Contionary:вит кӏэ̄р сив диркӏ
вит кӏэ̄р сив диркӏ • (wit kʔēr siw dirkʔ)
- to court, to woo
- Йырсы уът кӏэ̄р сив ккӏонцӏисы бэкярмәс тӏэ̄мәс диндэ ппа̄нәс ппа̄нәс гӯътӏ.
- Jyrsy uˤt kʔēr siw kkʔonc’isy bekjarmäs t’ēmäs dinde ppānäs ppānäs gūˤt’.
- It's a traditional courtship song often sung by bachelors on their way home.
Usage notes
The patient is placed after сив and marked as genitive 2