronoun ≾ⱱᒍƆما


I am loved.
Condition ≾Э Subject+ verb+personal pronoun+se ≾ⱱરما≾Э


If I love
Swiftness - ↾ⱱર Subject+ verb+ver ≾ⱱ↾ⱱર.

(Sin seviver)

Love me
Imperative - - Verb ≾ⱱ! (Sev) Love
Continued mode Ϣર ᕴOમ Subject+ tobe + verb+yor ما Ϣર ≾ⱱᕴOમ.

(Men war seviyor.)

I love
Eternally mode Ϣર/ჰŧ /ط Subject+ tobe+ing ما Ϣર ≾ⱱ⥙.

(Men war seving)

I love you everytime

*We have to add “M⥌” (me, ma) before tense addition in negative sentences.

For Example: My uncle came from londra yesterday. I am waiting him now. He has got a car. We will go to cinema together.

ᛠ❞I〟৬ ᒍOƝഥમ'Ɔ〟ϢᎧરƆ Mየ ГᒍƆ⧽. ≾.Ꭷ⥌Ɲ ما Б⟓ᒍཞ ⧽Й. ⧽ じてḺ Бર રIḶ. Mᓬ ϢરƆ〟 Г@⥌CĴБᓬ ᓬᎧ ᒍӬ ⊲મᒍ↓.

(Tuneyyn ya londıyray’dan wurde emmim geldiol. Şuaan men bekliir olnu. Ol sayhap ber arayba. Miz werden getecejbiz zu la kalrayluk)

Ya Rab’Ba Ni-yaz Divine Rules

There are some rules that we write somethings to the god. For the god there are some rules.

The personal pronoun of the God: (Hay)

Article: (Ya) and I (Ay)

Tobe:  ჰŧ (İst) or (Dır)

  • “Ϣર” (War) is not used in outside present simple tense.
  • The personal pronoun is never used in the verb.

For example

Normal Sentences:

  • ما Ϣર  БરMЭ⟓. (Men war bermek) : I give
  • ما ϢરƆ Бર⥌CĴما. (Men werde berecejmen): I will give
  • ๛ ϢᎧરƆ БરƆ๛ (Sin wurde berdisen) :  You gave

Divine Sentences:

  • て Ϣર БરMЭ⟓ (Hay war bermek.) : Allah gives.
  • て Бર⥌CĴ (Hay berecej) : Allah will give.
  • て БરƆ (Hay berdi) : Allah gave.

ჰŧ = て ჰŧ ∧ᒍʷԋ (Hay ist Allah) : It is Allah who is the One.

ഥ = て ∧ᒍʷԋ°ഥ (Hay Allah’dır) : It is Allah who is the One.

Days- Г❞ᒍર

German English Al Bakiyye Reading
Montag Monday Ḷ≾.Г❞ Bashgun
Dienstag Tuesday ƆરГ❞ Dergun
Mittwoch Wednesday ⧽Г❞ Olgun
Donnerstag Thursday ⧽웃Г❞ Oltaygun
Freitag Friday ᎧᒍᎧГ❞ Ulugun
Samstag Saturday ⊲↾৬୨Г❞ Kıyavgun
Sontag Sunday ↾ᕴ↓Г❞ Iyıkgun

Months - I〟

Al Bakiyye Reading English
⥌↓ḺƝ Akpan January
ᛠᎧᒍᎧGƝ Tulugan February
⥌Ċર Achar March
⊲↾રĊƝ Kırchan April
ᛠરᛠĊƝ Tertechan May
ᛠOᓬરƝ Tozaran June
ḶOᓬરƝ Bozaran July
⊲↾ર⊲ર Kırkar Agust
ḶƆƝ Budan September
ḶᒍGƝ Bulgan October
⊲↾રᒍ≾. Kırlash November
ĊGƝ Çagan December


  • ʷ (chiftlem): It is read the consonant twice. ∧ᒍʷԋ (Allah)
  • ° (Dursak): It is stoped the previous letter. ⥌⊲°ḶḶ (Ak’baba).
  • . (Noktay): Point - It is used end of the sentences. て ∧ᒍʷԋ°ഥ. (Hay Allah’dır.)
  • , (Okmay): Comma. Ḷર⊲, @, ⧽ ⱱ ๛ (Barq, At, Ol ve Sin)

Others: ; ^ + - * / % & {} () [] ? = _ - ! : > < |

Countries - Land and National

  • british: ↾ƝГᒍᓬ (Ingelz)
  • british country: ↾ƝГᒍᓬ৬ (İngelzya)
  • british nation: ↾ƝГᒍᓬ..↾ (İngelzî)
  • british land: ↾ƝГᒍᓬ≾웃〟(İngelzestayen)
  • from british: ↾ƝГᒍᓬ৬ᒍ↾ (İngelzyali)
  • british: ᒍ≾Ɲ..↾ ↾ƝГᒍᓬ (Lesen-i İngelz)
  • english: ↾ƝГᒍᓬC (İngelzce)

