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'''Tsapkhan''' (''Tsap Khah vaam'') is the official language of Tsapkha in [[Bjeheond]].
'''{{PAGENAME}}''' (''nủtufỉxi'', from ''nủtu'' 'Pategian' + ''fỉxi'' 'language') is a [[Pategic languages|Pategic]] language spoken by the [[Verse:Tricin/Pategia|Pategian]] people in [[Verse:Tricin|Tricin]].

It is inspired by Welsh, Hungarian, and classical IE languages (Latin, Greek and Avestan). Pategian is also analogous to Hungarian from a diachronic perspective: roots that are disyllabic in other Pategic languages are often monosyllabic in Pategian.

This is a short reminder of the language format policy.
Pategian has 4 main dialects:
I. Write a short piece stating your intents and purposes when creating the language (Design goal, inspiration, ideas, and so on).
II. Write a short introduction to your language. (Who speaks it? When was it created? By whom? or what? are some example questions that can be answered here)
III. Once done, try making sure everything is properly spelt so as to avoid unnecessary reader fatigue.
Tsapkhan is a tonal language and is unrelated to the [[Hlou]]-[[Ku]] languages.

p t ts tc k b d dz dq g ph th s c kh h f x z q m n l r lh rh j

Oddly enough, the only nasal sounds present in Tsapkhan are retroflex, as the others have undergone mergers. /m n ɲ/ merged with /ʋ l j/ while /ŋ/ disappeared. Historical /z/ merged with /dʰ/.
/p t ts tʃ k b d dz dʒ g f θ s ʃ x h v ð z ʒ m n l r ɬ rʰ j/
p t tʰ ʈ ʈʰ c cʰ k kʰ bʰ dʰ ɖʰ ɟʰ gʰ
pɳ ʈɳ kɳ pʰɳ kʰɳ pɬ kɬ pr kr pr̥ kr̥
ɳ~ɭ̃ ɳʰ
ts s tɬ ɬ l tʳ r̥ r j ʋ
a e i o u (e and i are realized as /ə/ and /ɨ/ after retroflex consonants; o and u are realized as /ø/ and /y/ after palatals)
Ø (null), p, t, ʔ, ṃ (realized as nasalization and lengthening of the previous vowel)
There are four tones in Tsapkhan in addition to the unstressed tone:
1) high level (ā /a˥˦/)
2) mid level (a or ạ /a˧/); not used with breathy initials or final stops
3) low dipping (ǎ /a˨˩˦/); realized as a low level tone with final stops
4) mid rising (á /˧˥/); not used with final stops
The consonants are written:
''p ph t th nt nth c ch k kh b d nd j g''
''pn tn kn phn khn phl khl pr kr phr khr''
''n nh''

''ts s thl hl l thr hr r y v''
a â e i o u y ả ẩ ẻ ỉ ỏ ủ ỷ
/a ɑ e i o u ɨ a: ɑ: e: i: o: u: ɨ:/

The vowels are ''a e i o u''. Finals are written ''p t k m''.
===Pitch accent===

The high level tone is written with an ''h'' after the vowel if the final is null, or by doubling the final.
Old Pategian had a pitch accent in long vowels which could be rising (written ả) or falling (written ạ). The distinction is neutralized in Modern Pategian.

The mid level tone is unmarked.
No initial clusters, geminates allowed

The dipping tone is written by doubling the vowel. If the final is a stop, the dipping tone is unmarked.
Stress follows the Dreimorengesetz.

The rising tone is written with an acute accent.


Tsapkhan syntax is strictly head-final.
Most ancient Pategian poetry was written in flexible quantitative meters reminiscent of Vedic Sanskrit, but a few authors have experimented with the stricter quantitative meters used in [[Sowaár]] poetry. Stress-accentual meters and rhyming unmetric verse, influenced by [[Windermere]] poetry, are also common.

[[Category:Pategic languages]]
