IPA for Modern Coptic

The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Modern Coptic pronunciations. English approximations are loose in some cases and are only intended to give a general idea of the pronunciation.

IPA Latin Example nearest English equivalent
m m mu mom
n n nofre nine
f f efvef fire
s s sime side
ʃ x xaj shoe
x kh sakh loch
h h howt heel
p p pite pace
t t to talk
c cempéh church
c kj kjoove cute
k k keeme cake
β v verre vain
w w awin win
l l lavo lion
ɾ r ree run (but trilled or tapped)
j j joot yes
ʔ mu'e uh-oh
IPA Latin Example nearest English equivalent
a a af was
ə e heto align
e é fént bed
ee anseev heard (non-rhotic)
o o snof law (but shorter)
oo oonkh law
i i ci bee
y y psyke fu (French)
u u emu food