Colours ĊᎧ’ᓬ❞ГӬƝ

૭’’મ Garay Black
૭’’↾ᓬᒍ Gızıl Red
৬≾.ᒍ Yeşel Green
ГȪⱱᓬ Gövez Navy blue
⥌⊲ГȪ⊲ Akalgök Plato
Claret red
ᛠᎧર⊲୨⥌ഥ’ Turkuvaz Turquoise
ГȪGરᛠ Göğerte Purple
⥌↓ Ak White
ГȪ⊲ Gök Blue
ḶOᓬ - Ċᒍ Boz, Çal Gry
≾⥌ᓬરƝГ Sazrenge Beige
৬Ǧᓬ - ⊲OЙર Yağaz, Konur Brown
ᛠᎧરλ Turunç Orange
⥌ᒍ Al Pink
じཞ Sayrıy Yellow
⥌ᒍ⥌C alaca Colorful

Foreign Words and Names Writing

There is a rule in the Al Bakiyye language for the foreign words and name. If the words or names are in a language which is written with the Latin alphabet, it is written it with equivalents of letters.

If the words or names are in a language which is written with another alphabets like arabic, cyril, china etc, it is written it with reading style.

For example: Schneider Mark is a german word. The alphabet is Latin.

Schneider Mark: ≾CԋƝЭ↾રƆЭર M∧ર⊲

NASA: Ɲ∧≾∧

Kemal: ⟓ЭM∧ᒍ

Jena: ĴЭƝ∧

Julia: ĴᎧᒍi∧

Coca Cola: COC∧ COᒍ∧

There is a rule in the Al Bakiyye language for the foreign words and name. If the words or names are in a language which is written with the Latin alphabet, it is written it with equivalents of letters.

For Example: خدا is a persian word and it is read as “Huda”. It is written in Al Bakiyye language as read.

خدا - (Hûda) : حاƆ∧

السلام عليكم  is a arabic word and it is read as “Esselamu Aleykum”. It is written in Al Bakiyye as read.

السلام عليكم  : ≾Эᒍ∧M↾Ɲ ∧ᒍЭ৬⟓Ꭷ’M

Al Bakiyye Literature

All literature genre like roman, lyric, theater etc can used in the Al Bakiyye. Also, In the Al Bakiyye language there are 3 literature genre. These are Damlahatname, Yazlam and gratitude journal.

Gratitude journal

ᒍ Г❞C..↾ MᎧてБʷ@❞ ৬ てᒍ〟 (El gunce-i mohabbatun ya haylan)

That is a greatitude, praying, giving thanks, calling to God.

Chapters: Title, Preliminary Input, Imprint, Rosary, Thanksgiving Diary, Word, Nukte, Prayer, Procedure, Patrol, Commentary, result and supplication.

Yazlam (ᒍ ৬ᓬ૪) Literary softwriting

This genre is a literary genre written like programming languages.


  1. Value assignment:  
  2. Value definition: [Feature saying]
  3. Provide the process
  4. Context

For example:


  ما, ๛, Ḷર⊲;

ما = Mark [ર, Ḷᕴ: 1.63],

๛ = Julia [Ɔ≾.↾, Ḷᕴ: 1.53],

Ḷ = Ḷર⊲ [৬Й, ⧽Ꭷ, 3 ⧽Ɔᒍ↾];

Ƒ  ما (じてḺ = Ḻમ)

{ Ḷ = ԋ (“You could buy a home.”) }

≾Э Ƒ ๛ (じてḺ = Ḻમ)

{ Ḷ = ԋ (“You could buy a home.”) }


{Ḷ = ᕴ↓ (“You haven’t got money, you can not buy a house”) }

// Ḻમ ჰŧ MᎧ’ԋƝ

#Б⧽ Ċᒍ≾.



<Б Title

A, B, C;

A = Name[Boy, long: 1.63],

B = Name [Sex, long: 1.53],

C = Home [new, big,  3 rooms];

Ƒ A (have money)

{ C = ԋ (“you can buy a house.”)}

≾Э Ƒ B (have money)

{C = ԋ (“you could buy a house”) }


{C = ᕴ↓ (“If you haven’t money you can not buy a house”) }

//The money is important

#Work too much.



Lâ Kuzey Yel mi Kün wurden şuğulerti kio kon ist enbatup or wurde ollar muunerterti lâ Ğazlam ber Yutman kio ken ol zeşglava ey özi Geyuat Çuklam olwan yolman. El Kuzey Yel wurde sınaerti bertal or gümerti ol tümbatulen. Jedox Nû kal olın Gümuat ist Kescan kalol eyol. Dem Bay Cayran tüm lâ Umuat-iatkol wurde el Yel seserti zu el Kün. El Kün wurde alunerti Lârp mit tüm lâ İssi Řiyol. Ya Yolman wurde hesserti ya issi Mutanurungat Gavuanrakfi aks ol wurde çıpawerti or ist lâ Cıbıl in ber ya Sukend or aks wurde ol yunawerti.

Glavung ist eyrak el Batufin.

The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the strongest, and then a man wearing a warm cloak came. They said that the one who could make the man take off his cloak was the strongest.

Auxiliary Resources

Al Bakiyye