bak means "white"/(白). For other uses in compounds, see below.
Alternative forms
Roman: bag
(Dan'a'yo) IPA: /bak/
- 白 - (adj) white
- 薄 - (adj) dilute, sparse --> 希薄
- 泊 - (v.intr) to lie at anchor --> 停泊
- 伯 - (n) uncle --> 伯父
- 舶 - (n) oceanliner --> 船舶
- 博 - (adj) broad, extensive --> 博大
- 縛 - ( tie, bind --> 束縛
- 迫 - ( force, compel --> 強迫
- 箔 - (adv, n) foil, screen --> 蚕箔
- 檗 - (name, n) amur maple --> 黃蘗
- 帛 - (name, n) ancient silk --> 布帛
- 駁 - (adv, to refute --> 反駁