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12 bytes added ,  24 February 2018
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'''Passive''' is formed with the ending '''-́wa''' in the present and '''-́wi''' in the perfect.
'''Passive''' is formed with the ending '''-́wa''' in the present and '''-́wi''' in the perfect.
:e.g. ጔድሏ ''gweddḯl<b>wa</b>'' "to be walked to", ጔድልዊ ''gweddḯl<b>wi</b>'' "to have been walked to".
:e.g. ጔድሏ ''gweddḯl<b>wa</b>'' "to be walked to", ጔድልዊ ''gweddḯl<b>wi</b>'' "to have been walked to".
::ጔድሏ ''gïzúng<b>wa</b>'' "to be cooked", ጔድልዊ ''gïzúng<b>wi</b>'' "to have been cooked".
::ግዙጟ ''gïzúng<b>wa</b>'' "to be cooked", ግዙⶔ ''gïzúng<b>wi</b>'' "to have been cooked".

'''Causative''' is formed with the suffix ''-ísh-'' [''-́sh-'']. This suffix spirantizes and palatalizes preceding consonants wherever applicable; however, loanwords may not be affected.
'''Causative''' is formed with the suffix ''-ísh-'' [''-́sh-'']. This suffix spirantizes and palatalizes preceding consonants wherever applicable; however, loanwords may not be affected.
:e.g. ጔዚሸ ''gwezz<b>íshä</b>'' "to cause to walk", ጔዚሺ ''gwezz<b>íshi</b>'' "to have caused to walk".
:e.g. ጔዚሸ ''gwezz<b>íshä</b>'' "to cause to walk", ጔዚሺ ''gwezz<b>íshi</b>'' "to have caused to walk".
:: ጔዚሸ ''gïzuj<b>íshä</b>'' "to make (someone) cook", ጔዚሺ ''gïzuj<b>íshi</b>'' "to have made (someone) to cook".
:: ግዙጂሸ ''gïzuj<b>íshä</b>'' "to make (someone) cook", ግዙጂሺ ''gïzuj<b>íshi</b>'' "to have made (someone) to cook".

'''Applicative''' is formed with the suffix ''-(ï)l-''. This suffix causes velar/guttural consonants to be palatalized; again, loanwords may not be affected.
'''Applicative''' is formed with the suffix ''-(ï)l-''. This suffix causes velar/guttural consonants to be palatalized; again, loanwords may not be affected.
:e.g. ጔድለ ''gwèdd<b>ïlä</b>'' "to walk to", ጔዲሊ ''gwèdd<b>ïli</b>'' "to have walked to".
:e.g. ጔድለ ''gwèdd<b>ïlä</b>'' "to walk to", ጔዲሊ ''gwèdd<b>ïli</b>'' "to have walked to".
:: ጔድለ ''gïzúy<b>lä</b>'' "to cook for", ጔዲሊ ''gïzúy<b>li</b>'' "to have cooked for".
:: ግዙይለ ''gïzúy<b>lä</b>'' "to cook for", ግዙይሊ ''gïzúy<b>li</b>'' "to have cooked for".

'''Reciprocal''' is formed with the suffix ''-än-'' [''-n-''].
'''Reciprocal''' is formed with the suffix ''-än-'' [''-n-''].
:e.g. ጔድለነ ''gweddïl<b>änä</b>'' "to walk to each other", ጔድለኒ ''gweddïl<b>äni</b>'' "to have walked to each other".
:e.g. ጔድለነ ''gweddïl<b>änä</b>'' "to walk to each other", ጔድለኒ ''gweddïl<b>äni</b>'' "to have walked to each other".
:: ጔድለነ ''gïzúng<b>änä</b>'' "to cook each other", ጔድለኒ ''gïzúng<b>äni</b>'' "to have cooked each other".
:: ግዙጘነ ''gïzúng<b>änä</b>'' "to cook each other", ግዙጘኒ ''gïzúng<b>äni</b>'' "to have cooked each other".

'''Neuter''' (not very productive) is formed with the suffix ''-(ï)g-''. It is used for the middle voice and can have unpredictable meaning.
'''Neuter''' (not very productive) is formed with the suffix ''-(ï)g-''. It is used for the middle voice and can have unpredictable meaning.
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Suffixes can be stacked. The general order is causative-applicative-reciprocal-passive, but this may change depending on meaning.
Suffixes can be stacked. The general order is causative-applicative-reciprocal-passive, but this may change depending on meaning.
:e.g. ጔዚሽለኖ ''gwezz<b>ishlä́nwa</b>'' "to be made to walk to each other", ጔዚሽለኑ ''gwezz<b>ishlä́nwi</b>'' "to have been made to walk to each other".
:e.g. ጔዚሽለኗ ''gwezz<b>ishlä́nwa</b>'' "to be made to walk to each other", ጔዚሽለንዊ ''gwezz<b>ishlä́nwi</b>'' "to have been made to walk to each other".

