Chlouvānem/Syntax: Difference between revisions

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| phrase = lūminaise āñjulā jamom!
| phrase = lūminaise jogam jamom!
| gloss = if_only. there. be-<small>OPT.PERF.1SG.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
| gloss = if_only. there. be-<small>OPT.PERF.1SG.EXTERIOR.PATIENT</small>.
| translation = If only I had been there!
| translation = If only I had been there!
| phrase = nanā dvārma saminyan gu natyāmorā ša.
| phrase = nanā dvārma saminyan gu natyogērā ša.
| gloss = that.<small>DIR</small>. room.<small>DIR.SG</small>. child-<small>ESS.PL</small>. <small>NEG</small>=stay-<small>OPT.IMPF.3SG.EXTERIOR-LOC</small>=<small>NEG</small>.
| gloss = that.<small>DIR</small>. room.<small>DIR.SG</small>. child-<small>ESS.PL</small>. <small>NEG</small>=stay-<small>OPT.IMPF.3SG.EXTERIOR-LOC</small>=<small>NEG</small>.
| translation = Kids shouldn't stay in that room.
| translation = Kids shouldn't stay in that room.
| phrase = daudike nacamai : tamirtirismoes.
| phrase = daudike nacamai : tamirtugirises.
| gloss = want-<small>INF</small> be.<small>HON-OPT.IMPF.2SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. be_seated-<small>EXP-CAUS-OPT-PERF.2SG.INTERIOR.COMMON</small>.
| gloss = want-<small>INF</small> be.<small>HON-OPT.IMPF.2SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>. be_seated-<small>OPT-EXP-CAUS-PERF.2SG.INTERIOR.COMMON</small>.
| translation = Please sit down.
| translation = Please sit down.
| phrase = menire tatetimismai.
| phrase = menire tatetyogisi.
| gloss = tomorrow. be_stand-<small>EXP-CAUS-OPT-IMPF.2SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>.
| gloss = tomorrow. be_stand-<small>OPT-EXP-CAUS-IMPF.2SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>.
| translation = Decide/Take a decision tomorrow. ~ Tomorrow you should take a decision.
| translation = Decide/Take a decision tomorrow. ~ Tomorrow you should take a decision.
| phrase = menire tatetimismoes.
| phrase = menire tatetyogises.
| gloss = tomorrow. be_stand-<small>EXP-CAUS-OPT-PERF.2SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>.
| gloss = tomorrow. be_stand-<small>OPT-EXP-CAUS-PERF.2SG.EXTERIOR-AGENT</small>.
| translation = Have a decision taken tomorrow. ~ Tomorrow you should have already taken a decision.
| translation = Have a decision taken tomorrow. ~ Tomorrow you should have already taken a decision.
