IPA for Cet

The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Cet pronunciations. English approximations are loose in some cases and are only intended to give a general idea of the pronunciation.

IPA Examples equivalent
b bród bread
p apl, pík spy
d dúv dove
t stolt bestow
ɡ gift, cet gift
k krón crown
m mús mouse
n nás no
ŋ þing thing
v vín vineyard
f f fish
ð alðó although
θ þrón throne
z sakzi zap
s s house
ʒ ź measure
ʃ śop shop
h hús house
x lach, lah, lagh Loch (Scots)
ç fech, feh, fegh hue
w watr water
l ló low
j ja yes
r ród red, arroz (Spanish), rot (German)
IPA Examples equivalent
ɑ angs bath (short; RP)
o(ː) kás yawn (RP), Boot (German)
ɛ trek bet
pésk blame
ɪ liv bit
i(ː) líd free
ɔ mond thought (RP, General American), Post (German)
ló though (General American)
j sovja young
ˈ Primary stress
ˌ Secondary stress