Contionary:tu: Difference between revisions

669 bytes removed ,  28 November 2018
intralingua word
(intralingua word)
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== Intralingua ==
=== Alternative forms ===
oblique {{C|te}}, adjectival {{C|tue}}
=== Etymology ===
From Latin and common Romance [[wikt:tu]].

* {{IPA|lang=ia|/tu/}}
# [[you]] (singular); [[thou]]
# ''your''
[[Category:Intralingua words]]

Welcome to the new word template!
To speed up some time, we've included a handy expansion template that quickly builds up the page. All you need to do is fill in a few things.
1 = is equal to the name of your language, first-letter capitalised.
2 = is the actual word.
POS = This is where you fill in the primary category to which your word belongs to. Is it a noun, an adjective or a verb? Perhaps, a particle? Capitalise the first letter: write Noun, not “noun”.
IPA = The pronunciation of your word may be filled in here using the International Phonetic Alphabet (accessible by going to Special Characters > IPA).
POS2 = This will be used to categorise your entry; do not use a capital here, write ''noun'' rather, instead of ''Noun'' (Opposite of POS!)

An example is given here, using the word ''entry''

<!-- Now you try! -->
===Alternative forms===
===Alternative forms===
